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Moment of Awesome - David Haller/Legion: Following his "healing" at the hands of Radha Dastoor, Haller meets with Quentin concerning his newfound ally's methods.

"Quentin. Thanks for meeting me."

Though the double-barreled shotgun Quentin held was only a psychic construct, as evidenced by the fact it was bright pink and glowed, Sydney's gun safety lessons were ingrained, so Quentin lowered it and set it aside before turning to face his visitor. "Jimothy. You seem . . . different. Did you do something with your hair?"

"No. I went to see Radha a couple days ago." The older man paused, as if struggling to find the right word. Then, seeming to find nothing more accurate, he said, "She cured me."

"Of your crippling need to sacrifice your own wellbeing for the sake of helping other people who barely appreciate it?"

"No." Haller looked at the target so recently decimated by Quentin's shotgun and raised a hand.

It happened slowly enough that the process was clear to the naked eye. The noise came first: a tortured snapping, like someone slowly bending a two by four. The wooden posts began to splinter as if unseen hands were rending the wood apart from every angle, shredding them into dozens, then hundreds, then thousands of pieces barely bigger than matchsticks. They hung in the air, a latticework of drifting wood, and the X-Man twisted his hand. The particles began to smolder, then swirl. A column of tiny flames swirled into the air like a swarm of fireflies. With a final snap of Haller's fingers the column exploded outward into a shining cloud.

The tattered paper target fluttered to the grass, untouched.

Ash raining around them, Haller turned back to Quentin.

"My other problem."

It was an impressive display, kind of showboaty considering Quentin's own telekinesis was limited to carrying groceries or packing a bowl, though he could appreciate the drama of it all, particularly the final snap.

"Looks like she just replaced mental illness with compulsory destruction of property," he sighed as he dismissed his psychic shotgun in a puff of pink mist. He would have to take to the Danger Room now to practice, and he really did not care to have any X-Man watching over his shoulder. "Not her best work. But a cure's a cure, I guess."

"I didn't ask for one. She didn't even warn me. She just did it." The words were uncharacteristically sharp. Even as he heard it he tried to rein himself in, but it was difficult. His emotions seemed to be closer to the surface, messier, especially the aspects that had previously been delegated to Cyndi and Jack. Haller took a deep breath and tried to choose his next words with care.

"Look," he said, "Radha saw something she thought was ugly, and instead of asking she just changed it. She went into my mind and made me conform to her expectations of what a real person should look like. Like I was just a piece of broken furniture she found on the side of the road that she could refurbish and sell off again." The counselor shook his head. "I know you respect her, and that she seems to have done a lot of good for a lot of people, but if this is how she thinks -- what are the implications for the world she's trying to build?"

Quentin crossed his arms and defiantly glared at Haller. (Just David now? He wondered. This meant Cyndi was gone. Pity.) "Seems to me she healed a lifetime of trauma and intense psychological impairment, which you've spent how many decades trying to treat? And no one else has ever even come close to it, while she did it in the blink of an eye. Painlessly. She found your problem and fixed you, and I bet she didn't even ask for a 'thank you' in return."

"That's the thing. She didn't fix anything. She just got rid of how I dealt with it. DID is a survival mechanism, not a party trick. If Radha had bothered to ask, I'd have told her the others were created to hold experiences and memories so traumatic I almost lost my mind, and that all she did by removing my ability to dissociate was ungate them for me all at once. Now I remember everything. Feel everything. Unfiltered." Haller took a swift step forward that brought him immediately into Quentin's space, staring the younger man dead in the eyes. A small blotch of brown in his left eye was the only remaining trace of his natural heterochromia, but the ice in his tone could have been Jack's.

"Tell me I'm lucky to remember the sound of fat popping while I burned six people alive," Haller whispered. "Tell me I should thank her for the memory of being trapped in every single one of their disintegrating minds as I tore the tendons from their bones. That I owe her for a memory I didn't even know I had: being trapped in the rubble under my guardian's corpse, smelling charred human meat while the flies crawled over us."

He was breathing hard now, and he could feel the telekinesis shivering just beneath his skin -- close. Too close. This wasn't Quentin's fault. Haller turned away and pressed his hands to his face, steadying himself. He took another deep breath. "Sorry," he said, "but those decades of worthless treatment are the only reason I'm still standing here."

Today in XProject:

September 21

2003: Hurricane Isabel: The hurricane hits and the school turns out to help. A wall falls on one of Jamie's dupes and kills him.

2004: Amanda finds her way into Angelo’s dreams and witnesses him being forced to kill someone from his gang. When she wakes up, Manuel uses his powers to show her exactly how he sees her. Scott goes to get a check-up from Madelyn, and Nathan manages to set Haroun on fire during an obstacle course. Clarice tries to badger Jay into going to the HeliX ball but fails.

2005: Jean and Manuel have a mild confrontation in the rose garden. Alison checks up on how Bobby's dealing with Tommy's presence.

2006: Bleeding: Kurt and Ororo arrive at the hotel room where Jennie, Marius and Manuel have been staying, but they don't expect to find a catatonic girl instead; Storm finds Marius in a bar and tries to convince him to come with her, it doesn't go to plan; Marius ends up teleporting back to Jennie and Manuel and convinces them to leave; back at the bar, Storm finds the patrons going nuts and has to resort to powers to get out; Nightcrawler and Rogue find that Storm isn't the only one under attack before at the club; Rahne and Wanda are on Jennie and Marius' trail but unfortunately Wanda has to deal with the luck backlash; when Jennie stops running, Manuel has to save the day and pays the price; when the rest of the team arrives, Marius isn't far behind and thinks the worst, attacking the X-Men until Nightcrawler has to take him out; later, Marie realizes that Kurt is very affected by what he had to do; Wanda and Rahne get the information about the teenagers' conditions and Ororo and Marie find that they have a new student to take home.

2007: Wanda confronts Nathan about Tara Trask and a compromise is achieved. Family Portrait - Zach arrives at the mansion to offer his help in curing Gail.

2008: Laurie posts her disapproval of drinking and is told she's being repetitive. Tabitha organises a breakfast run and texts Doug to be sure it's okay to join him and Marie-Ange. Catseye talks about her Saturday in the city and her brother's new girlfriend. Jubilee is mellow. Nori emails Jennie about her moving out of the suite. Amanda and Jennie fight on Laurie's journal and Manuel emails Amanda afterwards, requesting she come give him a break from the mansion's tensions and they wind up at a restaurant together; Jean-Phillipe is amused by the whole thing; Marius emails Forge and is confused about the sudden insanity; Morgan emails Laurie and offers roommate advice. Somewhere More Familiar: Jane is confused about the previous day's encounter. Karolina announces her absence for the evening and the next day; Garrison posts to the staff comm about her post. Scott and Jean escape to Harry's.

2009: Yvette approaches Ororo about a desire to start X-Men training and the team leader agrees that Yvette is ready to join the team. Operation: Man of Stone: Remy meets Zakharov to let him know his compound is gone and that X-Force is going to end him for breaking Remy's rules. Amanda texts Angelo asking to meet him so they can talk. At their meeting, they agree that they are not being successful as a couple and decide to stay friends instead.

2010: Vanessa and Jean meet to discuss the events of the night before. Jan points out the next day is the last day of summer.

2011: Kyle's student loans are mysteriously paid off. Wade admits possible responsibility for this in an email.

2012: Johnny posts to the journal’s that Kyle is the boss and is prettier than him, as well as winning their competition. Lorna informs the mansion that there are Nutella filled donuts left over from cooking class if anyone wants them and makes plans to make more with Molly after dinner. Scott asks Lorna to help him make a chocolate dessert for Jean so he can help her relax while watching over Garrison for a while. Jubilee posts Kelis’ Milkshake video and blames Kyle. Matt takes Hope roller-skating in an attempt to cheer her up.

2013: Laurie asks Doug out and confuses the hell out of him. Someone sabotages Doug’s laptop so it sings “You Are My Sunshine.” In the X-Corps office, Angelo finds Tabitha strangely defensive when he asks her about trying new work.

2014: Higher Than Hope: Xavier contacts the X-Men about Hope and Laurie failing to return from Michigan; Hope is convinced to stay after being told she would be helping save a country; Laurie is given biochemical research to do by the kidnappers and is told if she complies she and Hope will be released; Doug posts to Snow Valley about Hope and Laurie’s disappearance; Doug emails Wade about help finding Hope and Laurie and killing Telford Porter; Garrison, Adrienne and Kyle arrive in Michigan to investigate the girls’ disappearance. Angel texts Julian about her hangover from the party the night before. Party Night 2: Tandy and Julian meet and discuss Fate and the limelight before dancing together. Megan asks Artie out for coffee. Gabriel emails Julian to thank him for hosting the party and to ask after the whereabouts of some lost clothing items.

2015: Laurie asks Clint for some archery practice and finds he’s in the city. Laurie announces she has made ginger kiss cookies for everyone as a distraction from her healing. As per their bet, Garrison takes out an ad in the Daily Bugle admitting the Jays suck. Lorna and Alex leave for California; Alex makes an Instagram cross post from the road while heading back to Cali.

2016: Everett emails Sooraya to ask how the training is going. The Dulcet Sound of My Voice: Cara helps Darcy to get to a major lobbyist; Darcy undoes the damage to Delegate Hooper caused by Garrulous.

2017: Psi War: To cleanse the astral plane, Amanda calls on Wanda, Illyana, and Stephen to recreate the grand spell she cast nearly a decade ago; Quentin tries to get uncomfortably close to Jean, but reveals he is hosting the Shadow King when the ritual ends, with the Shadow King racing to the X-Force offices in order to kill the magic users. Jean arrives shortly after and there is a battle involving her, Haller and Amanda while Wanda gets the students to safety; confronted with a terrifying choice as Jean offers herself as a sacrifice to the Shadow King and Quentin is forced to make the ultimate decision; Wanda emails Doug and Marie-Ange asking for them to come to the site of Quentin’s sacrifice with a container.


2019: Jean celebrates "Happy Earth, Wind and Fire Day" by posting a video of September.

2020: Operation: Crazy X-Girlfriend: X-Force attempts to lay a trap for Mary, but has the tables turned as Mary proves to be more than they can handle; Mary throws Kevin and herself out of a window and escapes with him, running over a number of pedestrians along the way and projecting their pain to everyone in the surrounding area which halts any pursuit.

2021: Terry emails America to ask if she'd like updates on the status of her friends from Madripoor. Darcy posts to ask if anyone would be willing to be her sparring partner.

2022: Following the business with the Maggia, Kevin sounds out Sarah about joining X-Force. Clint emails Marie-Ange and Jubilee about research in China on an “invisibility cloak” that’s gone suddenly silent.

2023: Terry texts Kyle to plan Halloween costumes. Following his idea, Sharon S. takes Liam to meet with Megan to get sized for safety clothing.

XProject Announcements and News:

Following a wave of departures of many of our long-standing players - after all, six years is a long time in one game! - X-Project is focussing our advertising might towards filling some of our unplayed characters and available NPCs. We will still look at applications for new characters, but our preference is for applications for socks.

Wanted especially are players for our orphaned X-Men characters. From founding members Cyclops and Phoenix, to veterans like Colossus, Jetstream and Banshee, to newer recruits such as Siryn, Havok and Roulette, we have X-Men galore!

Character histories range from the proverbial barely-played blank slate to the in-depth and rich history, loaded with established relationships to ease into the game with. To help give you an idea of each character, we have a series of "cards" for each available character/NPC.

Check things out, have a look at our FAQ, especially the section on Applying to X-Project and contact the mods if you have any questions!

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