Template:Featured Articles/7-2016

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MoA Daredevil.png
Moment of Awesome - Matt Murdock/Daredevil : Assisting some friends on a stakeout, Daredevil comes off worst against The Prowler.

Matt was many things, including a black belt several times over in different martial arts, but he did not possess superhuman speed. The kick effectively knocked him down, though not out as he immediately rolled and kicked at Prowler's knee, unconsciously leaving his chest open.

The kick connected with Prowler's leg, but as he stumbled, he moved his weapon-wielding hand in front of him. As he recovered, he moved his hand - and the taser in it toward Daredevil's form on the ground.

The taser prongs bit into his flesh despite the flexible body armour he wore and it was a good thing he was already down because falling would be worse. Convulsing, Matt was helpless to stop it as the energy coursed through his body, muscles spasming uncontrollably.

Prowler allowed himself the smallest of smirks before dropping the taser on the ground and immediately kicking Daredevil in the stomach several times. His expression widened at the man's grunts of pain, and he crouched over the other man's body.

"Much easier this time, eh?" The thief threw a punch at Daredevil's jaw, then at his cheek. His form was poor - clearly he hadn't spent much time training at a dojo or anything, but what he lacked in style, he made up for in brute aggression. As his fists connected with the other man's face, it was clear that he was hiding serious strength behind his mask and outfit.

Prowler continued to attack Murdock on the ground, his energy surprising given that he'd just taken down four opponents. Then, just as quickly as he'd began combat, his hands fell to his side. With surprisingly quick reflexes, he jumped up and bolted, grabbing his bag of goodies as he fled.

Reaching for his comm, Matt hit it, then grunted, rolling to his side before working up the ability to get up. He didn't remember the Prowler hitting that hard. Or having those toys. The man had a serious upgrade recently and that was not good for their mission.