Image inducer

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Item: Image Inducer
First Seen: May 2003

An image inducer is a portable hologram projector and miniature computer all in one, approximately the size of an old-style Walkman. Used to mask the appearance of a humanoid wearer, the image inducer can be programmed with a three-dimensional holographic image of the intended appearance, and then recreate it via a projection apparatus. The effect is a nearly-perfect visual disguise, although an image inducer cannot change a subjects voice, smell, or mannerisms. Most models are also imperfect at recreating facial expressions, especially when used by subjects with nonhuman facial features.

Mutants with enhanced senses, namely ferals, often find it disconcerting to be around someone wearing an image inducer, not only due to the slight smell of ozone given off by the hologram projector, but because their enhanced sight can occasionally detect the minute flicker as the hologram refreshes itself.

A standard image inducer is prohibitively expensive, costing in the high six-figures to create and maintain. As such, they are exceedingly rare, and not available on the public market. Dr. Henry McCoy developed a series of inducers for use by the staff and students of Xavier's, however with his departure they have fallen out of use as Forge refuses to repair or build them for personal ethical reasons.