Nicholas Gleason

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Nicholas Gelason
Portrayed by Joseph Gordon-Levitt
Affiliations: Xavier's School for Gifted Youngsters - student; New Mutants
Birthdate: May 2, 1992
Journal: x_wolfcub
Player: Craig

Nick's parents were killed by a mutant purist group. As a result he attempted to take his own life. After being saved, he was tipped off to the mansion by mutant-friendly doctors.


Character Journal: x_wolfcub

Real Name: Nicholas Gleason

Codename: Wolf Cub

Aliases: None Known

First Appearance: TBD

Date of Birth: May 2nd, 1992

Place of Birth: Sun Prairie, WI

Citizenship: American

Relatives: William Gleason (Father – Deceased); Veronica Gleason (Mother – Deceased); Natalie Gleason (Sister – Younger)

Education: Some High School

Relationship Status: Single

Occupation: Student

Team Affiliation: New Mutants



Nick was the first of two children born to a particularly close-knit family in central Wisconsin. His father, a Professor of Sociology at the University of Wisconsin-Madison was very controversial in his stance to support and embrace the newly found mutant population, claiming that they are just another example of a minority population that needs all the support we can give them. His mother, a baker at a local pastry shop, devoted almost all of her free time to insure that Nick and his younger sister, Natalie, were well taken care of. It was a quiet, peaceful existence until a fateful day in Nick’s fifth grade class.

Being a scrawny kid, Nick was often the subject of much ridicule and bullying. One day an older boy took it a bit too far, pushing a young Nick over a bench, and breaking the boy’s arm. Nervous about what would happen if he was caught, the bully ran, leaving Nick alone, hurt, and consumed by anger. In his rage, Nick’s dormant mutant gene was triggered, spawning a transformation into a werewolf form. Still enraged, Nick crashed into his classroom, were he scratched the bully across the face and sprinted into the woods before anyone really knew what happened.

Embarrassed by his powers, Nick only shared his secret with his father. Although shocked, William Gleason still loved his son, making sure to protect him from the prying eyes of a judging world. Although William did his best to hide Nick from the view of others during his transformation, some spottings were made of a mysterious wolf-man in Wisconsin. But they all seemed relatively harmless until a hunter witnessed Nick transform in the woods. Running into town, the hunter began screaming about a freak he just saw. Unfortunately, the bar was the town meeting location for the Anti-Mutant group known as The Friends of Humanity.

Members of The F.O.H. convinced the town not only that Nick was a mutant, but that his family needed to be punished for harboring one of his kind. In the middle of the night, The F.O.H. set the Gleason’s house on fire, trying to end the scourge they perceived. Nick, who was still in the woods after his transformation back to his human form, smelled the fire and ran to the house. Upon seeing the house on fire, Nick summoned all of his strength and triggered his first controlled transformation. He ran into the blazing home, but unfortunately was already too late to save his parents. He did escape the blaze with his sister in tow before leaving his past scorched behind him.

The next day Nick anonymously left his sister outside of the Milwaukee Police Department, knowing that they would be able to find a place more apt to raising the girl. He then left to find a quiet spot in the forest. While there, Nick realized how much his mutant powers had harmed those that cared about him. Seeing no other way out, Nick tried slashing his wrists with an old axe he found in the forest. But his story didn’t end there as an unknown stranger, brought the injured Nick to a mutant-friendly hospital in Northern Illinois. Nick most likely would have been released back into the real world if a nurse hadn’t walked in and saw him transform into his wolf form while trying to regain consciousness. After making sure that it was safe to reenter the room a doctor at the hospital told him of a former associate of his, Dr. Nathaniel Essex, who taught them of a special school that showed young mutants to use their abilities. Seeing no way to sink down any further, Nick began making his way towards Xavier's School for Gifted Youngsters immediately after being released.

Living At The X-Mansion

Nick is currently seeking out Dr. Essex to find a way to the mansion

Physical Characteristics

Height: Normal – 5’6”; Wolf-Form – 5’10

Weight: Normal – 150 lbs; Wolf-Form – 230 lbs

Eyes: Brown

Hair: Brown

Other Features: In his wolf-form, Wolf Cub’s entire body is covered by fur that’s the same color as his normal hair. His mouth also elongates into a snout, and his ears stretch out and become pointed in this form as he grows larger during the transformation as well.



Nick can transform his body into a near Werewolf-like form. Besides the physical growth associated with this transformation, he also gains enhanced senses (with enhanced night vision as well as the ability to hear and smell things for several meters past that of a human threshold), strength (with that of about 2 normal men), speed (with the ability to reach speeds of close to 29 MPH at a full sprint), agility (with the ability to leap close to 3.5 meters in the air), reflexes, coordination, balance, and endurance. Also in this form, Nick’s fingers and toes gain razor-sharp claws that along with the fangs in his mouth are often used as weapons. Originally, Nick could not control his transformations, instead only shifting at times of emotional arousal. Certain events have allowed for him to also gain the ability to transform into his wolf-form at will, however in periods of intense emotions he has been known to trigger an unwanted shift. A drawback to the transformation is that Nick cannot control his own emotions very well while transformed. He becomes almost animalistic, and in extreme cases, has been known to go almost completely feral. His mind becomes much more instinctual, seeking his basic needs such as food and protection from harm. Although with age he has become much more adept at controlling these emotions, he does have difficulty with control especially when flying into bouts of rage.


Nick always carries a pair of reading glasses on his person.


  • Nick was known for being a prankster before his powers manifested.
  • He is an aspiring student of theatre.
  • His favorite book is Shakespeare's "Taming of the Shrew"


Coming Soon...


Player: Craig

E-mail: 160px

AIM: BobAgentofHYDRA

Player Icon Base: Joseph Gordon-Levitt

Meta Trivia

Gleason is in his first handler, and as Craig's first character