Template:Selected anniversaries/April 18

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April 18

2004: Daddy's Girl: Angelo and Amanda go to LA, and all goes relatively smoothly until Patches shows up with a message from Rack, leading to desperate plans.

2005: Amanda sees Nathan for the first time since she left and introduces him to Meggan; later, Amanda tries to use the link to talk to Manuel and runs up against a weave designed specifically against her. Betsy catches the plane back to New York from England.

2007: In the small hours, Scott and Jean discuss nightmares. During a speech on 'The History of Peeps' during lunch, Jan rather abruptly regains her full size whilst her clothes do not, much to the appreciation of the male population. Kurt drops by to say goodbye to Bobby and help him move boxes; Terry and Bobby fight on the way to the airport and he leaves before they can make up; Terry is miserable on the journals. Ororo threatens death to the person who used all her ice cream and didn't replace it; Lorna offers her brownies. Kurt invites Angel and her friends to come see the Munich Circus in town. Illyana meets Kurt in his tree, and has an awkward conversation. Illyana posts a 'handy' 'how to survive a demon attack' guide on her journal and announces her new job, to mixed results, including a chewing out from Remy for being reckless. Marius and Medusa experiment with her powers in the library and incur Tabitha's wrath. Amanda comes to the mansion to replace the magical protection and has a close encounter with Cain, who discovers he can read magical writing. Later, Amanda has coffee with John, and they catch up on old times. Kyle introduces Jan to the treehouse. Monet offers her services as chaperone to the prom, despite Marie's misgivings.

2008: Marie emails Amanda, asking for beer and pizza night; Amanda cancels a night out with Angelo, letting him know she'll be comforting Marie about the breakup. Adrienne goes to the Elpis offices and manages to make a bad impression on Angelo and Nathan and vice versa. Doug posts sleep deprived after a Rockie v. Padres baseball game goes to 22 innings. Shakespeare Syndrome: Tatiana seeks refuge with Nathan; Lorna has a theory regarding the poetry, and tests it with Jean, proving it's a batch of the sports drink "Green Speed" that's causing the issue; Jean announces on the staff comm that she's identified a foreign substance in the Green Speed and she's going to Oregon to the factory; Jean announces on the general comm that they've found the cause; Jean asks Jennie to come with her to Oregon; Adrienne reflects that she might have been able to identify the culprit with her powers; Betsy goes out clubbing and gets a drink spiked with Green Speed; Jean and Jennie have an unproductive meeting with the man in charge of the Green Speed factory, but get access to the factory floor. Adrienne emails Garrison to taunt him about baseball and try to get him to come out, and he's not particularly amused. Kevin emails Clarice, asking for help with a six-month anniversary gift for Jay. Ororo meets Christopher Summers and they talk about Scott and the team. Kevin emails Yvette with a plan to overcome both their issues with crowds and visiting the Met. Amanda and Marie-Ange share a bottle of red and gossip.

2009: While training in the Danger Room, Scott, Monet, Logan, and Lil manage to break the training room enough to take it completely offline and send Scott to the medlab; Jean and Forge both lecture Scott in his incapacitated state. Jake survives a run-in with Cammie (literally), and uses Jean-Paul's suite to cleanse himself of the toxic by-products. The Stepfords begin their campaign of gossip about Jean-Paul, talking to Manuel, Doreen, and Julian. Angelo plays some basketball with Jake, who gets a weird sensation from his stolen arm. Doreen has a tense meeting with Jean-Paul about her classes. Monet talks to Nathan about the Danger Room accident and feeling guilty.

2010: Lakshmibai Raj: CNN Reports two explosions in New Delhi, with responsibility being taken by Lashkar-e-Taiba who call for the withdrawl of Indian troops in the Kashmir region; D. Ken and Lilandra Neramani talk about the current position of India, and D. Ken's plans for the future, resulting in Lilandra's arrest.