January 2011

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Revision as of 11:47, 12 January 2011 by Rossi (talk | contribs)
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December 2010 *** February 2011
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Jan 1 - Jan wishs everyone a Happy New Year and remarks on the coolness of the date - 1/1/11. Hank asks Angelo to help him test a new Danger Room scenario based on the mission in LA, using power dampening technology. Hank emails Jean about the Danger Room program after its successful test. The Best Deceptions: The news media carries the story of the death of one man and the suspected deaths of the three Hayes family members in a house fire in California; Hank posts to x_team, expressing his concern that the Hayes' deaths and a child abduction are the work of Nanny and the Orphan Maker.

Jan 2 - In the interest of trying new things, Kyle convinces Angel to try soft-shelled crab sandwiches.

Jan 3 - Yvette runs an errand for Jean and runs into Hank, they talk about his new Danger Room scenario, and about her doubts about full team status. The Best Deceptions: Over 'family' dinner, Nanny announces to Peter and the Lost Children that they are going to rescue Molly Hayes, whose family have gone on the run, and uses Addie's powers to find them in Miami.

Jan 4 - Jean-Paul posts about making pies.

Jan 5 - Artie posts about his powers, and how using them against bigots doesn't turn out well. Jubilee posts about heading out to Las Vegas. Warren asks why Kyle was puking in the kitchen. Jean-Paul texts Jean-Phillipe about whether he wants poutine.

Jan 6 - Artie posts a doctored image of Kyle that he made. Jared talks about going to the local community college. Doug e-mails Artie a paypal receipt for $20 for the Kyle prank. Laurie posts to the X-team comm about her use of a traffic cone.

Jan 7 - Garrison and Laura spar, testing out his new Danger Room scenario. Vanessa posts about humans wandering into District X and being shocked.

Jan 8 - Jean-Paul feeds Laurie waffles and they talk about her unfortunate nagging tendancies.

Jan 9 - Jean-Phillipe complains about textbook prices.


The Best Deceptions

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January 2011