Susan Storm

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Susan Storm
Sue Wiki.jpg
Portrayed by AnnaSophia Robb
Birthdate: April 8 1996
Journal: Now You See Me
Player: AJ

Blurb covering where your character is now. Very short, no more than three or four lines.


Character Journal: X_invisiblegirl

Real Name: Susan Mary Storm



First Appearance: (link to LJ (x_logs) with date as link text)

Date of Birth: 20 August 1996

Place of Birth: Long Island

Citizenship: American

Relatives: Franklin Storm (Father), Mary Storm (Mother; Deceased), Jonathon Spencer Storm (Brother)

Education: In High School

Relationship Status: Single

Occupation: Student

Team Affiliation: (if applicable)



Born in 1996 to scientists Franklin and Mary Storm, Sue was the eldest of their 2 children. It was soon apparent that Sue had inherited her parent’s intellect and at age 8 she followed her father affinity for science and built a sugar-power rocket which accidentally destroyed her father's car. Shortly after this incident the family relocated to New York where Franklin Storm opened his own research lab and think tank, the Baxter research group. During the summer before he took up his position Franklin rented an RV and took his family on a road trip across the US stopping at all the normal tourist stops; The Grand Canyon, Yellowstone, the Griffith Observatory and the CDC. At the end of the trip he took the kids to a Yankee’s game. The trip is one of the best memories Sue has of her father and she still has the hat, t-shirt and glove he brought her on the day in her closet..

That was, sadly, the last good memory the Storm family would share together the next year Sue’s mother was killed in a car crash. Sue had never been as close to her mother as she had been to her father before this, in part because her mother was considerably more career focused than her father and in part because of their widely different intellectual affinities. No body was ever found after the car had been recovered so Frankin arranged for a closed casket cremation. Sue watched as her father struggled to accept his loss, often losing himself in his work. Although she had always been close to her father before the accident Sue saw her father’s turning away as a betrayal rather than recognizing that he didn’t want his children to see the lie in his eyes.

When she was 11 Sue was in New York during the events of Day Zero. She and Johnny ran home from school and watched the news coverage on the TV until her father arrived and they took a helicopter to a secure base until the attack had ended. During the events of Day Zero the Baxter building, which was owned by the Storm family, was heavily damaged. Rather than rebuild it into the apartment blocks it had been previously he had it repurposed as the New York headquarters of his think tank.

When she was 13 Sue’s powers manifested during an incident with the then head of the research lab Dr Arthur Molekevic. She had heard some of Dr Molekevic’s assistants talking about a delivery for the doctor’s special lab.This called to her curiosity since she didn’t know Molkevic had a special lab. Determined to find out what the guards were talking about Sue followed her father’s security card and when hunting around the non classified areas of the building (due to the nature of the research conducted certain areas of the building were involved in military work and concurrently had a high security presence). Sue’s curiosity didn’t prepare her for what she discovered when she found the lab. She found mutants caged and in the middle of torturous experiments as Molekevic sought to experiment upon them. The sight of Dr. Molekevic torturing the mutants terrified Sue and she turned to flee. Dr Molekevic saw the movement and chase the fleeing figure without being able to determine who it was. Panicking Sue hid in one of the laboratories trying desperately not to be seen. It was at this time her power manifested; When the doctor searched the room, although he looked directly at her, Sue couldn’t understand why he couldn’t see her. Security noted that Franklin’s key card was being used and alerted him to the fact.

It wasn’t until later, after several incidents of unintentionally turning invisible that Sue and Johnny figured out that she was a mutant. Remembering the scenes from the dismissed Dr Molekevic’s experiments Sue chose not to tell her father. Instead the Storm siblings experimented with her powers as she tried to understand them and what was happening to her. This led to a few unconscious manifestations of her power until she was able to control them. These manifestations occurred during point of heightened emotion for Sue; which resulted in her vanishing for short moments.

Through a combination of experimentation and searching the Internet Sue was able to finally develop a basic control over her powers, putting an end to her accidental disappearances and forcefields. Much to the delight of her younger brother who often tried, with varying degrees of success, to convince her to take part in his various ideas for jokes. Since she gained control over her powers Sue has fallen back into the habits of a typical high school student juggling school and looking out for Johnny. Since joining high school she has also joined her school’s chess team and has had some significant success. During her Sophomore year Sue managed to place among the top competitors in the New York State Scholastic Chess Championship.

Living At The X-Mansion

May cover as many years as you want, but the sub-headings are to break up large blocks of text.

(Insert Header Title applicable to your character here)

Again, depends on the character. Basically breaks up your biography to avoid Wall O' Text. Plot events should be very briefly covered, as there will be links to the specific plot write-ups. Feel free to link to a plot within the biography.

(insert Header Title here)

Physical Characteristics

Height: 5'2

Weight: 44 kg

Eyes: Blue

Hair: Blonde

Other Features: Single piercing in each ear.


Sue can generate and manipulate force fields. These force fields bend light around the enclosed area, rendering Sue invisible. They also have some basic defensive capabilities, and as such are able to block attacks on her.

It is important to note that while Sue’s powers are mental projections she is not telekinetic herself. Instead her force fields are mental projections; Sue feels the inertia of the blows taken by the force fields. Some of this inertia can be dissipated by creating force fields which brace on other objects thereby bracing against the impact. She has attempted, unsuccessfully, to alter the density and porousness of her force fields. She has, however, had some success altering the shape of her force fields. If Sue’s force field is hit while it is not braced, at the moment, then she physically feels the full effect of the hit, that is to say if she were to be hit by a punch from Kyle on an unbraced force field she would still be thrown across the room.

Due to her feeling the full effect of impacts on her force field when it is unbraced her ability to block attacks is limited by her physical capabilities. The force field dissipates the effect of a blow across her entire body which lessen the impact of any one blow. As such she can absorb several human level punches without feeling the effects. However if subjected to a significant amount of repeated impacts will start to subject her to a cumulative effect. This effect will manifest with a cumulative effect, normally a headache and nosebleed before the pain starts to drive her into unconsciousness if she doesn’t lose focus and drop the field. The headaches are a mental side-effect while the nosebleed is a physiological one; another side effect of repeated attacks would be, given enough repeated impacts, she would develop bruising after the fight.

A sufficiently massive attack will instantly break through the field, and quite probably knock Sue out, or nearly cause her to black out. Un-assisted she can probably hold the field against an impact equivalent equal to a handgun bullet without too much of a problem. However she is limited by the impact her body could take, so the maximum energy she can hold of at the moment is about 30 kilo-joules. This is about the energy transferred by a young (not fully grown) bull moving at 20 mph. It must be noted, however that this is the maximum energy she can stop and should be considered a dangerous level, the energy backlash across her entire body would undoubtedly result in severe bodily damage for Sue (along the lines of multiple broken bones and internal damage).

Sue's invisibility, is just an application of her force-field. One that doesn’t have the physiological trauma of defensive use but instead is much more mentally demanding. At the present time Sue is capable of cloaking herself for a limit of 5 minutes. If she is cloaking other people then the time she can hide them is significantly reduced. Cloaking an area covering 2 people can only be held for about 1 ½ minutes. 3 people (her maximum at the moment) can only be held for 30 seconds.


Examples: Nate's psimitar, Angelo's Asgardian sword, Jamie's staff, Remy's bo, Amanda's amulet etc.


Sue is a massive Yankee's fan and among her most prized possessions are a hat, glove and t-shirt her father brought for her when she was 8.


Links only. No descriptions.


Player: AJ

E-mail: AJEmail.png


Player Icon Base: AnnaSophia Robb

Meta Trivia