Template:Selected anniversaries/July 9

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July 9


2004: Bobby talks to Jane about being at home ill. Nathan proposes summer rock climbing trips.

2005: Dani is stressed about school. Manuel and Bobby have an encounter in the kitchen, Manuel apologises, and an uneasy truce is reached. Cain runs the Eggshell Scenario one more time, and this time passes it. Buy Now, Pay Later: Amanda gets creative in apologising to Charlie and things are smoothed over. Alison and Haroun suffer colliding plans and minor panic, but it all works out in the end. Angelo tells Bobby what's going on with Paige. X-Men Mission: Mutant Mole People: Nightcrawler, Cable, Storm and Polaris head into the tunnels under Chicago to find several missing children and bring them home, and succeed to a point; Lorna expresses a certain distaste for telepaths following the tunnel mission.

2006: Jay finally runs into Tommy for the first time since Jay's beating. Nathan discovers his virus was given to him by Mistra to keep him in check, and to get rid of it he has to give himself a lobotomy. And Haller regains consciousness, but is definitely not in his right mind.

2007: Yvette has a powers accident. Jennie breaks the Danger Room. Julio meets with Farouk and becomes his student. Nathan returns from his vacation. Scott talks to Laurie about the fight with Kyle.

2008: Jubilee announces her return to x_snowvalley. Manuel has a frustrating appointment with Jean. Jay meets Mark's friend Victor. Angel helps Forge with the Blackbird rebuild. Nathan announces he is going to DC for an Elpis meeting. Adrienne and Inez have a performance review.

2009: Cammie gets bored and asks Jake to come out for a drink; out at a bar, Jake goes through Cammie's fake ID collection and they talk about never having babies. Those Who Are Dead: Adrienne talks to Lil about how she's having trouble sleeping at her apartment and Lil suggests an exorcism of her ex's influence.

2010: Butterflies and Hurricanes: Crystal e-mails Yvette, Kevin, Jared and Cammie about their mutation issues; Yvette posts to her journal about the fact her mutation loss is permanent; Jean-Paul leaves Yvette a Granny-Smith apple; Kevin sms's Cammie asking why she's pissed and telling her to lay off Yvette; to get her away from the journals, Kurt lures Cammie over for beer and given her mood, this is a good thing.

2011: Monet visits Kurt and manages to finally get him to breakthrough his emo mood.

2012: Maddie emails everyone (except Molly) with plans for Molly’s 14th birthday party superhero theme extravaganza. Meggan brings Korvus out for an early birthday dinner to distract him from thinking about the Renaissance Fair.