Template:Selected anniversaries/October 11

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October 11


2004: Scott wakes up and isn't impressed but is philosophical about the need to drug him. Sam tries to mend bridges with Paige. Sarah returns after her trip with Remy. Madelyn drugs Alison after Alison goes three nights without sleep. Cain emails Alison about tai chi for Miles after he killed the demon during the demon attack.

2005: High Cost Of Living: Remy emails Betsy and Jake and tells them he has quit; Remy tracks down Malice to Florida, where she almost kills him. With Malice Aforethought: Desperately trying to think of a way out of Magneto's clutches, Forge realises he has to build the Neutralizer as Magneto wants. Kyle and Jay sleep together.

2006: Mommy Dearest Redux: Meeting with Stefan in Berlin, Amanda finds out Kurt isn't with the Szardos caravan and immediately flies back to New York to raise the alarm; a location spell using Kurt's X-Men tags (left behind) reveals he is likely to be in Chicago. Sean tells Terry he is returning to Cassidy Keep for an unspecified amount of time.

2007: Kevin returns to the school and posts about his release conditions, as required. Laurie suggests a Japanese study group for the upcoming Japan trip.

2008: Zanne loses her job due to the financial crisis. While out practicing his flying squirrel trick, Angelo comes across Nathan talking to one of MacInnis' old Mistra contacts about Taygetos.

2009: Callie posts about finding a cardboard wind-up handle taped to her car, asks if anyone wants to fess up. Callie talks to Catseye about her way of speaking while the two women make ravioli. Adrienne posts about not enjoying a ball game she went to in Boston. Kyle posts about beating Cammie at sparring. Catseye discusses ways of talking with Sam.

2010: Fianchetto: In her quest to find out more about the Hellfire Club, Tabitha talks to Warren.

2011: Angel announces on her journal that she has a date for the upcoming alternative Homecoming. The Problématique: Doug e-mails Bishop about refining the info he received, and that they're getting closer; Bishop e-mails Doug, Lex, Jean, and Wanda with a solid lead on Vanessa's position; those connected to X-Factor Investigations are called to a meeting by Bishop to update them; Warren e-mails Monet with the update on Vanessa's location and asks if she's in to help; Doug asks Emma for a temporary donation to the rescue effort for Vanessa; Doug posts to x_snowvalley to give a heads up that he and Wanda are leaving for Prague to meet Bishop re: the new lead on Vanessa; Warren posts to x_team to let people know they've got a solid lead on Vanessa's whereabouts. Adrienne and Garrison discuss the latest lead in Vanessa's case.

2012: Matt posts a pun about sodium.

2013: Clint texts Billy to ask if Maddie was actually wearing a cheerleader outfit or was it a purple French maid outfit.