Xavier's School for Gifted Youngsters

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This page is about the Phase 2 incarnation of the page. For other uses, see Xavier's School For Gifted Youngsters (disambiguation).

Location: Xavier's School for Gifted Youngsters
First Seen: X-Men

Following the catastrophic Event of January 2015, Xavier's School for Gifted Youngsters, located at 1407 Greymalkin Lane in Westchester County, New York, serves as a residence for young mutants. The school provides dayboarding for students who want to attend Bayville Charter High, a gifted charter school with a fine arts specialization, as well as home-schooling for those unable to leave the grounds.

The School is associated with the Xavier Institute, a known child development research center. Image inducers can be used at the teens' discretion, and it is their preference if they are 'out' mutants or not. The important issue is that the mansion's status as a residence and sanctuary for mutants is kept top secret - anyone who decides to "come out" will have to keep that in mind and preferably talk it over with the mods as their actions will impact the rest of the game.

For established student characters who are Phase 1 and transferring over to Phase 2 (with or without a reapp), they will have already been attending Bayville already and have the memories and experience (provided by Xorn) that would be associated with doing that.

For new student characters coming in, it will be the same as any normal new student transfer.

Some of the old teaching staff will get (or have already have established) jobs at the school to keep an eye on the students. Some will remain at Xavier's to provide extracurriculars, and internships for the young adults. The subjects can be worked out between players and communication as always is key.



Xavier icon.jpg Professor Charles Xavier

Non-Teaching School Staff


Secondary School Students

For an explanation of American school grades, see here.

(for school year 2014-2015, beginning in September)

Got questions about being a student? Check out the FAQ!

File:Bobby001.png Bobby Drake
File:Hope001.jpg Hope Abbott
File:Miles001.jpg Miles Morales
File:Bling001.png Roxanne Washington
File:Tabitha001.png Tabitha Smith
File:Wiki Icon.png Topaz

Generation X

The younger team which trains with their powers and combat, capable of deploying in support of the X-Men or as a last option. Replaces the X-Men trainee program and the New Mutants, which had a focus only on high school aged students. All students are put into Generation X for training. Generation X will fulfill the role of the X-Men trainees, occasionally deploying with the X-Men, especially for recruitment or missions where younger mutants are a better fit, but can also choose to join one of the other teams.

See the team page for more details.

Powers Training

All students are enrolled in required and regular powers training on a weekly basis as part of their work with Generation X, with rotating teachers. While not every member of the staff can tutor every student directly in their power, a number of them have experience with mutations other than their own: Scott, for example, wouldn't be able to teach Kyle anything about optic blasts (as Kyle doesn't have them) but having worked so extensively with Hank for so long, he would have some useful tips for someone with a physical mutation.

In terms of making reference to these classes in logs or in posts/emails, we'd just ask you to clear references with teachers and their activities to the players of those characters first; we think that offers the right combination of spontaneity and flexibility, while making sure that no one is said to be teaching if they're in Mongolia or some such thing. (None of this should or is meant to prevent individual tutoring, should you believe your student character needs/would like some.)

Meta: As has been stated, there's certainly no requirement that any of this be logged, but it needs to be understood by everyone that it IS going on.


Personal Security

Before leaving the mansion, students are expected to 'sign out' with either a staff member or the X-Man on security duty, and sign back in on their return. For minors on longer trips in the company of an adult, the adult is expected to inform Charles Xavier of their destination and the expected duration.

All students are equipped with (and expected to carry at all times) an Xavier's cell phone. This incorporates a "panic button" which links to X-Men communications and whichever X-Man is on duty, plus a GPS tracking device which enables the phone to be located wherever it might be. No phone means no leaving the mansion, given the number of abductions and disappearances that have occurred in the past.

Computer Security

1) Unless worked out with modly approval, there is no hacking of the mansion computer network. No one outside the mansion can easily do this on a whim just because they are the l33tness of computer hacking and all. There are a few mondo minds behind what the school has to protect it, ranking from Hank's work to the contribution of scarily gifted students (read - Kitty, and Doug). The students don't have enough to hack the system on their own. Hank would never ever hack the system anyway. So. The system is laid out that those thinking they can hack their way in are being observed, tracked and soon to be nuked. People can think they can do it and brag about it, NPC or PC, but t'ain't happening.

2) Hank of course has made provisions for those who leave the mansion to be able to post from the outside. Still no hacking that.

3) The X-Men and Cerebro files go beyond the not hacking rule outlined above and straight into the stratosphere of not being touched. It is kept on a separate, independent system without outside connections and without access to regular mansion inhabitants. Team and Trainees can get to that, under their level of access, and not above. Those aren't being hacked, unless previous mod approval for a specific plot was obtained. There is no leeway on this one. Of course, people can think they can...

In short, you want the house or any X-Men related system hacked - for any reason - you talk to the mods on this. It's not impossible and a valid and sound plot need or reason will be worked with, as we always strive to do. But it's just not randomly happening either, from within by one of the PCs or without by an NPC source.


Guns are not standard issue as the basis of the X-Men is powers use based. There will be strict limit on guns and use thereof. Individual characters with valid and/or canon reasons to explore that angle should contact the mods to work out the details and make things official.

There are no concealed weapons in the school, specifically meaning, there are no weapons in the school that security is unaware of.

Any weapons that are kept by specific members of the staff are done so knowingly of security, in agreement with the security standards and are under lock and key and not an issue.

A number of various characters, especially the members of X-Force, own and carry a weapon. When not on their person, these guns are to be stored in a gun safe located in their rooms.

Power System

The power and phone lines coming into the mansion are underground lines, set pretty deep. There's also a backup power generator in the basement. It also has redundancy features.

House Security

Note: The above ground features, while discussed here a bit more clearly, in fact would be rarely noticed or impact on the lives of the students. A keycard and access code for the number pad after hours (late at night) is the only thing they'd see openly or generally have to deal with.

1) There are proximity sensors all over the wood line, from about 1 mile out. These have been geared to recognize shapes that don't fit to a local fauna database. Allows for tracking of individuals on the estate

2) House itself. Keycard/keypad locks on outside doors. Kids probably all have a keychain-size card (passkey) that they can use to get in and out. Afterhours, a five to seven digit entry code is also needed. This system is actually NOT the method to get inside. This just activates the ACTUAL unlocking system, which uses a high-frequency EM scanner to match body field characteristics with the accepted user database, when the mansion is under a lockdown or at night after hours (it's like living with an alarm system at home, only you do in a mansion. Same old thing, hardly anything invasive beyond basic number pad entry for the ones who live there.)

3) Interior security. Different levels of alarm. The silent evacuation alarm is basically everyone's room phones ringing at low volume, and a low-frequency subsonic transmission used to rouse sleepers. Evacuation points are all over the mansion, and the students are well-trained in them. Crisis alarms are the standard air-raid sirens, and everyone knows how to get to shelter for things like demon invasions, something being blown up by someone - stuff like that.

3a) passive defenses. Door and retaining wall lockdowns. In the event of a crisis alarm, or four minutes after a silent alarm, outside doors lock out to all but the senior staff passcodes. Retaining walls can be activated to seal off areas as well.

3b) active defenses. Sonics, tranquilizers, lots of nonlethal stuff can be used. NONE of this is automated. It is all controlled from the security office - a hardened structure on the first floor. Not even all the STAFF knows where it is (door is behind a sliding bookcase in Charles' study). None of the students are aware of this. No outsiders are aware of this.

4) Because of the attention the school generates as being open to mutant students, there is a chemical analysis system, otherwise known as a 'mail sniffer' security precaution in place. This is yet another feature which is entirely transparent to every day life (and which students and many of the staff likely don't know about) at that. Mail confidentiality is entirely and completely preserved, but say, if anyone decides to send anthrax in, it won't go very far.

5) The lower levels have the truly scary 'not going down there easily' type security, involving quite literal firewalls and other such doomy doom type security features.

6) The mansion itself also has a series of mystical protection wards placed on it. These will alert the creator (Amanda Sefton) to the following:

a) some kind of mystical interference; and

b) someone moving past them with violent intentions to the inhabitants. In order to make logging as flexible as possible, there's levels of 'pings' and most of what's gone on tends to just trigger a mild awareness which Amanda writes off as "those crazy mansion people again". The wards are there primarily for magical threats.

Grounds Security

There are a series external sensors on the grounds, including the woods. They've been tested and calibrated to be able to distinguish between wildlife and people so they don't go off every time a deer walks by. There are also cameras scanning the grounds and especially the front gate, as well as the gate intercom, all of which are patched into the X-Men comms room along with the house security systems and monitored by the X-Man on duty.