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Aliases: Occupation: Unknown

First appearance: August 3, 2006

Family: Unknown



Xorn is essential a psionic singularity; a Teilhard Omega Point of mutation. His power connects him on a basic psychic level to every person on the planet constantly. His mind is so fundamentality different from a normal person's as to be basically alien. He doesn't have normal motivations or human characteristics, however, that doesn't mean he lacks motives of his own. They are simply generated through a thought process so different as to be totally inscrutable. Xorn's raw power is beyond anything recorded for a mutant, and is sublime to the point that even Charles' Cerebro wouldn't recognize him as a normal mutant.

Xorn's mutant power is similar to Chamber's - only exponentially more powerful. The standard bioelectrical transmissions of the human brain were not enough to convey such power, so his body mutated and adapted, transforming his brain into a plasma cloud capable of transmitting mental impulses stronger than any formerly quantified energy source. He is able to keep this cloud contained by meditation and force of will, containing what is essentially a grapefruit-sized star inside a field of psionic force. Instead of thoughts and reactions being driven by bioelectric interaction between neurons, in Xorn's star-brain they are conveyed by fusion and fission reactions happening at the speed of light. His mind is so fast and efficient that trying to interact directly with another human mind would be like trying to teach calculus to a houseplant.


Libri Veritatum


PB: Dame Judi Dench

Socked by: Alicia