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This page is about the Phase 2 incarnation of the NPC. For other uses, see Sabretooth (disambiguation).

Portrayed by Liev Schreiber
Known Aliases: Sabretooth
Affiliations: Independent
Socked By: Dex
Introduction: Case File: A Better Mole Trap

Unless you want chicken for dinner, he should keep you busy.

A feral mutant working as a mercenary, the man known as Sabretooth is the best he is at what he does. He first appeared in December 2015 responsible for several Morlock deaths.


Name: Unknown

Aliases: Sabretooth

Affiliation: Independent

First appearance: December 8, 2015

Family: Unknown


Little is known about the mercenary called ‘Sabretooth’. He is a legendary figure in the field, known for his brutality, apparent invulnerability and his success. There are many stories about his past, including hints that he’s been active since the US Civil War. Some believe it to be just a title passed on from a mentor to a student. Regardless of his origins, Sabretooth has been known to operate independently, on the behalf of governments, and in other groups. There is virtually no verified records of his identity or history, although he has been used sparingly by the CIA for operations dating back to the conflict in Vietnam.

Regardless of his true past, Sabretooth is a highly trained operative. He’s a confirmed mutant; a feral with enhanced senses, healing factor, physical traits and adamantium claws which can retract into his fingers. While he’s been regularly seen to go into murderous rages and allow his bloodlust to control him at times, he is normally a calculating operative who delights in setting ambushes and traps to catch his prey. This was especially obvious when X-Factor, working on a lead regarding several homeless mutant deaths, encountered him and were hopelessly out-matched.


Feral with enhanced senses, healing factor, physical traits and adamantium claws which can retract into his fingers.


Case File: A Better Mole Trap


PB: Liev Schreiber

Socked by: Dex

While the "correct" American spelling is "Sabertooth", the comics - and therefore X-Project - use "Sabretooth" for the character's name.