Template:Featured Articles/23-2015

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Genosha Arc:

Beginning with the mansion providing sanctuary for two young Genoshan refugees, Jenny Ransome and David Moreau, this arc then became an investigation into their subsequent disappearance and a strike against their abductors. Genosha then retaliated, abducting the students and staff of the school, and then capturing most of the rescue teams. Battling against a nation's army, struggling to survive and protect each other, the arc concluded on June 6, 2012 with a titanic battle between the insane Thomas Moreau and, well, everybody.

The Genosha arc was the brainchild of Dex and was co-run by Mackinzie, Rossi, Frito, Twiller and Mon. It involved every active player at the time and has the highest number of logs so far for any X-Project plot, with a total of 224 logs - not to mention the various emails, journal posts and comms posts also made as a part of this gigantic effort. Plus, it spawned a series of vids and art by Mackinzie, Frito and Sam. All in all, it was the biggest event in X-Project Phase 1 history, to the point it was unanimously agreed by the players to keep it in Phase 2.