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"I'm sick of letting them get away with it. Sick of the squalid little deals that keep butchers and bastards scurrying around in the dark, instead of dragged out into the light and shot. Sick of putting possible repercussions ahead of what I know needs doing. Sick of the same old excuses for looking the other way that I've been hearing from everyone for the last fifteen years. I'm calling fucking time on it."

He looked back at Remy.

"You in?"

X-Force is Pete Wisdom's operational squad, designed to discover and response to threats that are either too political, too sensitive, or just plain too weird to call in the X-Men for. With the combined intelligence training of the leaders, X-Force specialized in investigative approach, using a combination of skills and powers to identify plots and threats, and providing a response to them.


Field Leaders: Remy LeBeau, Pete Wisdom, Betsy Braddock

Roster: Wanda Maximoff, Amanda Sefton, Doug Ramsey, Marie-Ange Colbert, Sofia Mantega-Barret, Sarah Morlocke, Mark Sheppard

Team Structure

X-Force is a different team compared to the X-Men. It operates both covertly and in an investigative manner, unlike the close association with law enforcement and emergency personnal that the X-Men cultivate. X-Force travels as anonymously as possible, and keeps their profile as minimal as possible.

The closest thing to a leader is Wisdom, by both dint of his experience and abilities. Remy is normally the field commander in charge of operations, but that depends on the situation. Ultimately it's a loose team collective, who operate more as a team of specialists as opposed to a police or military unit. Depending on the situation, the person with the closest experience takes the lead in the field.

X-Force is focused on maintaining a flexible range of specialities and abilities, while providing an overall training in intelligence and operations. They occasionally will support operations by the mansion and the X-Men, normally providing intelligence and research on situations. While X-Men are primarily a reactive force, X-Force is more investigative, researching and pre-emptively stopping things before they can become a threat.

Due to the lack of uniforms and anonymous nature of X-Force's operations, they can work under the radar of traditional media and law enforcement. They rarely allow themselves or their work to be publicized, and only a few of their contacts really know the extent of their abilities or roster. For this reason, X-Force often engages in dangerous and politically senstive operations in other countries, which can be considered terrorist actions. There is no operational connection between X-Force and the X-Men that has been discovered, and even when they do work in concert, the connection is handled very quietly.

X-Force lacks the equipment of the mansion, such as Cerebro or the Danger Room, but they do have their own unique abilities. Since there are no uniforms and no external signs of their job, they operate primarily in a covert fasion, allowing them to breach borders and interfere in the affairs of other countries without the fear of discovery or repercussions. As well, Wisdom, LeBeau, and Braddock all possessed relatively robust intelligence networks and contacts while working with the X-Men. They have taken and expanded those to cast a wide net over the globe, giving them an edge against their opponents in operations.

Training is split between all members of the team. Often powers training will be done with the assistance of the mansion, and all of the older members mentor one of the younger ones in specific hand to hand training. Past that, fairly extensive cross training is encouraged, to help all of the member pick up additional skills and abilities from each other.

The majority of X-Force have cover jobs with the Snow Valley Memorial Center for Mutant Affairs, a mutant think-tank with offices in Manhattan, New York.


Beyond the usual communications gear a team such as this needs, X-Force has little in the way of specialised equipment. They use Emma Frost's private jet for urgent jobs overseas, but otherwise use normal long-distance transport methods. They train in an ordinary work out space, nicknamed 'The Danger Gym', situated in the brownstone they live in.


x_snowvalley The team-only community for discussion of missions, training and other team-related matters.