Emily Bright

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Emily Bright
Portrait emilybright.png
Portrayed by Sadie Sink
Affiliations: Generation X
Birthdate: September 24, 2007
Journal: xp_bright
Player: Seraph


Blurb covering where your character is now. Very short, no more than three or four lines.


Character Journal: xp_bright]

Real Name: Emily Bright

Codename: N/A

Aliases: N/A

First Appearance: February 16, 2024

Date of Birth: September 24th, 2007

Place of Birth: Melbourne, Australia

Citizenship: Dual Citizen of America and Australia

Relatives: Katherine ‘Kathy’ Bright (Mother), Henry Bright, originally Henry Adie (Father), Sally Bright (Aunt), Margaret Bright (Sally’s wife )

Education: Standard schooling till age 13, then Distance Education via School of the Air. Currently in the equivalent of Year 11 of an Australian high school

Relationship Status: Single

Occupation: Student. Interested in pursuing a veterinary degree in the future.

Team Affiliation: Generation X




Emily Bright was a happy, precocious child in one of the outer suburbs of Melbourne. Her mother, Kathy Bright, was born to well-off grazier parents from the outskirts of Dubbo, but as the second child, she was not in line to take over the farm. Instead, she turned her eyes to animal husbandry and over time found that she had a knack for large animal veterinary care. Her father, Henry Adie, was the fourth child of a magical family fallen on hard times and non-magical in any way that they could determine. He met Kathy while studying abroad on a full-ride scholarship. The pair fell in love and married shortly after completing university and Emily was born not long after. Kathy worked as a vet, Henry became a computer programmer and the family lived in Melbourne for the first 13 years of Emily’s life.

Emily’s life was a happy one, full of birthday parties with friends, going out to things such as laser tag, or buying the latest Alison Blaire album release and excitedly singing along to it with friends in their bedroom mirror, pretending that they too could be an international pop sensation. She loved visiting the vet clinic her mother worked at, having a love of animals from an early age, and would sometimes help the vet techs take care of the animals staying at the clinic, feeding them, brushing them and giving them cuddles. They would also visit the Bright family sheep farm (run at this stage by Kathy’s elder sister and her wife) at least twice a year, usually during the Easter and Christmas Holidays and Emily would spend time with her extended family of cousins and great aunts and uncles, as well as her beloved aunties Sally and Margaret.


During a Christmas trip to the farm in her thirteenth year, Emily’s life changed forever. Her mutation - the surface shape-shifting - kicked in. She turned up to breakfast with bright fuchsia hair and eyes of the same colour, and then by lunch both hair and eye colour had changed to aqua, and seemed to sparkle slightly in the light. Emily was anxious and visibly upset, especially considering the way mutants were treated in Australia. The nerves would turn to frustration which only made the shifting worse.

The adults gathered together for a conversation about what needed to happen. Some were for reporting the incident and letting the government do their thing; others were concerned for the safety of their children.

Afraid for his daughter, Emily’s father Henry suggested taking Emily to America and his family, as loath as he was to expose her to their influence given his history with them - he had effectively been disowned as a teen when he failed to receive the family’s magical gift.

At this point, Kathy spoke up. If Henry wanted to go back to the States, she would go with him - they’d seldom been separated since meeting - but she had a different proposal. She knew that Henry’s family had taught him various mental exercises towards calming the mind and controlling emotions as part of the family’s magical training and even if he had no magic himself, he could still teach Emily the same things to help her learn to control her shifts. But they couldn’t do it in the city - they needed the quiet and privacy of the country.

In the end, family loyalty won out over any prejudice and while there were members of the family who were uneasy, they vowed to remain silent to protect Emily. It was decided to move the small family to the Bright family farm and start schooling Emily via School of the Air.

With Henry’s job as a programmer, and Kathy’s as a large animal vet, they would have no problems finding paying work that they could do from the farm, and Henry would have the time and space to train Emily in control, and hopefully give her back a more normal life once they could be sure she would not slip.

Emily reacted much as one would expect a young teenager to react at the idea of having to move her entire life from what had been a suburb, if not close to a city, then certainly within travel distance of one, to a large outback NSW farm beyond the outskirts of Dubbo. She didn’t want to leave her friends, and she couldn’t believe how unfair the hand that had been dealt her was. It was a sullen and withdrawn Emily who moved to the farm. Henry and Kathy tried to lessen the blow by arranging for satellite internet, ostensibly for Henry’s work, to be paid for by his company but also for Emily to keep in touch with her friends, and to be able to use the School of the Air to maintain her schooling. To explain their sudden departure to work colleagues, friends and Emily’s school, a story of Emily having developed a severe chemical sensitivity and needing to leave the city was concocted.

It took well over a year for Emily to begin to get a hang of her new life, not just the distance from her friends, but the new schooling situation, and having to make new friends who she would only be able to see once a month with her mother in attendance ready to rush her out if her control slipped. Henry did his best to help train Emily to control her emotions and therefore her shapeshifting, teaching her to go find a quiet place to relax and breathe whenever she felt overwhelmed.

Life on the farm was a busy one. Besides school and training with her mother, Emily helped her aunts on the farm, learned to ride a horse, how to cook a full English breakfast at the crack of dawn, basic dinners and a variety of baked goods. Check Out The CWA for an explanation. She also helped her mother with her new practice, doing basic animal handling/paperwork and admin skills for the tiny practice and planned to go into Veterinary Science once she finished high school - as part of this, she has also studied agriculture as part of her schooling. Despite this and while Emily loved her family deeply, there were times when her resentment of needing to hide would overwhelm her. She found that during those times a trip to the local reservoir for a swim, or time spent amongst the farm animals in the winter months allowed her an outlet for her frustration.

While Emily was getting on with the business of growing and trying to come to terms with her new normal, her aunts Sally and Margaret had been on a different journey. Distressed that they could offer their niece nothing but a roof and a place to hide, they sought other options. During those four years, they began putting out tentative feelers and managed to get involved in both pro-mutant politics and also on the down-low, the work of shifting mutants from one place to another ahead of a government that would rather lock up the problem than work to make the world a better place.

Emily’s life, once full of boundless possibilities, had become one that now revolved around family. While still with the occasional trips into town, and supervised visits to get-togethers with friends she made from School of the Air, she could not always help the occasional outburst of resentment, which manifested through her power as black hair and eyes, pale ghostly skin and visible veins. During those times Emily would sometimes completely refuse to come out of her room rather than have to deal with the reality of her mutation.

Concerned with Emily’s well-being as a result of the drastic changes in her life, Henry and Kathy managed to reach out to the Mutant Underground through Emily’s aunts to engage a child psychologist used to dealing with the trauma of changing circumstances due to mutant manifestation, and while Emily still had bursts of resentment, she learnt not to blame her powers, or herself. Over time, as Emily’s control matured, and she gained the control needed to lock down any changes even when feeling the depths of hormone-addled emotional outbursts, it was decided to allow Emily another social outlet. They quickly found a local Scout troop that would make a perfect test. Given that the troop was small, and the families well known in their circle, it was as safe as they could make such a thing.

Emily’s life would have remained a circle of farm life, family and the occasional trip outside of those confines had it not been for a fateful Scout camping trip that she’d been allowed on as a reward for showing months of control. Her control slipped in a moment of frustration and anger, but instead of a simple change in appearance, Emily’s hair burst into flames, with no injury to herself. This drastic shift in her powers was the result of a second manifestation - this time of her magical abilities, inherited from her father’s side of the family. The incident was captured on camera and forced the family to leave Australia.

Living At The X-Mansion

Physical Characteristics

Height: 5’3” (159cm)

General Build: Slim and Athletic, she’s spent a great deal of time out of doors throughout her childhood and into her teenage years.

Eyes: Blue Eyes

Hair: Bright red hair

Other Features: TBD


Actual Mutant Power - Cosmetic Shapeshifting

Emily can change the colour of her epidermis, nails, hair and eyes. Limited ability to change the shape and length of hair, shape of eyes and shape of nails.

Magical Power - Elemental Shapeshifting

Emily’s inheritance from her father Henry’s family has enhanced her mutation, turning it from simple cosmetic shapeshifting into elemental shapeshifting.

What she has at the time she enters the mansion

At the time of her arrival, her powers are controlled via emotional suppression and manifest due to heightened states of joy/anger/fear etc. She has no control at all, she’s only able to suppress due to the training with her father. Her initial shifts use two of the four classical alchemical elements (Earth and Fire.) These can be such things as obsidian ‘claws’ and ‘talons’, or diamond fangs, or hair that catches on ‘fire’ but doesn’t appear to burn.


The cost of Emily’s magic use is personal and thematic at the time and is completely random, but overall the payment for any shift larger than a hand or foot (for now) will bring on a physical repercussion. Sometimes this will be opposite the element she’s chosen, sometimes it will be thematic to the use, or the same as the element chosen. This limitation will adjust as she ages and gains training/experience in her powers and magic.

Repercussion Examples: (Not exhaustive, obviously they’re meant to be random/made up as things go.) If her hair changes to fire snakes, she might need sunburn cream around her face and neck for the space of a few days or need to grow back several inches of her hair over a week. If she turns more than her finger or toenails into rock, or teeth into diamonds she might need to use an inhaler for a week as she has trouble walking upstairs without breathing hard. She might have to use nail hardening polish as her fingernails are brittle for the next week.





External Links

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Something Slender's (Got To Give)



Player: Seraph

Player Icon Base: Sadie Sink

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