X-Men Mission: Riding the Nightmare

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X-Men Mission: Riding the Nightmare
Dates run: November 19, 2015
Run By: Eva
Read the logs: X-Men Mission: Riding the Nightmare

Quote from the plot

Brief teaser.


Rogue, Dust, Cyclops, Bevatron, Nightcrawler, Dominion, Blink, Legion, Marvel Girl, Wolverine, Firestar

Tildie Soames


November 19, 2015

Plot Summary

For thirteen year old Tildie Soames life is pretty good. She lives with her parents in Ithaca, New York, goes to school, adores horse and has friends. Then one afternoon her parents take her aside and tell her they will be moving to Scotland for her fathers job. Everything she knows will change.

Suddenly something erupted inside of her and when the dust clears, their house is a mess and in the place where Tildie sat, a horse made of a strange kind of energy stands about the size of a Hummer. Tildie is floating inside and upset and the horse crashes through the walls, trampling the city of Ithaca. Outside it grows to the size of a garage.

In the mansion Wolverine, the X- man on duty, catches the footage of the strange horse rambling around alerts the X-men and they head out to Ithica. Arriving at the scene, they notice Tildie floating inside. They split up in three teams. The first one (Nightcrawler, Dominion, Blink and Marvel Girl) gets the bystanders out of the way, the second one (Cyclops, Bevatron, Legion and Firestar) attempt to steer it to a location where it can do less damage while Rogue, Logan and Dust try to penetrate the outer energy shell. One inside, Rogue flies up to Tildie and takes her powers. Catching the collapsing girl in her arms, Rogue shuts down the whole thing and lands.

Almost as soon as the energy creature disappears, an angry crowd approaches the X-men, a number of police officers among them. Blink quickly evacuates Tildie, while the other X-men have to protect themselves from the crowd as they make their way back to the jet. During this process Haller goes overboard and is stopped by Cyclops, Marvel Girl and Nighcrawler, while Rogue, Dominion and Wolverine are mobbed. Bevatron, Firestar and Dust deal with the riot police.

Tildie is cared for at the mansion for a few days till her parents are found, after which the move to Scotland takes place and the support for Tildie transferred to Muir Island.

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External Links

X-Men Mission: Riding the Nightmare

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Plotrunner: Eva

This plot is the XP version of a part of the Wolverine and the X-men episode ‘Battlelines’.