Marius Laverne

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"Uh, why am I tied to the bed?"

Marius Laverne is a student at Xavier's School for Gifted Youngsters and half-brother of alumni Monet St. Croix. He was briefly evil in the summer of 2006 after two near-death experiences brought on by his maladaptive mutation. Both the problematic mutation and the evil have since been corrected.


Character Journal: x_emplate

Real Name: Marius Sammar Cartier Laverne

Codename: None

Aliases: Sami (to his parents)

First Appearance: October 13, 2005

Date of Birth: March 14, 1989

Place of Birth: Sydney, Australia

Citizenship: Australian

Relatives: St. Croix/Laverne Family: Cartier St. Croix (father), Amanti Laverne (mother), Monet St. Croix (elder half-sister), Nicole St. Croix (younger half-sister), Claudette St. Croix (younger half-sister), Marius St. Croix (elder half-brother, disowned)

Education: Currently in his senior year at Xavier's School for Gifted Youngsters (senior year in Australia interrupted by manifestation)

Relationship Status: Single, mercifully

Occupation: Senior at Xavier's School for Gifted Youngsters



Marius is the third child of Cartier St. Croix, and the only illegitimate one.

Living At The X-Mansion

Physical Characteristics

Height: 6'1"

Weight: 185lbs

Eyes: Yellow (formerly: brown; post-deterioration and pre-cure: orange and slit-pupiled)

Hair: Black and fabulous

Other Features: The St. Croix family Nose, inherited from his father Cartier. He also has silver-dollar sized pitted scars on each palm, residual evidence of the small mouths that developed to extract bone marrow from other mutants, now healed over.


Dubbed "instinctive reactive adaptivity," Marius' power is primarily geared around adaptation for his own survival to a level to which is as yet undetermined. Due to the inherent flaw of his mutation this power could only act in response to a problem, not repair it at its source.

Physical self-adaptation

In response to the physiological disruption caused by his manifestation, Marius' body compensated by developing a way to extract that which it was deficient in, bone marrow, from other mutants. After a donation from Kurt Wagner the teacher's teleportation was adopted as a beneficial addition. As a result of the imperfect nature of the replication Marius' body was then forced to evolve an accompanying set of physical adaptations to allow him to survive the damaging atmosphere of the subdimension it required him to pass through.

This expression of his power was geared around physical necessity brought on by the flawed manifestation itself; now that the underlying necessity has been corrected Marius' body has no further need for changes of this nature.


Marius can mimic both direct expressions of mutant powers used against him (telepathy/projective empathy, telekinesis, pyrokinesis, Rogue's power of memory absorption) and indirect, ambient expressions his power osmoses (Polaris' sensitivity to and control of EM fields, Domino's passive reality-warping powers). Generally any power he acquires is expressed in the same manner in which it was used against him, consciously or unconsciously.

In the past Marius has been able to borrow and utilize powers such as shapeshifting, fleshworking, and healing factors, as well as temporarily mirroring any physical adaptations his donors might have (claws from Kyle Gibney, dusky skin from Kurt, incompletely developed wings from Jay Guthrie). However, those powers were delivered directly into his system by means of a marrow donation.

Mutant identification and sensitivity

As a consequence of the adaptation that required Marius to replace his own faulty bone marrow with that of other mutants', Marius' power provided him with an additional ability to identify and read the mutations of others. Though the need that caused the condition is now gone, the power remains. It is sight-based, and does not work through photographs or electronic or digital means.

Development and Deterioration

Unbeknownst to anyone at the time, including Marius, what was thought to be a prolonged flu in May of 2005 was in fact the manifestation of his powers. He was eventually removed from school and hospitalized in mid-July due to fatigue and increasing weakness, where he remained, undiagnosed, until the formation of two small mouths on the palms of his hands to serve the purpose of extracting from others that which his own body lacked. After being stabilized at Xavier's the flawed nature of his power became increasingly clear; touchstones include:

October 21, 2005 - Marius' long habit of freaking out on people when in the throes of hunger (and acquiring their powers from feeding on their bone marrow) is established.

November 16,2005- Marius discovers the ability to flip active powers when Dani inadvertently uses hers.

June 6, 2006 - A teleportation power acquired from a donation by Kurt manifests, disastrously.

June 28, 2006 - Body begins to acquire visible adaptations to the inimical environment the newly-acquired teleporting power takes him through.

June 29, 2006 - Pulmonary system completely switches environmental needs, leading to respiratory arrest.

After much angst and at least three near-death experiences the degeneration was finally halted by genetic material donated by his genetically perfect half-sibling Monet St. Croix and many large needles.


Marius was named for his paternal grandfather, and is the second child of Cartier's to bear that name. The first was disowned. Due to the name overlap with Cartier's first child, Marius' parents make use of his middle name of Sammar and refer to him as "Sami."

While using Masque's power to restore his then-suitemate Forge, Marius inadvertently repaired the damage that resulted from Forge's accident, including making use of the excess tissue provided by the copious burn scars to regenerate internal organs. Spleen: it's what true friends give.

Marius is quite intelligent. Before the year was interrupted by his manifestation he was at the top of his class in Brisbane. Unfortunately that intelligence has no visible relation to things like interpersonal sensitivity, observation, or common sense.

Marius speaks French and English with equal fluency. In contrast to his accented and heavily mannered English, his French is flawless.


Masque (plot)



Voices Carry

Red X Mission: Whiteout


Player: Tapestry

E-mail: TapEmail.jpg

AIM: EmplateXJ

Player Icon Base: David Krumholtz

Meta Trivia

If you ever wondered my OOC reaction to Marius during the events of Bleeding, refer to his mother's log with Ororo. [1]