Light in the Darkness

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Revision as of 02:01, 1 December 2012 by Rei (talk | contribs) (→‎Cast)
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This plot is currently underway. The Wiki page will be completed once the plot is finished. Feel free to read along using the tag link!

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Light in the Darkness
Dates run: November 26-
Run By: Rei
Read the logs: Light in the Darkness

Quote from the plot

Brief teaser.


[[Tandy Bowen]], [[Adrienne Frost]], [[Scott Summers]], [[Kane Garrison]], [[Kurt Sefton]], [[David Haller]]

List of NPC/Villain links. Professor Charles Xavier, D'Spayre, Nathan Tyler, [Michael Bowen]


November 26-

Plot Summary

Summary of the events of the plot. Include links to supporting characters, locations, other plots. Remember, only link to something once per page, so no need to link to characters listed as Cast.

Related Links

Links to things/concepts/locations that arose for the first time in the game during the plot. Eg. The Neutraliser, Nova Roma, etc.

External Links

Light in the Darkness

If the plot has vital links in other pages ( eg. x_team, personal journals), include these here.

Trivia and Meta


IC notes stemming from the plot. Eg: "As a result of this Character A developed a crippling fear of ottomans".


Plotrunner: [[Rei[[

Links to comic/movie/etc influences on the plot (if any), or other OOC notes that are important to the plot. Eg: With Malice Aforethought is a reworking of two Marvel plotlines - Malice and Forge's Neutraliser.