Template:Featured Articles/33-2021

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This character is currently unplayed, but is open for applications. If you are interested in applying for this character, you can contact the mods at x_moderators @ googlegroups . com and you can find the application form here.

MoA Cloak2.png
Moment of Awesome - Tyrone Johnson/Cloak: When the mansion's appliances come alive and try to invade Avalon, Ty, Stephen Strange and Hope Abbott are the line of defence. However, nanites apparently don't agree with Ty's shadow-dimension.

"Stephen, I'm sorry, I gotta eat your X-box," Ty said as he worked his way deeper into the fray, shadow coating his skin like lycra.

"Wait no....I was just about to beat Clea's high score too." The teenager actually pouted, his face falling and shoulders slumping forward for a long heartbeat before he shook his head, "Whoever did this owes me a new X-box!" The dark-haired teen turned a plaintive look on the others, "You think I can expense out my X-box to the mansion?"

"Priorities, Stephen!" Hope called out, as she took out a mixer with its beaters whirring madly. "I am sure Mr. Summers will be happy to sort that out with you later. I still have that gizmo from Molly and the damn..." An electric eggbeater and smoking toaster joined the pile of parts at Hope's feet. "... stuff is too spread out to use it effectively!"

Ty skirted around the edge of the room, attempting to herd the chaos. "I'm trying!" He shouted, one hand on a suddenly painful gut. He curled in on himself, shadows faltering.

"I have my priorities just right thank you," Stephen replied with a mock sniff as he turned to glare at the electronics surrounding them, "If this is how you're gonna play this then two can play this game." his fingers came up, twisting through shapes as the brooms and other cleaning apparatus around them started to twitch before flying through the air to slap at the electronics surrounding them. "Haha, look at me, I am the sorcerer's apprentice now...wait."

"Right... you have your priorities straight..." She sighed with a bit of relief when the brooms whacked the electronics her way and she took a quick sweep when another kitchen implement attacked her. "What is it with the appliances?!" Hope added as she jumped away from a snapping waffle iron. "Time to play..." She pulled the EMP gizmo Molly had given her from her belt.

"You know yourself well, Steven!" Ty tried to joke as more pain tore through his entire being, including outside of his body. "Hope, just punch it!"

In the area of effects it was kind of a letdown. No dramatic explosions, no increasing bleeps or electric currents. Just electronics suddenly freezing and falling out of the sky. As soon as they hit the ground Hope dropped her cricket bat and the tiny device and hurried over to Ty. She quickly dropped to her knees. "What do you need?" She asked as she ran her eyes over him for injuries.

Stephen paused for a moment, dark eyes drifting to the wreckage for a moment, mourning the noble objects that had provided him with so much joy before her followed Hope over to Ty's side, "Just take a moment and relax mate, if you need anything well, I can get it but I can't guarantee we're not gonna get a lot of it so you know..." he grinned glancing around, "I could get a medic or a water or something?"

Ty stumbled to one knee. "I don't know. It's like ... the shadows hurt." The large man then fell unconscious.