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Portrayed by
Known Aliases: Bushwhacker
Affiliations: Independent
Socked By: Tink
Introduction: X-Men Mission: Or Is He Both?

The beautiful art he'd planned was already ruined, but he could still make a Pollack out of things.

A contract killer, Bushwhacker is obsessed with beauty and making aesthetically pleasing kills.


Name: Carl Burbank

Aliases: Bushwhacker

Affiliation: A.I.M., independent contractor

First appearance: August 28, 2024

Family: None


Burbank was a C.I.A. agent, where he made his start as an assassin and was equipped with a cybernetic arm. Burbank left the agency early on to become an independent contractor to allow him more control of how he made his kills. Despite his skill, he often annoys the people he works for due to his predilection for aesthetic. He most often takes on contracts to kill people with powers as a preference, benefiting from anti-mutant hysteria. He was hired by General Reginald Fortean to protect an A.I.M.-funded private and illegal gamma research lab, which brought him in contact with the X-Men when they went to rescue a kidnapped young mutant. His circuits were fried in the fight by Bevatron.


Cybernetic enhancements and an arm made of malleable plastic allow Burbank to transform and use his arm as a gun in either pistol or machine gun. It is unclear if his power is solely due to the cybernetics or if they just enhance an existing mutation.


X-Men Mission: Or Is He Both?



Socked by: Tink