Laura Kinney

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This page is about the Phase 2 incarnation of the character. For other uses, see Laura Kinney (disambiguation).


Laura lg.png
Portrayed by Jenna Ortega
Codename: Talon
Affiliations: Generation_X
Birthdate: February 7th 2007
Journal: xp_talon
Player: Rei

Laura. My name is Laura.

Laura is the female clone of Logan and brought to the mansion for protection.


Character Journal: xp_talon

Real Name: X-23

Codename: Talon

Aliases: Laura Kinney

First Appearance: September 17, 2024

Date of Birth: February 7th, 2007

Place of Birth: Weapon X Facility, Alaska

Citizenship: None [Soon to be United States]

Relatives: Generic Female Clone of Logan (Father), Dr. Sarah Kinney (Birth Mother), Dr. Zander Rice (Former Acting Father)

Education: High School Graduate (Private Tutors)

Relationship Status: Single.

Occupation: None.

Team Affiliation: Generation_X



After 22 failed attempts at recreating Weapon X, X-23 was born in a Weapon X Facility in Alaska to lead director Dr. Sarah Kinney, who acted as the surrogate . She was one of many attempted clones of a previous project that they wished to recreate. She was the first to have survived because of the birth process that Dr. Kinney had championed for and was labeled a success. The X-23 Project was led by both Dr. Kinney and a man named Dr. Zander Rice, both with different approaches to how the project was to go, but an agreement was made to both doctor’s satisfaction. Dr. Kinney acted like the mother, while Dr. Rice took on the father role.

Dr. Kinney was in charge of the care and education of X-23. She read to X-23 every night from different books, and engaged in early learning. It became apparent that X-23 had high intelligence from an early age and started learning at a young age. Dr. Rice was in charge of training and soldier-like skills. She started her training when she was at the age of three, starting with karate and then moving on to other different fighting skills. She later trained with weapons and espionage.

X-23’s days had a strict routine. In the morning, she would eat breakfast, have morning training, then spend the next few hours with her private tutors. She would then break for lunch and some free time before heading into her afternoon schooling and more training. She would then break for dinner and the evenings she was allowed to either continue with any other schooling or training. She would then shower and then spend her evenings either reading or engaging in mind games.

It went on like that for years. However, Dr. Rice felt that X-23’s mutation wasn’t kicking in fast enough. So with some hesitation from Dr. Kinney, they both agreed to try to trigger her mutation in a more aggressive style. X-23 was given lethal doses of radiation, which did eventually trigger her mutation and also her claws. Now that her claws are extracted, X-23’s claws are coated in adamantium. Because of her fast healing factor she was awake for the painful process. It scarred X-23 and the trust she had between her ‘mom ‘ and ‘dad’ suffered. For the next several months, X-23 only focused on her schooling and, if she wanted, training, until Dr. Rice had a talk with X-23, guilting her into believing that what was done to her was for her own good. That it would make her stronger.

X-23 returned to a relatively normal schedule until she was 16 years old. 23 was to be tested in the field. She was assigned a handler named Kimura, 23 didn’t like her and she didn’t know what her role was in this testing exercise. 23 traveled with Kamura to a remote home in the outskirts of Fort Collins, Colorado. There 23’s was told that Martin Sutter was a former scientist that had stolen sensitive documentation from the facility and her job was to take it back. 23 entered the home where Sutter was waiting for her. It was then he explained to her the true purpose of the X-23 program and the 22 other failed attempts. 23 confused with this knowledge wanted to know more before a red mist started to come out through the vents and then it went dark.

When 23 awoke she was shackled and covered in blood back on the plane to the facility. She had no memory of what had happened or how she got back. When she arrived back at the facility, Dr Kinney was the first to greet her and Dr. Rice was talking to Kimura. 23 heard that the mission was a failure, but the trigger scent worked as expected. Later that night 23 asked Dr. Kinney what the trigger scent was and was told it was nothing to worry about. It was a lie.

The next day, 23’s newest training partner was Kimura. Kimura unleashed hell onto 23, which took two days for her to recover. She was told later it was because she wasn’t strong enough and to get stronger, or else Kimura was going to continue to send her to the hospital. 23 didn’t see much of Dr. Kinney after that day and Dr. Rice started to make more of an appearance. 23 hated this new routine and started to rebel in the coming weeks, and Kimura would use force. 23 would fight back and then be sent to confinement. Dr. Rice continued to say this was 23’s best interest but 23 wouldn’t listen.

Then came the night that changed 23’s life forever. After a particularly challenging day, leaving Kimura bloodied, 23 found herself back in confinement to heal and to reflect. When she thought it was Dr. Rice coming in to give her the same speech, it was actually Dr. Kinney. In a hushed voice, she said that it was time for 23 to leave this place. Confused but seeing the worry in Dr. Kinney’s eyes and the sweat on her brow, 23 knew that this was not what Dr. Rice would have been wanted. Dr. Kinney was risking everything. When 23 asked why, Dr. Kinney simply said that 23 should have never been raised to be a weapon.

They were able to get out of the facility into a car. 23 was asked to change out of her clothing and given a new passport. She looked at the name ‘Laura Kinney’ and for the first time in her life, she had a real name. They drove to the nearest airport where a small plane was. The pilot introduced herself as someone part of the Mutant Underground Network and they had to hurry. However, the facility was already aware of what was going on and was already on the trail.

As the plane was taking off, they shot at it, puncturing a hole in the gas tank. They had to make an emergency landing in Fairbanks, where a task force was waiting to bring Laura back. Laura knew that if she went back then nothing would change. She knew that Dr. Kinney, no, her mother, had risked everything to get her out of there. So Laura knew she must protect her family.

The task force didn’t stand a chance as Laura used up her pent up rage on them in that airfield. The three of them escaped through one of their vehicles but ditched it when they crossed the border into Northern Canada. The next couple of weeks were slow going, their destination was a small remote cabin that was set up as a safehouse for the Mutant Underground Network in Montana. Laura learned that this was a movement to transport mutants that needed a safe place to go.

Once Laura arrived at the cabin, there were two other people there, mutants, and they also worked for the Mutant Underground. As the weeks passed, another family showed up and everyone fell into a routine. Though Laura always had a bag packed and ready to go. Even Sarah had given her a thick envelope with some cash in it, “Just in case” she would say. Laura wasn’t always aware of what the next game plan was, but she knew that the facility would always be looking for them.

Laura had her first Christmas at the cabin. It was a new experience, she had made friends with the other ten year old named Riley, who introduced her to many different things like video games, Taylor Swift, and then the holidays. Christmas was the big one, Laura didn’t understand the concept of the meaning behind the holiday but did like that it seemed that it made everyone happy. Riley also introduced Laura to makeup and would often paint her nails. Riley was a mutant with visible mutation, she had a pair of mini bat wings on her back, and her parents were trying to make their way to California. They were waiting for the conditions to improve before moving on.

Several weeks later Laura had to say goodbye to Riley and her family, which Riley gifted her Taylor Swift friendship bracelet. The house soon fell silent and life continued. At the end of July, it was time for Laura and Sarah to move, their destination a small town in Nebraska, where people tend to keep to themselves. Unknown that they had been tracked to their current location.

During a weekly outing to the local market in town, an attempted failed ambush occurred by Weapon X. Laura was able to pick up the scents of the strange men-in-black before they did serious harm and she and Sarah put the market on lockdown, sealing themselves inside as backup arrived. The stand off lasted for almost three hours before the arrival of the Trigger Scent. They deployed it and Laura turned on Sarah, almost killing her. Taking this moment, they swarmed into the market and took Laura down with tranquilizers. They quickly moved out, with another clean-up team due to arrive to clean up the mess.

Laura came too a short time later, as they hadn't given her enough tranquilizers to keep her sedated and the trigger scent was wearing off. The scent of Sarah's blood on her hands sent her in a frieze as she broke through her restraints and killed the men inside the truck. She escaped as the escort tried to surround her to get her contained again. While healing, she saw the arrival of four men (Doug, Kyle, Logan, and Madin), fighting their way through the men. A quick judgement call meant they were there to rescue her. They were able to get to her, and headed back to the X-Jet where Laura was reunited with Sarah and taken back to the Mansion.

Living At The X-Mansion

Adjusting to the mansion took time, but Laura found her own footing in the door. Visiting daily to the medlab to see how Sarah was fairing and meeting other residents at the mansion. She grew particularly close to Kyle and Doug, as they kept her under their wing. Eventually, Laura gained a roommate by the name of Gaia, a girl who came from a different dimension. Despite their difference, the girls became rather close in their own awkward ways. Quietly, Laura said goodbye to Sarah as she head off to Muir Island to continue her research on how to cure the trigger scent from being used on Laura.

On Halloween, Gaia and Laura scarred the local teens as they kept interrupting the movie they were watching, Hocus Pocus. After the incident, it was decided that Laura would attend Bayville Charter High not for her academics but for socializing. The first day, Laura got detention and made friends and by the end of the week she was in a gang. The gang consisted of all the people Laura defended against the bullies in school as well as others who also wanted to stand up for social justices. Unknown to Laura, she was getting popular with the students and was causing headaches for the adults.

Physical Characteristics

Height: 5'1"

General Build: Slender, Toned

Eyes: Brown

Hair: Brown

Other Features: None. But she is heavier than she looks.


Laura possesses similar abilities to that of Logan.

Regenerative Healing Factor: Laura primary mutation is the accelerated healing factor. She is capable of healing from injuries that would most definitely kill a normal person (or another mutant). Her healing abilities kick in seconds and most injuries take a couple of seconds to a few minutes. The more serious of injuries, such as reattaching her own limbs, can take a few seconds for the skin to reattach but it can take an hour to several days to be fully functional.

  • Foreign Chemical Immunity: Laura is immune to most poisons and drugs. However, she can be affected by some drugs if given in mass quantities.
  • Disease Immunity: Her healing factor has given her immunity against diseases and infections.
  • Longevity: Her healing factor also extends her lifespan, slowing the effects of aging. It is currently unknown how long that is.
  • Superhuman Acute Senses: Laura is able to see perfectly both in daylight and in darkness. Her sense of hearing has developed beyond that of an ordinary human. She can track anything, even if the trail has been cold for a couple of hours, with the sniff of her nose.
  • Superhuman Agility: Laura agility, balance, and coordination's are beyond that of an ordinary human.
  • Superhuman Reflexes Her reflexes have been developed beyond that of an ordinary human.
  • Superhuman Durability: Laura’s can take a hit and can survive.
  • Superhuman Stamina: Laura’s can maintain her stamina for a long period of time, but fatigue can eventually settle in.

Bone Claws: Laura’s has two retractable bone claws in each arm and one in each foot. She can extend and retract these at will, but she must keep her wrists and/or feet straight when she wants to have her claws come out. Her bone claws are stronger, more durable, and sharper than a normal human bone. Her bone claws in both of her arms are covered in adamantium since she was a child after her mutation was triggered. The ones in her feet are still made out of bone.

Power Limitations Her healing ability depends on the severity of the injuries. If she lost a limb, she can reattach it fairly quickly, but it could still take up to several days for it to be fully functional again. She cannot regrow a limb if she loses it for good, it is gone forever.

She is sensitive to smells and loud noises. To counter the overwhelming noises she will be wearing noise canceling headphones quite often, listening to either music or nature, calming sounds. The overpowering smells, like strong perfume, she’ll get a migraine. She won’t be able to handle too much at one time and if exposed too much of it will send her into a panic mode and then her fight and flight instincts will kick in, as she tries to find the nearest exit.

Tranquilizers can take her down. She can be out for a couple of hours, depending on the dosage. For her to be continuously subdued, it must be given to her continuously. Laura’s stamina last for about an hour when she is pushing herself to the limits. If she paces herself, she can go about 18 hour before she starts feeling tired.

Her claws can be prevented from coming out if her wrists and feet are bent.

Trigger Scent (see below for more information). Laura was unknowing conditioned to a specific scent. When she is exposed to this scent, Laura loses her “self” and will go into a killing spree. It doesn’t matter if there are friends in the area, she won’t be able to tell the difference between friends and foe.

Trigger Scent

A compound chemical was created in the Facility that housed Project XXIII. It was created as a fail-safe for the use of controlling Laura. It was first used in 2023 when Laura failed to execute her mission promptly. It was then used again in 2024 (intro plot here). The chemicals were engineered to only work on Laura if she were to breathe in the gas. Due to the complex nature of the compound, it is only for use in extreme situations as it is difficult to manufacture. As of 2023, only five canisters were created, and two were used by the end of 2024.

Due to the violent nature that Laura undergoes while under the effects, a counter vaccine was created to negate the effects of the Trigger Scent. The vaccine takes immediate effect and will remain in Laura systems for 48 hours. If exposed to the Trigger Scent within those 48 hours, the Trigger Scent will not take hold. Dr. Kinney stole a copy of both formulas before breaking Laura out of the Facility. The hope is to create a vaccine that permanently prevents the Trigger Scent's effects from being used.

The Trigger Scent takes 45 seconds to a minute to take effect. During that time, the vaccine can be administered to negate the effects. If no vaccine is available, the Trigger Scent will take effect for roughly 10-15 minutes. After that, Laura will come back to her senses.

Laura explained that she did not remember what had happened while under the effects.


  • None Yet.


  • She has a keen sense of smell and has memories of everyone she has encountered smell.

External Links

Links to the tags for each character in xp_communication, xp_logs and xp_journal.

[html link xp_communication posts]

[html link xp_journal posts]

[html link xp_logs posts]



X-Men Mission: Weapon X-XXIII



Player: Rei


Player Icon Base: Jenna Ortega

Meta Trivia

This is Phase 2 version of Laura Kinney and Rei's fourth character, but second character since returning back to the game.