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This character is currently unplayed, but is open for applications. If you are interested in applying for this character, you can contact the mods at x_moderators @ googlegroups . com and you can find the application form here.

Johnny Gallo
Portrayed by Sebastian Jessen
Codename: Ricochet
Affiliations: New Mutants, Xavier's School for Gifted Youngsters
Birthdate: September 09, 1993
Journal: x_dangersense
Player: Available for applications

Johnny Gallo was a full-time student and saw Xavier's as a vast improvement over a home-life with an indifferent parent, before an unexpected reconciliation with his father.


Character Journal: x_dangersense

Real Name: Jonathan Gallo

Codename: Ricochet

Aliases: Johnny

First Appearance: March 24, 2009

Date of Birth: September 09, 1993

Place of Birth: New York City, New York

Citizenship: American

Relatives: Darren Gallo (father), Allison Gallo (mother, deceased)

Education: Junior at Xavier's School for Gifted Youngsters

Relationship Status: Single

Occupation: Student

Team Affiliation: New Mutants



Johnny was born and raised in New York City's northernmost borough, the only child of a lower middle class household. His childhood was a typical one, defined by an energetic disposition and a close relationship with his doting mother, whom he came to view with even more reverence when he was six years old and arrived home from school early one afternoon to discover her levitating the dishes up to the top shelf with a low-level telekinesis. Enthralled both by her powers and the notion of a secret pact between the two of them, he promised he would keep what he had seen to himself when she asked him to.

For the next two years, things remained largely unchanged with the family. When Johnny was eight years old, however, a mundane outing with his mother resulted in tragedy when she was struck down by a car that had, in a frenzy to outrun police, run up onto the sidewalk. Crushed between the vehicle and the wall of a neighborhood convenience store, she met a quick, but gory end, one which Johnny only avoided because of his mother’s intervention, throwing him out of the way with a burst of desperate telekinetic strength. Distressed and disoriented, he was taken to the hospital to be treated for an acute stress reaction. Darren could not be reached until the evening and even when he arrived, he had little comfort to offer his son, too stunned himself by the sudden death of his wife.

After Allison's funeral, the Gallo household was a different place, the emptiness left by her absence drawing a father and son that were never close to begin with further and further apart. The rumors that circled the neighborhood as to the circumstances of the incident did not help matters either, as suggestions of his deceased wife’s status as a mutant earned only sharp disdain from Darren, who refused to believe such a thing. Miserable at home and still holding his mother’s secret, Johnny found solace at school and among his peers, developing into a gregarious and playful attention-seeker and becoming involved in almost any school activity he could think of to avoid going home. Johnny’s own, fortunately subtle, powers began to develop when he was twelve years old. Though the reaction the rumors about his mother had earned had taught him enough to keep it to himself, the boy was silently thrilled, feeling a rejuvenated closeness with Allison that he hadn’t felt in years.

It wasn't until high school that the matter was brought out into the open, his powers used thoughtlessly to avoid a vicious bit of the underclassman bullying. With this one careless action he lost any semblance of belonging and most of his friends. Many that had known him for years were now uneasy around him, if they would allow themselves to be around him at all, and he was frequently antagonized. With school now just as bad as home (and home only getting worse), the boy found himself growing increasingly disheartened and even came close to running away by the time he started his sophomore year. It is likely he would have if not for his best friend and one stalwart companion, a science whiz named Eddie McDonough.

The choice was taken out of his hands, however, when he was kidnapped by Astra and brought to an isolated commune in Washington where he briefly lost his memory and was given an unshakable, but ultimately hollow happiness by the empath Joyboy. He was rescued by Scott Summers, Jean-Paul Beaubier and Garrison Kane shortly after and brought back to the mansion to recover and regain his senses while the X-Men attempted to contact his father.

Living At The X-Mansion

After contact with Darren Gallo made it clear that he was not interested in Johnny coming home (the man would not even come out to Xavier’s and had to be faxed the necessary paper work), he became an official student. While the realization was an initially painful one, the teenager soon resolved (through the aid of Jean Grey and Jean-Paul Beaubier) that the school was a better fit than home was anyway and to make the best of it. His time there initially proved uneventful, marked by gradual adjustment and a focus on his classes and his training with the New Mutants. He formed friendships of varying depths with the other occupants of the mansion, most notably Jean-Paul Beaubier, Doreen Green, whom he would later take to prom, and Lillian Crawley-Jeffries, on whom he also formed a very one-sided crush.

Johnny began to experience the uglier sides of mansion life within his first month there, however, when a bout of accidental eaves dropping and an encounter with three of the Stepford Cuckoos led him to play a role in spreading rumors about Jean-Paul, after his return from an unsavory situation with a longstanding enemy who called himself Deadly Ernst. It did not take him long to admit his role to the man or to be forgiven for it, though he never made any sort of peace with the telepaths that had caused all the trouble and still holds a genuine distrust of them.

Johnny continued to bond with Jean-Paul, going with him on a road trip to Montreal and usually seeking him out when he had difficulties, such as Lil's return to Canada to care for her injured husband. His circle of confidantes expanded to include his new roommate Victor Borkowski, the two extra-agile mutants finding comfort in each other's company. It was for this reason that Vic joined Johnny when Johnny's father unexpectedly invited him to visit. It proved a wise action, as the son of Mr. Gallo's new girlfriend had a violent, drug-fuelled episode and both boys were injured trying to prevent him disappearing before police could arrest him. Both were punished for their lack of tactical sense, going after Rich alone, and Jean-Paul expressed his disappointment in them. The blow of the teacher's own departure to Muir Island was softened by Johnny being called home to tend to his father, who had been seriously hurt in the incident.

Physical Characteristics

Height: 5'4"

Weight: 127 lbs.

Eyes: Blue

Hair: White

Other Features: None


Super Agility

A substantial portion of Johnny's mutation has to do with alterations in the composition of his skeleton, connective tissue and muscles, all of which are aimed at increasing his natural agility. His tendons and connective tissue possess approximately twice the elasticity of an average individual's, allowing him to contort and maneuver his form in a way that would be incredibly painful, if not impossible, for most. He has a considerable acrobatic prowess and is capable of complicated gymnastic stunts in quick succession. Along with the ability to perform these nimble feats with relative ease, his agility allows him to leap remarkable distances.

Further alterations to his nervous system increase the speed with which his synapses function and thus increase his natural reaction speed. To date, his reflexes are approximately ten fold those of an average individual, allowing him to dodge quite efficiently even without the application of his danger sense. He also possesses a staunch sense of equilibrium. This allows him to balance steadily on almost any surface and prevents him from getting disoriented or faltering and grants practical application to his extensive acrobatic feats.

Johnny's improved musculature also produces less of the toxins that lead to fatigue and allow him to exert himself physically for a long period of time with little difficulty and little influence upon the quality of his performance.

Danger Sense

Johnny possesses a type of simple precognition, a "danger sense" that allows him to perceive approaching threats before they actually occur. This sense manifests as a tingling sensation at the base of his skull, subtle fluctuations in which allow to him anticipate the severity and even the direction of an upcoming danger. At his current level of proficiency, however, he cannot always interpret them correctly.

While this sense can be triggered even when he is asleep, stunned or disoriented, such circumstances slow it considerably and alleviate much of its usefulness. Sudden or extreme threats may cause this sense to react with excruciating intensity.








Malibu Madness






Player Icon Base: Sebastian Jessen

Meta Trivia

Brought into the game by Kat under the x_ricochet journal until her departure in September 2009. x_dangersense was created to avoid loss of game data and to allow for the character to be apped.