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{{Incomplete Page}}
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[[Image: jean.jpg|right|180px]]
''This page is about the [[:Category: Phase 2|Phase 2]] incarnation of the character. For other uses, see [[Jean Grey (disambiguation)]].''
| name    = Jean Grey
| image  = jean-white-and-green.jpg
| pb = [https://www.imdb.com/name/nm2125623/?ref_=nv_sr_srsg_0 Bridget Regan]
| codename = Phoenix
| teams  = [[X-Men]], [[Xavier Institute]] - Doctor
| birthdate = October 27, 1984
| journal =  [https://xp-phoenix.dreamwidth.org/profile Satellite Mind]
| player = [[Mackinzie]]
''We come into this world alone, and we leave the same way, the time we spend in between ... time spent alive, sharing, learning ... together ... is all that makes life worth living.''
Consumed with a desire to heal and help people, telepathic and telekinetic Dr. Jean Grey finds her calling met while living at the X-Mansion.
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== '''Details''' ==
== '''Details''' ==
'''Character Journal:''' [http://x_jeangrey.livejournal.com x_jeangrey]
'''Character Journal:''' [https://xp-phoenix.dreamwidth.org/profile xp_phoenix]
'''Real Name''': Jean Grey-Summers
'''Real Name''': Jean Grey
'''Codename''': Phoenix
'''Codename''': None
'''Aliases''': Marvel Girl, Jane Smith, The Black Queen, Phoenix
'''Aliases''': Marvel Girl (Formerly), Karen Grant, Julia Ash, Jena Pyre, Red, Phoenix  
'''First Appearance''': [http://x-jeangrey.livejournal.com/387.html May 8th, 2003]
'''First Appearance''': [https://xp-logs.dreamwidth.org/3622807.html January 21, 2015]
'''Date of Birth''': October 27th, 1973
'''Date of Birth''': October 27, 1984
'''Place of Birth''': upstate New York
'''Place of Birth''': Annandale on Hudson, New York
'''Citizenship''': American
'''Citizenship''': American/British (dual citizenship)
'''Relatives''': Elaine Grey (mother), Dr. John Grey (father), Sarah Grey (sister), Joey (nephew), Gailyn (niece). Jean's brother-in-law was killed in an accident, and her sister has decided to return to using her maiden name.
'''Relatives''': Dr. John Grey (Father), Elaine Grey (Mother), Sara Grey-Bailey (Older Sister), Paul Bailey (Brother in Law), Joseph “Joey” Thomas Bailey (Nephew), Gailyn Bailey (Niece)
'''Education''': BS from Columbia University and MD from George Washington University
'''Education''': BS from Columbia University and MD from George Washington University (Washington DC)
'''Relationship Status''': Married to [[Scott Summers]]
'''Relationship Status''': Single
'''Occupation''': Teacher, Doctor
'''Occupation''': Doctor  
'''Team Affiliation''': [[X-Men]]
'''Team Affiliation''': [[X-Men]]
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== '''Biography''' ==
== '''Biography''' ==
=== '''Childhood''' ===
=== '''Early Life''' ===
Jean was born in upstate New York, where she lived until she was thirteen with her parents and older sister. When Jean's powers began to develop at thirteen her lack of telepathic shielding threatened to drive her crazy and, simultaneously, deeply disturbed her family, particularly her mother. Wanting to help his little girl, Dr. Grey contacted his colleague, [[Professor Charles Xavier]], and asked if he could train Jean. Xavier agreed and, in order to both focus her studies and protect her unshielded mind, Jean moved in to Xavier's mansion and became his and [[Erik Lehnsherr]]'s first student.
Jean Grey was born to Elaine Grey and Dr. John Grey, a professor of history at Bard College. She was the youngest after her sister Sara, who was born two years earlier. Jean was a bright, imaginative girl who often divided her time between reading and playing with her sister and the neighborhood kids. When she was 12, Jean was forced to grow up impossibly early when she witnessed her best friend, Annie Richardson, get hit by a car. As the girl lay dying, Jean’s mutant ability to read minds manifested, and she felt her friend’s thoughts and emotions as she passed. This event left Jean depressed and withdrawn, and she suddenly discovered that she was hearing voices that she couldn’t turn off.  
=== '''The Early Years''' ===
Initially the Grey family suspected Jean had a mental illness, but a chance encounter with one of his old colleagues from Oxford, [[Charles Xavier|Professor Charles Xavier]], at a college event convinced him that Jean was not hearing voices of her own making but rather the  thoughts of everyone else. Xavier, eventually revealing that he too was a mutant, convinced John to allow him to tutor Jean to help control her abilities.
Jean studied at Xavier's home on her own, then was joined by [[Dr. Henry McCoy|Hank McCoy]], [[Scott Summers]], [[Ororo Munroe]] and others as Xavier extended his school. Continuing her education, Jean went to Columbia University for her undergraduate degree and it was while she was a student at Columbia that the sixteen year old Scott Summers was brought to Xavier's. The two of them became good friends while she was home during summer breaks and on weekends as she worked on further controlling her powers and they remained close when she moved to Washington, DC to study medicine. It was while she was studying in DC that her interest in politics was formed.
While Jean’s family was remarkably understanding of the fact that Jean and Xavier were mutants, they knew that society wasn’t, and their concern for Jean’s safety should the school be found out kept them from enrolling Jean at Xavier’s full time. Xavier became a tutor and mentor to Jean, helping her both emotionally and physically with her power. This strong bond created strain between Xavier and John, who began to grow jealous of Jean and Xavier’s father-daughter relationship.  
==='''Pre- and Post-X1'''===
As Jean grew, so did her abilities. Because of this, Xavier installed blocks in her mind so that her powers could grow gradually, rather than allowing her to be overwhelmed by them. Once Jean became stable enough to function on her own, John took a job at Oxford University, moving his family to London when Jean was 16. The move and loss of Jean’s friendships, coupled also with the emergence of a secondary mutation, telekinesis, took a toll and Jean’s progress backslid. Xavier begged John to allow Jean to come to the school full time but John refused and instead allowed a compromise for Jean to go to [[Muir Island]], a facility in Scotland that also specialized in helping mutants. Jean, tired of the constant rivalry between her father and Xavier, was able to convince John that she could have two father figures in her life and it didn’t mean she loved him any less. Realizing Jean still needed Xavier due to the rarity of her abilities, John finally agreed to remote tutoring via [[Cerebro]] and eventually got over his qualms with the other Professor.
Jean and Scott's relationship began when he was twenty-one and she was twenty-six and developed quickly, to the point that when she finished her degree and returned they moved in together, developing a [[Psychic Link|pychic link]] and soon getting engaged. Approximately two years later [[Logan]] entered the picture and the events of X1 took place. Although not particularly attracted to him on an emotional or mental level, the physical attraction to Logan was definitely hard to deny, particularly with her strengthening telepathic and telekinetic powers upsetting her control of her mind. She fought against the attraction but it did place a strain on her and Scott's relationship.
=== '''Eventual Arrival At The X-Mansion''' ===
=== '''Alkali Lake and Jane Smith''' ===
After finishing high school at Muir, Jean decided that she wanted to return to the United States to receive her undergraduate degree. Inspired by one of the researchers at Muir, [[Moira MacTaggart|Dr. Moira MacTaggart]], Jean entered the pre-med program at Columbia University in New York City. Growing tension between humans and mutants following a foiled attack by the mutant terrorist [[Magneto]] at the UN Summit made Jean restless and she began to become more active in finding ways to work toward peace between mutants and humans. Xavier gradually started to remove the mental blocks on her powers, and tried to help quench her desire to make a difference, grooming her to help a select team of fellow mutants discreetly ferry mutants to safer places all around the world. Her skill in getting mutants out of sometimes very precarious situations earned her the nickname Marvel Girl, a name which stuck, becoming her codename.
Once graduating from Columbia, she soon headed to George Washington University in Washington, DC to enter medical school and keep her pulse on the political hotbed discussion about mutants. Her work with the [[Mutant Underground]] continued (but was albeit slowed significantly by the rigors of the program), and once she finished medical school she remained in Washington DC for a couple of years to do that off and on while working on her internship and residency, using various aliases to help her get around and remain hidden. In 2012, she joined the organization put together by Xavier after [[Genosha Arc|Genosha]] called [[X-Corps]], which gave a name to the team and more focus to what they had been doing all along.
Jean believed that it was an interaction with her expanding, no longer properly controlled telekinesis which was causing the [[Blackbird]] engine not to start after the damn at [[X2|Alkali Lake]] was destroyed. Deciding to sacrifice herself to save her teacher, her team, her love and her students, Jean left the plane and held back the water while lifting the plane to safety. Despite the increase in her powers which made it possible the strain was too much to handle and she lost consciousness. However, her powers were not exhausted and her subconscious reflexes managed to get her to the top of the water and keep her afloat but could not deal with the flotsam in the water. She took at least one sharp knock to the head, and probably several, resulting in complete amnesia and damaging her to the point where she could no longer use her powers, let alone control them.
Her arrival at Xavier's came as the result of a mission carried out by the request of Xavier to look into suspicion from one of Jean’s political contacts that a high tech weapons manufacturing company based in New York was supplying anti-mutant groups with the tools they needed to take their ‘cause’ to the next level. She soon discovered this company was also working on contracts with the government to supply special forces with the means to capture mutants they deemed dangerous. Jean's mission was complicated by her feelings for her unwitting information source, [[Warren Worthington]], playboy son of the company's owner. Having obtained some information while on a date with Warren, Jean's conscience got the better of her and she eventually confessed. To her surprise Warren not only agreed to help her with the investigation but revealed his own mutant status and eventually moved into the mansion.  
She washed ashore and would likely have frozen to death if a local trapper hadn’t found her. He got her to the closest airport and they took her to a hospital in Vancouver. She was revived there, but with no ID and no memory there was not much they could do for her. Once she was physically recovered they released her, and she started life in Vancouver as Jane Smith with regular hospital visits to test if her memory was returning.  
The relationship was short-lived, with Jean finding out through gossip that Warren was still seeing other people. Her adjustment to living at the mansion was difficult as well, with people reacting oddly to her. The team, too, was different than she had thought, with [[Clarice Ferguson]] shocking Jean with her actions during [[X-Men Mission: Attica! Attica!| a mission]]. Retrieving students [[Xavin Majesdane]], [[Quentin Quire]] and [[Rahne Sinclair]] was more her speed, as was assisting [[Kurt Sefton]] when his [[Image inducer|image inducer]] broke and counselling [[Laurie Collins]] during her physical therapy as well as working in the medlab. Over time, Jean began finding her feet.
As Jane she lived in Vancouver for a year working odd jobs, usually in shops and waitressing as there aren’t that many jobs you can do without a degree or papers, and got along fairly well. It wasn’t until the anniversary of Alkali lake that her problems started – her powers began to resurface but Jane had no control. The fits were sporadic and seemingly unrelated at first, but it began to be clear to Jane’s friends that some of her lost memories were related to these fits and that there was something strange about her. She lost many friends who were directly exposed to her powers – mostly they were simply frightened off, but in at least one cause someone was hurt by Jane – and she became more reclusive. By midwinter most of her new friends had totally abandoned her, only her boyfriend Thomas remained, trying to convince Jane to seek help.  
Her investigation of Worthington Industries had [[Patent Pending|repercussions]], when she was targeted by [[Crossfire]]. Jean was less than impressed to find Warren and his vigilante friends (including a minor - [[Miles Morales]]) had been injured in their attempts to investigate industrial espionage, when there were other options available. The contract on Jean meant she was confined to the mansion for a time, until [[Marie-Ange Colbert]] and [[Wade Wilson]] were able to give her the all-clear. She did thank Warren for saving her life, but also lectured him about his fear of commitment, which he took about as well as expected. Jean's relationship with her telepathy student, Quentin, was equally rocky, with Quentin doing his best to antagonize her - and then, amazingly, actually apologising for his actions and agreeing to cooperate in future.  
He was the one who found information about Charles Xavier, an American who might be able to help, and convinced Jane to visit Xavier’s school. He offered to go with her, but she refused, not wanting to expose him to any more of whatever was going wrong with her.
Towards the end of the year, Jean was involved in another X-Men mission, [[X-Men Mission: Riding the Nightmare|rescuing a young girl who had just manifested]], and watched another teammate go over the top as [[David Haller]] lost control of his temper and injured several bystanders. She was also called to assist in the retrieval of a [[Weapon X]] program, [[Stepford Cuckoos|five young telepaths]] cloned from [[Emma Frost|Emma Frost's]] genetic material, her medical and telepathic skills being needed by the [[X-Force]] team involved.
=== '''Jean's Return''' ===
=== '''Not-So-Quiet Life''' ===
Jane came to Xavier's in March of 2005 and wasn't in the building more than a few minutes before she encountered Scott. Seeing Scott opened the psi-link (which had been closed but not broken with Jean's 'death') the pain of which, along with Jean's returning memories, triggered another of her power episodes. Jean collapsed and woke in the medlab with her memories fully restored.
The mansion drama continued to keep Jean busy through 2016 and 2017. Between working at Claremont, working at the mansion med lab, [[X-Men Mission: Fall of the Mutants | stopping mutant terrorists]], [[Something Slender This Way Comes | saving kids who were taken to another dimension]], and [[Great Attractors | getting stuck in the head of one of the mansion empaths]], Jean somehow found time to have a life, and continue making friends at the mansion and have some kind of personal life. 2017 was just as adventurous, and even more terrifying. It started with two X-Men missions, one of which [[X-Men Mission: A vs X | included fighting brainwashed Avengers]], and in September, a chance encounter [[Psi War | with a kind man in the ER]], brought the Shadow King into Jean's life. While she managed to fight it off with some help, the entity possessed Quentin Quire instead, and she was forced to watch her student kill himself in order to save everyone from the Shadow King. Thankfully, looks can be deceiving - a piece of Quentin stayed in Jean's mind, allowing them to spend a little too much personal time together until [[Marie-Ange Colbert]] and [[Rachel Kinross-Dayspring]] could help him build a new body.
The first week of Jean's return to the school found her living in an [[Power_inhibitors|inhibitor]] as she worked on rebuilding her destroyed psychic shields. Even after she could shield her self, she spent a long period of time sleeping in [[The Box]] to avoid projecting her nightmares of drowning to the school at large.
== '''Physical Characteristics''' ==
The next several months were spent getting reacquainted with her friends and students at Xavier's and in the wider world, and forming new or shifted relationships including a strong animosity with [[Betsy Braddock]], owing to the other woman's affair with Scott. Jean also worked extensively during this time to regain control of her powers. Additionally, after the events of [[Bad Blood]], Jean confronted [[Alison Blaire|Alison]] and was thrown into the lake, leading to another powers incident and the flash boiling of several gallons of water. She and Alison then made a deal that Alison would wear a shirt revealing her scars once Jean mastered her hydrophobia and swam across the lake. The two women then began to work extensively on conquering Jean's fear.
All of this culminated in August with Jean and Scott getting re-engaged and Jean beginning to work seriously about getting back on the [[X-Men]], which she accomplished in early September. Jean had regained her life, which was thoroughly proven when she and Scott eloped the Christmas after [[Mutants and Molotovs|the G8 riot]].
'''Height''': 5'9"
=== '''Not So Plain Jane''' ===
'''Weight''': 140
On a planned field trip to DC with students interested in mutant issues and sports, Jean encountered a mutant called [[Mesmero]] who was working for [[Sebastian Shaw]] as a lobbyist under the name of Parker Matthews. Matthews, in an attempt to use his hypnotic powers to get Jean to sleep with him, accidentally released Jean's suppressed alter ego, Jane Smith who, in the year since Jean had returned to life, had become the receptical for all of Jean's negative emotions. Jane, now free, left Scott and the school to become the Black Queen for the [[Hellfire Club]].
'''Eyes''': Blue
Jane, after having been the holding pen for all of Jean's anger and fear, decided to strike back at Jean for, in effect, stealing her life and decided to do this by hurting the people Jean cared most about, twisting their feelings for Jean and casting events in the worst light possible. Scott was, of course, the most obvious and easy target, as Jane convinced him that she had never felt Scott was worth her time, that he'd rushed her after her return from Alkalai and that, with his lost eye, she had always had to take care of him too much. She also slept with [[Bobby Drake]] and sent a video tape of the event to Scott, leading to her and Scott having sex in an alley and Jane erasing Scott's memory of that encounter.
'''Hair''': Red
Eventually the connection between Jane and the Hellfire Club came to light and Scott quite rightly assumed that Jean could not be in her right mind. After a private confrontation between the two of them which landed Scott in jail, Shaw arranged to have the [[X-Men]] admitted to the club so Jean could be removed, during which time Scott, which Charles' help, invaded Jean's mind to release her from Mesmero and Jane's control, leading to a reintegration of the two facets of Jean's personality.
'''Other Features''': Wears glasses when reading
Jean returned to the manion to begin the process of dealing with (and apologizing for) what she had done, as well as relearning how to cope with all the negative emotions she had been supressing for so long. She was helped on this process by [[Jamie Madrox]], [[Lorna Dane]] and [[David Haller]] who had all had not dis-similar experiences in their pasts, and while many of her friendships were repaired, those between herself and Bobby and [[Theresa Cassidy]] never have.
=== '''Scott's Abduction''' ===
== '''Powers''' ==
Jean Grey is a powerful [[Psionics|telepath and telekinetic]], her abilities honed through training with Professor Charles Xavier and Moira MacTaggart.  She has also developed a sort of  'pyrokinesis' as another aspect of her powers, and has demonstrated various stunts, include a radiating heat shimmer, flash boiling water, and sparks of flame coming off of her and her TK shield, as well as being able to set things on fire. Given the destructive nature of this ability, she only really displays it when she becomes angry or loses self-control.
She has the most control over her telepathy,  and while it can be more powerful than some telepaths, it is not as powerful as the Professor's. She could have the potential to surpass the Professor if she allowed herself to, but she subconsciously holds herself back, afraid of what she might do. She has been practicing her telekinesis more due to the nature of her work and has been honing her precision to be able to use it in rescues, battle or in case of a medical emergency. Because of her age and less experience, her powers are not as strong as her former self, but they are still formidable due to the specialized training from Xavier and MacTaggart.
=== '''Tibet''' ===
She does not possess the sheer cosmic powers of the Dark Phoenix or her alternate self near the end, but vestiges of the Phoenix still remain in the manifestation of the firebird. She will not have shown it yet but it will come in a later date. In the meantime her telepathic avatar is a glowing pinkish purple form.
== '''Equipment''' ==
Tablet, stethoscope
=== '''The Preservers''' ===
== '''Physical Characteristics''' ==
== '''Trivia''' ==
This version of Jean never stayed at [[The Mansion|the mansion]] due to her family fearing she might get hurt by close association with Xavier.
Jean enjoys tea due to living in Scotland while as teenager, but she will also drink coffee.
'''Height''': 5' 11"
Like her alternate counterpart she also enjoys to read, though her tastes are more varied.
'''Weight''': 150 lbs
Jean has a dual citizenship due to living in the UK when she was 16. While she spent time at Muir Island in Scotland, her citizenship is also in Great Britain due to her parents living in London.
'''Eyes''': Green
'''Hair''': Copper red, currently cut to about mid-back.
=='''External Links'''==
== '''Powers''' ==
[https://xp-communication.dreamwidth.org/tag/c:+jean+grey xp_communication posts]
Jean is a telepath and telekinetic. Her telekinesis is on par with [[Nathan Dayspring | Nathan's]] for pure strength and her telepathy has the potential to reach near [[Charles Xavier| Xavier’s]] class of strength but due to her 'death', her control was shot to hell. At the time of her return, her mental shields were all but nonexistent – she could keep from actively projecting, but she couldn't keep a probe out and she was unable to keep from picking up thoughts off of anyone who isn’t shielding – and her telekinesis tended to go off without her meaning for it to, particularly when she is upset. At that point she couldn't trigger her telekinesis intentionally.
[https://xp-journal.dreamwidth.org/tag/c:+jean+grey xp_journal posts]
Over time, however, she regained much of her former control, and is now considered on par with Nathan telekinetically, although she doesn't have the fine control for ,olecular-level manipulation; and between Nathan and Charles telepathically.
[https://xp-logs.dreamwidth.org/tag/c:+jean+grey xp_logs posts]
== '''Trivia''' ==
[https://xp-staff.dreamwidth.org/tag/c:+jean+grey xp_staff posts]
During Jean's 'death' and after her subsequent reappearance, the [[Psionics| psychic link]] she had with Scott was still active, prompting him to have nightmares and headaches before her return.
[https://xp-teams.dreamwidth.org/tag/c:+marvel+girl xp_teams posts]
== '''Plots''' ==
== '''Plots''' ==
[[X-Men Mission: Attica! Attica!]]
[[21st Century Digital Boy]]
[[Growing Pains]]
[[Patent Pending]]
[[Bad Blood]]
[[The Caged Bird]]
[[X-Men Mission: Scary Little Blonde Girls]]
[[X-Men Mission: Riding the Nightmare ]]
[[X-Men Mission: Air Xavier]]
[[Little Paper Dolls]]
[[X-Men Mission: Who's The Thief]]
[[X-Men Mission: Fall of the Mutants]]
[[Butterfly Effect]]
[[Something Slender This Way Comes]]
[[Great Attractors]]
[[With Malice Aforethought]]
[[High Cost Of Living]]
[[X-Men Mission: Repent Harlequin, Said the Tick-Tock Man]]
[[X-Men Mission: A vs X]]
[[Lost Generations]]
[[Psi War]]
[[Mutants and Molotovs]]
[[Dark Dimension Homecoming]]
[[One-Eyed King]]
[[X-Men Mission: Merry Christmas Magneto]]
[[Poor Unfortunate Souls]]
[[Sins of the Father]]
[[Broken Stone]]
[[The Danger Room Paradox]]
[[Not So Plain Jane]]
[[X-Men Mission: Skull Island]]
[[The Rictor Effect]]
[[Search and Rescue]]
[[Fear in the Dark]]
[[X-Men Mission: The Rose]]
[[House of Horrors]]
[[X-Men Mission: Phalanx]]
[[Operation: Siege Perilous]]
[[Epiphany Frosts]]
[[X-Men Mission: Leverage]]
[[X-Men Mission: Agents of SHIELD]]
[[Red X Mission: Whiteout]]
[[A Fistful of Nanites]]
[[This Savage Land]]
[[Sons of Mutancy]]
[[X-Men Mission: Coming to America]]
[[X-Men Mission: Lone Sentinel]]
[[New Renaissance Man]]
[[Monster Mash]]
[[Exorcism Robotica]]
[[X-Men Mission: Fin Fang Foom!!!]]
[[Clan Akkaba (plot)| X-Men Mission: Clan Akkaba - Domination]]
[[Alexander's Wall]]
[[X-Men Mission: Town Called Malice]]
[[Family Portrait]]
== Meta ==
[[Behold A White Horse]]
[[(The Trick Is To) Keep Breathing]]
'''Player''': [[Cora]]
[[Transian Public Library]]
'''E-mail''': [[IMAGE:CoraEmail.jpg|120px]]
== Meta ==
'''AIM''': manticora42
'''Player''': [[Mackinzie]]
'''Player Icon Base''': [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Famke_Janssen Famke Janssen]
'''E-mail''': [[IMAGE: MackEmail.PNG |200px]]
'''Meta Trivia'''  
The original mods had accepted an application for a Jean Grey player but the player lost interest and so the original return of Jean Grey plot was dropped.
'''Player Icon Base''': [https://www.imdb.com/name/nm2125623/?ref_=nv_sr_srsg_0 Bridget Regan]
There is a post and a log by Jean Grey that takes place during X-2, both of which were socked by the original mods.
'''Meta Trivia'''
[[Category: 2015]]
[[Category: X-Men]]
[[Category: Characters]]
[[Category: Characters]]
[[Category: X-Men]]

Latest revision as of 21:52, 6 October 2023

This page hasn't been updated for at least six months and may be lacking in-game information. If you edit the page, remove this notice. Thank you!

This page is about the Phase 2 incarnation of the character. For other uses, see Jean Grey (disambiguation).

Jean Grey
Portrayed by Bridget Regan
Codename: Phoenix
Affiliations: X-Men, Xavier Institute - Doctor
Birthdate: October 27, 1984
Journal: Satellite Mind
Player: Mackinzie

We come into this world alone, and we leave the same way, the time we spend in between ... time spent alive, sharing, learning ... together ... is all that makes life worth living.

Consumed with a desire to heal and help people, telepathic and telekinetic Dr. Jean Grey finds her calling met while living at the X-Mansion.


Character Journal: xp_phoenix

Real Name: Jean Grey

Codename: None

Aliases: Marvel Girl (Formerly), Karen Grant, Julia Ash, Jena Pyre, Red, Phoenix

First Appearance: January 21, 2015

Date of Birth: October 27, 1984

Place of Birth: Annandale on Hudson, New York

Citizenship: American/British (dual citizenship)

Relatives: Dr. John Grey (Father), Elaine Grey (Mother), Sara Grey-Bailey (Older Sister), Paul Bailey (Brother in Law), Joseph “Joey” Thomas Bailey (Nephew), Gailyn Bailey (Niece)

Education: BS from Columbia University and MD from George Washington University (Washington DC)

Relationship Status: Single

Occupation: Doctor

Team Affiliation: X-Men


Early Life

Jean Grey was born to Elaine Grey and Dr. John Grey, a professor of history at Bard College. She was the youngest after her sister Sara, who was born two years earlier. Jean was a bright, imaginative girl who often divided her time between reading and playing with her sister and the neighborhood kids. When she was 12, Jean was forced to grow up impossibly early when she witnessed her best friend, Annie Richardson, get hit by a car. As the girl lay dying, Jean’s mutant ability to read minds manifested, and she felt her friend’s thoughts and emotions as she passed. This event left Jean depressed and withdrawn, and she suddenly discovered that she was hearing voices that she couldn’t turn off.

Initially the Grey family suspected Jean had a mental illness, but a chance encounter with one of his old colleagues from Oxford, Professor Charles Xavier, at a college event convinced him that Jean was not hearing voices of her own making but rather the thoughts of everyone else. Xavier, eventually revealing that he too was a mutant, convinced John to allow him to tutor Jean to help control her abilities.

While Jean’s family was remarkably understanding of the fact that Jean and Xavier were mutants, they knew that society wasn’t, and their concern for Jean’s safety should the school be found out kept them from enrolling Jean at Xavier’s full time. Xavier became a tutor and mentor to Jean, helping her both emotionally and physically with her power. This strong bond created strain between Xavier and John, who began to grow jealous of Jean and Xavier’s father-daughter relationship.

As Jean grew, so did her abilities. Because of this, Xavier installed blocks in her mind so that her powers could grow gradually, rather than allowing her to be overwhelmed by them. Once Jean became stable enough to function on her own, John took a job at Oxford University, moving his family to London when Jean was 16. The move and loss of Jean’s friendships, coupled also with the emergence of a secondary mutation, telekinesis, took a toll and Jean’s progress backslid. Xavier begged John to allow Jean to come to the school full time but John refused and instead allowed a compromise for Jean to go to Muir Island, a facility in Scotland that also specialized in helping mutants. Jean, tired of the constant rivalry between her father and Xavier, was able to convince John that she could have two father figures in her life and it didn’t mean she loved him any less. Realizing Jean still needed Xavier due to the rarity of her abilities, John finally agreed to remote tutoring via Cerebro and eventually got over his qualms with the other Professor.

Eventual Arrival At The X-Mansion

After finishing high school at Muir, Jean decided that she wanted to return to the United States to receive her undergraduate degree. Inspired by one of the researchers at Muir, Dr. Moira MacTaggart, Jean entered the pre-med program at Columbia University in New York City. Growing tension between humans and mutants following a foiled attack by the mutant terrorist Magneto at the UN Summit made Jean restless and she began to become more active in finding ways to work toward peace between mutants and humans. Xavier gradually started to remove the mental blocks on her powers, and tried to help quench her desire to make a difference, grooming her to help a select team of fellow mutants discreetly ferry mutants to safer places all around the world. Her skill in getting mutants out of sometimes very precarious situations earned her the nickname Marvel Girl, a name which stuck, becoming her codename.

Once graduating from Columbia, she soon headed to George Washington University in Washington, DC to enter medical school and keep her pulse on the political hotbed discussion about mutants. Her work with the Mutant Underground continued (but was albeit slowed significantly by the rigors of the program), and once she finished medical school she remained in Washington DC for a couple of years to do that off and on while working on her internship and residency, using various aliases to help her get around and remain hidden. In 2012, she joined the organization put together by Xavier after Genosha called X-Corps, which gave a name to the team and more focus to what they had been doing all along.

Her arrival at Xavier's came as the result of a mission carried out by the request of Xavier to look into suspicion from one of Jean’s political contacts that a high tech weapons manufacturing company based in New York was supplying anti-mutant groups with the tools they needed to take their ‘cause’ to the next level. She soon discovered this company was also working on contracts with the government to supply special forces with the means to capture mutants they deemed dangerous. Jean's mission was complicated by her feelings for her unwitting information source, Warren Worthington, playboy son of the company's owner. Having obtained some information while on a date with Warren, Jean's conscience got the better of her and she eventually confessed. To her surprise Warren not only agreed to help her with the investigation but revealed his own mutant status and eventually moved into the mansion.

The relationship was short-lived, with Jean finding out through gossip that Warren was still seeing other people. Her adjustment to living at the mansion was difficult as well, with people reacting oddly to her. The team, too, was different than she had thought, with Clarice Ferguson shocking Jean with her actions during a mission. Retrieving students Xavin Majesdane, Quentin Quire and Rahne Sinclair was more her speed, as was assisting Kurt Sefton when his image inducer broke and counselling Laurie Collins during her physical therapy as well as working in the medlab. Over time, Jean began finding her feet.

Her investigation of Worthington Industries had repercussions, when she was targeted by Crossfire. Jean was less than impressed to find Warren and his vigilante friends (including a minor - Miles Morales) had been injured in their attempts to investigate industrial espionage, when there were other options available. The contract on Jean meant she was confined to the mansion for a time, until Marie-Ange Colbert and Wade Wilson were able to give her the all-clear. She did thank Warren for saving her life, but also lectured him about his fear of commitment, which he took about as well as expected. Jean's relationship with her telepathy student, Quentin, was equally rocky, with Quentin doing his best to antagonize her - and then, amazingly, actually apologising for his actions and agreeing to cooperate in future.

Towards the end of the year, Jean was involved in another X-Men mission, rescuing a young girl who had just manifested, and watched another teammate go over the top as David Haller lost control of his temper and injured several bystanders. She was also called to assist in the retrieval of a Weapon X program, five young telepaths cloned from Emma Frost's genetic material, her medical and telepathic skills being needed by the X-Force team involved.

Not-So-Quiet Life

The mansion drama continued to keep Jean busy through 2016 and 2017. Between working at Claremont, working at the mansion med lab, stopping mutant terrorists, saving kids who were taken to another dimension, and getting stuck in the head of one of the mansion empaths, Jean somehow found time to have a life, and continue making friends at the mansion and have some kind of personal life. 2017 was just as adventurous, and even more terrifying. It started with two X-Men missions, one of which included fighting brainwashed Avengers, and in September, a chance encounter with a kind man in the ER, brought the Shadow King into Jean's life. While she managed to fight it off with some help, the entity possessed Quentin Quire instead, and she was forced to watch her student kill himself in order to save everyone from the Shadow King. Thankfully, looks can be deceiving - a piece of Quentin stayed in Jean's mind, allowing them to spend a little too much personal time together until Marie-Ange Colbert and Rachel Kinross-Dayspring could help him build a new body.

Physical Characteristics

Height: 5'9"

Weight: 140

Eyes: Blue

Hair: Red

Other Features: Wears glasses when reading


Jean Grey is a powerful telepath and telekinetic, her abilities honed through training with Professor Charles Xavier and Moira MacTaggart. She has also developed a sort of 'pyrokinesis' as another aspect of her powers, and has demonstrated various stunts, include a radiating heat shimmer, flash boiling water, and sparks of flame coming off of her and her TK shield, as well as being able to set things on fire. Given the destructive nature of this ability, she only really displays it when she becomes angry or loses self-control.

She has the most control over her telepathy, and while it can be more powerful than some telepaths, it is not as powerful as the Professor's. She could have the potential to surpass the Professor if she allowed herself to, but she subconsciously holds herself back, afraid of what she might do. She has been practicing her telekinesis more due to the nature of her work and has been honing her precision to be able to use it in rescues, battle or in case of a medical emergency. Because of her age and less experience, her powers are not as strong as her former self, but they are still formidable due to the specialized training from Xavier and MacTaggart.

She does not possess the sheer cosmic powers of the Dark Phoenix or her alternate self near the end, but vestiges of the Phoenix still remain in the manifestation of the firebird. She will not have shown it yet but it will come in a later date. In the meantime her telepathic avatar is a glowing pinkish purple form.


Tablet, stethoscope


This version of Jean never stayed at the mansion due to her family fearing she might get hurt by close association with Xavier.

Jean enjoys tea due to living in Scotland while as teenager, but she will also drink coffee.

Like her alternate counterpart she also enjoys to read, though her tastes are more varied.

Jean has a dual citizenship due to living in the UK when she was 16. While she spent time at Muir Island in Scotland, her citizenship is also in Great Britain due to her parents living in London.

External Links

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X-Men Mission: Attica! Attica!

21st Century Digital Boy

Patent Pending

The Caged Bird

X-Men Mission: Riding the Nightmare

Little Paper Dolls


X-Men Mission: Fall of the Mutants

Something Slender This Way Comes

Great Attractors


X-Men Mission: Repent Harlequin, Said the Tick-Tock Man

X-Men Mission: A vs X

Psi War

Dark Dimension Homecoming


Poor Unfortunate Souls

Sins of the Father

The Danger Room Paradox

X-Men Mission: Skull Island


Fear in the Dark

House of Horrors


Operation: Siege Perilous


X-Men Mission: Agents of SHIELD

A Fistful of Nanites


Sons of Mutancy

X-Men Mission: Coming to America

X-Men Mission: Lone Sentinel

Monster Mash


Exorcism Robotica

X-Men Mission: Clan Akkaba - Domination

X-Men Mission: Town Called Malice


Behold A White Horse

(The Trick Is To) Keep Breathing

Transian Public Library


Player: Mackinzie

E-mail: MackEmail.PNG


Player Icon Base: Bridget Regan

Meta Trivia