Template:Selected anniversaries/June 2

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June 2


2003: Pep talks: Pete to Jono, Alison to Jamie. In the wake of the failed mission, Ororo raises concerns about Magneto building another Cerebro and finding a telepath to use it. Xavier retreats to Cerebro for an extended period. Kurt begins his circus classes.

2004: Alison and Nathan discuss his memorial post. Manuel meets with the Askani empaths regarding training.

2005: Cain talks to Terry about her problem with Sean. Nathan talks to his therapist about the emails from his father.

2006: Parents' Day. Kevin Ford arrives at the mansion.

2007: Voodoo Child: The bus run is hijacked by assassins; Amanda and Angelo awake and discover Belladonna is behind their capture and Angelo is beaten trying to stop them taking Amanda; Dani and the students are confronted by Belladonna and shown a video of Angelo's beating to ensure their good behaviour; Remy wonders where Amanda is when she doesn't show for a delivery job; Belladonna calls the school and makes her demands - the bus people for the stones taken in Brazil; Ororo alerts the team; in Vegas, the staff and students awake to find themselves in Murderworld; the Vegas group's disappearance is discovered; Remy, Pete, Scott and Ororo discuss options; the bus group discuss possible escape plans and wait for the right time; Forge emails Scott and Ororo from Jennie's father's house and lets them know they're safe and will stay put; Remy outlines the situation to the Snow Valley team; Arcade begins sabotaging his own Murderworld and the captives begin to make their escape from their individual rooms; Forge and Marius deal with the situation by getting drunk.

2008: Zemo: Jubilee is in pain; Forge gives out further details of the kidnapping to try and address security concerns; Angelo visits John in medlab; Adrienne talks to Scott about things and asks for self-defence instruction from one of the female team members; Jan emails John about being kidnapped; Angel is having trouble with her powers in the aftermath. Morgan comes across Nate beating up the punching bag and they manage quite the friendly conversation. Amanda asks Ororo about why Remy left. Morgan comes across Garrison chopping wood and lets him see more of her personality than perhaps intended. Kurt and Wanda end their relationship quietly. Morgan announces her new job as self-defence teacher to the students and in the process Jennie and Garrison have it out about the team. Garrison announces the wood bins have been refilled for summer cookouts, etc. Crystal announces her imminent departure from the school. Emma mourns the death of Yves St Laurent and Adrienne asks for time off to attend his funeral. Jay pounces on John and they chat about Kevin and Jay's future.

2009: Monet makes a post to the journals requesting people think quietly due to a headache. Jubilee posts a link to a humor website. Clarice posts to the journals about her 21st birthday party at Silver and invites everyone to attend. Forge makes a note about receiving free food and intending to come back from missions without harm more often. Jennie talks to Scott about her reasons for pulling out of an X-Man mission at late notice. Lil e-mails Jean-Paul about catching a meal together now she's back in the country. Jennie finally visits Jean and they talk about her potential pregnancy and her options regarding it. Jean-Paul and Noriko relax after training and she explains her theory about Shiro and the water in New York turning all boys gay. Face The Blood: Yvette posts about a Red X trip to Bosnia-Herzegovina. Nathan and Jean-Paul talk about plans for the summer, including trips to Muir Island and Tel Aviv. Doreen surprises Fred and they end up talking about Prom, Julian and what happened with afterwards.

2010: Jean-Paul accompanies Vanessa on her hunt for an office. Cammie has a nightmare and decides to share a bed with Kevin. Doreen stops by Kyle's room with a basket of food. Amara invites her friends to join her for her birthday celebration at Silver on the 4th. Angel and Jean-Paul share a meal in the kitchen and decide to go racing afterwards. Vanessa gives Bishop a tour of their new offices and he names the group X-Factor.

2011: Aftershocks: When another victim is found, X-Factor manages to examine the scene with Laura, but she can't track the killer as they've cleaned up and sanitised themselves after the crime; the New York Times reports on the latest killing; following the latest murder, Vanessa emails Amanda, Doug and Haller to ask for updates and in the process, Haller and Amanda agree to try a combination of telepathy and magic together; Haller asks Meggan to assist in the tracking spell with her empathy.

2012: Angelo sends his mother a postcard to let her know he's all right. Step By Step: Jean and Callisto use a faking-sick Maddie to get into the Genoshan Broadcasting Commission building; Angelo, Jean-Paul, Sam and Artie break in the back way and secure the transmitter controls; Garrison, Sooraya, Bishop, John and Nico accompany Joseph and Jobeth to the broadcasting booth and release the pictures and video they acquired; Mutate 42 - Laurie - and her handler, Semoko attack the broadcast studio, with the group barely escaping and the two Commission members gunned down on live television; the rest of the Xavier's group is attacked by Magistrates on the roof and are nearly taken down when Mutate 1337 - formerly Sarah Vale - joins in, but quick thinking saves the day; Sooraya and Angelo talk about the man she killed to save Maddie. Stemming the Tide: Matt and Wade encounter an advance patrol of a Magistrate attack on the camp and Wade has to kill a Magistrate in front of - or on top of - Matt; Marius and Wanda use chaos blasts to defend the camp, until Wanda has to absorb a hex bolt from a furious Marius to prevent him killing someone; Lorna, Catseye and Molly are trying to keep safe and protect the refugees when they are attacked by Mutate 557 - Callie - and Molly is poisoned; Warren and Pixie patrol the skies while Meggan keeps watch in a tree and they see Magistrate reinforcements coming in, too many to fight; Emma, Fred and Jean-Phillipe are making good headway against the invasion until they run across Mutate 105 - Yvette; Wanda and Marius join Emma's team to take down Mutate 105 with new powers applications and hard decisions; Lorna works to free Meggan from the tree while Warren evacuates the injured and Pixie, Catseye and Lorna try to fight back against Mutate 557, with Warren having to resort to desperate measures to get everyone clear; the Magistrates retreat, but only to clear the ground for an airstrike and the Xavier's people are advised to go join the others at Petrova. The Unrelenting Struggle: Ororo's team - Vance, North, Layla and Adrienne - begin the attack on Prenova; Kurt's team - Kyle, Angelica, Cammie and Jubilee - fight their way to the geothermal plant and set free the mutants they find there; Magistrate Braddock and Mutate 606 - Amara - attack Ororo's team and are nearly too much for them; Kurt's team gets the imprisoned mutants out before bringing down the power plant; at the end, a group of workers confronts Jenny Ransome about the destruction of the power plant, calling her a traitor to Genosha. In The Balance: The breakout attempt begins, with Haller and Korvus staging a fight and Tabitha lifting a key card from the guard who goes to break it up, before passing the card to Marie-Ange; Marie-Ange, Lex, Scott, Doug and Clarice provide a distraction in the form of a chemical fire after breaking into a store room; Amanda, Remy, Sarah M. and Terry fight their way to the guard security office; bringing up the rear, Korvus, Doug and Clarice have to stop, with Clarice too broken emotionally to go on; the escape fails when Sarah and Amanda are betrayed by Remy and detained, with Sarah attacking Remy and stabbing him with a bone knife in the leg, but Remy's identity as Gambit means Wittecombe reneges on the deal; with Remy in solitary and Sarah hauled off for the mutate process, the remaining prisoners end up fighting among themselves, with the guards pleased to see the group's cohesion broken; later, Amanda teleports into Scott's cell, revealing her magic is still accessible, and they discuss the plan as it stands so far; Doug reflects on his part in the plan and the balance of personal over important.


2014: Namor posts about the Spanish King abdicating. Doug posts about finding a children’s book which he suspects Wade must have written. Garrison leaves a voicemail for Adrienne. Sue texts Tandy about beating her in something.


2015: Alison texts Wade that it is late and that she can’t sleep but apologizes. Jubilee asks what does she need to do to get minions to deliver her food. Wade announces that there will be a waffle bar in the kitchen in about an hour. Case File: The Triskelion Files: X-Factor sets up a sting to confirm they have the found the leak. Rachel and Clint meet in the gym for the first time. Clarice leaves Roxy a knitted cat ear beanie.

2016: Fourteen posts, wondering why people choose to be stupid online. Kyle, Angel and Julian meet to offer Kyle a position as Generation X mentor, which Kyle accepts.

2017: Artie texts Topaz, asking for help with an interrogation. Nica asks Bobby to go to the Bayville prom with her as friends. Bobbi shares a photo of a poutine wedding ‘cake’ in Quebec.

2018: Operation: Mad Men: Kevin goes off on his own to investigate, with deadly consequences; Domino texts X-Force for back up; Wade texts Clarice for medical assistance; Jean declares Kevin dead; Gabriel texts Wade saying he doubts Kevin is really dead; Jean texts Emma saying she can still sense a bit of Kevin's consciousness; Felicia texts North and Jubilee about getting drinks to deal with the news.




2022: Artie messages Maya about her upcoming birthday with an invitation for her and her friends to District X. Clan Akkaba - Operation: Ascent: - Kevin, Darcy and Natasha work to find out what the Maggia is up to and who they're working for.