Template:Selected anniversaries/February 1

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February 1

2004: Gangsters: Colossus' Russian mafia ties and Shiro's Yakuza relations are revealed as an attempted kidnapping of Illyana is foiled by them, Paige and Marie.

2005: Haroun and Alison decide they need to have more team training. Alison and Nathan come up with a plan to even the playing field when they meet up with Colin MacInnis, while something pings Nate's precognition. Brood: Remy makes contact with the New Orleans police, who give him a name; Remy gives Moira a call to run a check on Dr. Fuller and to find out information on what's happening in New Orleans; Later, Remy is ambushed by members of the Brood.

2006: After a Danger Room session, Haroun and Nathan head upstairs to find some lunch and run into Jim, leading to philosophical discussion and soup. Haroun takes Jennie flying, then proceeds to fly headfirst into the lake to test something. Alison makes Jamie do aerobics for his training. Lorna is subjected to a hula.

2007: Shiro suggests a Final Harry Potter party in July following news of the title's release date.

2008: Farouk goes into a tirade at Marie about the Iran mission, blaming Garrison, and Marie drops him in the lake. These Earthly Things: Amanda mentions a mutant outreach centre in the Bronx that Alejandra and Miguel have gotten involved with. Red X Mission: Whistler: The Canada trip people return from their disaster relief efforts. Forge and Crystal have their date.

2009: Monet emails Clarice, asking for their one night stand to be kept from Kurt. Noriko mentions the catfight the day before. Garrison comes back to the mansion to find Adrienne curled up on his couch. Cammie surprises her new suitemate, Jane, by moving in. Morgan emails Angelo, apologising for the sudden departure and telling him it's his turn. Paige and Jay have a sibling moment, despite his changes. Nori takes care of a sick Julio. Laurie emails Morgan about accompanying her on the first leg of her proposed world tour. Forge and Crystal celebrate their first anniversary. So You Want To Be A Superhero: Julian invites his fellow New Mutants to join him on his prize, and emails prospective chaperones. Walking Ghosts: Betsy confronts Nathan in the library about his lack of coping and winds up knocking him out and taking him down to Jean, where she expresses her displeasure at the state he's in. Kurt helps North move into the brownstone. Cammie tracks down Terry to thank her for her help. Shiro and Jean-Paul hide from Superbowl and talk about the women they've lost. Manuel teaches Doug fencing and they discuss the Hellfire Club.

2010: Jay texts Lex, telling him it's okay that he moves in. Jay and John hang out, then go drinking. Nico meets Morgan and the two get along well until Morgan declines to tell the younger woman her name, which has Nico's interest in her faltering. Crystal emails Lex asking if she can stop by to ask him some questions about his survival training weekend. Lex texts Vanessa to apologize for his gaffe on the journals about his survival training weekend. Amanda and Jean-Paul nearly collide in the halls and Amanda apologizes for the poking and prodding she'd been doing and expresses her glad tidings for his return. John and Jean-Paul encounter one another in a bookstore and John helps to cart a carful of books around while discussing Jean-Paul's return. Vanessa visits Adrienne so the two can talk about their respective boyfriends, but both realize they have no idea how to do girly gossip. Catseye drags Kevin to the quarry to look at a large stone that she wants him to carve and give to Angel, because she can tell from his scents when Angel is mentioned (and by the fact he talks about her in his sleep) that he likes Angel, but her matchmaking scheme is stymied by Kevin who is afraid of getting close and hurting Angel.