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Moment of Awesome - Madin: Training with knives brings Shatterstar and Madin back into contact where the ex-Brotherhood member can finally show off their skills to the younger mutant's assessment.

Madin frowned, pulling energy into a light blade roughly the same size as the knife. "The trick here is that if it's not got enough juice, it just dissolves before it hits. Too much - and it's like plasma but not, right? Too much and things explode or catch on fire. I think it's about right." They lifted their hand, adopting the same pose as before and threw. There was no weight to the blade, only energy. The target flared and and smoked slightly as it hit.

"I didn't say it as a bad thing," Shatterstar said, throwing one of his own knives, landing in the smoke above the energy blade. "You're so well controlled with your powers. It's impressive."

Madin shifted awkwardly. "Thanks..." They dropped to a crouch for a moment. "Bro. Of course they are. I was a mercenary fighter providing money to a terrorist organisation. They were pretty invested in me having control over them."

"I forget that about you sometimes," Shatterstar said. "I'll endeavor not to forget in the future," he added, feeling as though he had slighted Madin by not remembering just how dangerous they were.

"Sorry." Madin flushed. "I didn't mean it like that. I had to learn that control. You get that, right? I didn't have a choice once I joined them and I'm not proud of why I got the control, if you follow? We weren't the good guys."

"I follow," Shatterstar nodded, "But I don't see why you can't be proud of the control even if you aren't proud of the method." He threw another knife without a spin and frowned when the aim was off. "I'm not always proud of how I use them and especially of my former use of hand-to-hand, but I'm still proud of my skills. And control of power is more difficult- at least for me."

Sometimes, the distance between eighteen and 24 stretched forever to Madin, with the teens at the mansion looking and feeling so much younger than they'd ever remembered being. Other times, it was invisible and they had to remind themself not to have a deep and meaningful with someone his age. "You're pretty smart." They thought about days spent in the field, strolling through a settlement that was sprung up around a mining camp, laughing because they were the fucking shit and in charge over there as long as nothing happened to the ore and the days spent driving through the bush to, or from a job in the arse end of nowhere. And then, putting their training to use at times, when security and escort work had become active battles.

Shatterstar nodded at the compliment and let Madin get lost in their thoughts, not wanting to interrupt the silence. Shatterstar was comfortable in silences as long as there was action- the thunk of knives into the target. He continued this way until he had to retrieve his.

"I think yours have a natural curve," he said, having been able to observe the lingering plasma up close.

“In the blade or my throw?" Madin asked, curious.

"Both. A curve to your throw and the blade looks like a trailing point- which makes sense. It's a common knife tip."

"Is that bad? Should I try something different? I was never a gear nerd as long as I could hit the target." Madin grinned. "Mostly I don't even need to do that. A lot of things explode, or catch fire, or like, melt when you hit them with plasma, so I just need to hit nearby."

"I don't think it's bad," Shatterstar said with a shrug. "I just thought it was interesting."

Madin flushed. "Sorry. My bad."

"Your bad for what?" Shatterstar asked and then looked at the targets again. "Do you want to keep throwing knives?"

"Sorry, for -- never mind." Madin shook their head. There was no point explaining. "Sure, but I don't have a lot more plasma knives in me."

Shatterstar offered Madin one of his. "You can try one of these."

Today in XProject:

June 6 - Pyotr Rasputin's Birthday

2003: Emma Frost begins full time teaching.


2005: Green Day - everyone dyes themselves green to cheer up Miles Blaire. Madelyn tells Nate of her plans to try and find people from the community he grew up in. Jay kisses Forge and Forge flees. The Intel team find out about Pietro being a double agent. Amanda arranges various people to help with Meggan.

2006: The Enemy Within: Cain has a strange encounter in town. The Mask of Ozymandias: The Quran is stolen by Remy, Ororo and Marie. Pete Wisdom offers Doug a job. Nathan fires his secretary. Bleeding: Marius uses Kurt's powers in a strange way.

2007: Monet emails Illyana about her obsessive cleaning. Immram: Nathan has very vivid Askani dreams. Jono manages to mostly rebuild himself and he and Paige decide to come back to the mansion. Crystal notified the headmasters of her intended departure. Scott talks to John about his actions in Murderworld and John tries to shrug off his good deeds. Amanda has nightmares and Angelo is there, but guilt gets in the way. Crystal says goodbye to Nathan with one last Farsi lesson.

2008: Pete is unamused to discover Copycat is in the mansion and emails Nate about it; Pete lets the Snow Valley team know Morgan is not to be trusted. Tabitha closes the library for inventory. Nathan meets Jay in the kitchen and tries to get through to him what he's doing to Kevin. Fenrisulfr: Pete enlists the Snow Valley team to discover the identity of the attackers on Muir Island and against Shiro; Doug finds a pattern in the murders and double checks with Wanda; all of those who were kidnapped to Asgard are warned against further attacks from the cult. Various residents receive letters from Red X about a field leader training program; Kyle posts a "Dear John" letter to Red X in his journal, as he is too busy. Yvette runs into Jono in the music room and agrees to help with a summer project. Marius and Jennie discuss past events and decide on vacations, each in their own way. Tatiana is upset about a mysterious trust that's been set up for her. Manuel emails Remy about keeping his identity safe if Morgan imitates him.

2009: Charles posts regarding the start of summer and the departure of several mansion residents. Old Man of the Mountain: Farouk continues to try to reach the mansion, this time making a reverse charges call which Fred hangs up on. Nathan and Adrienne play hookey from a meditation/shielding lesson and talk about Adrienne's interest in the Hellfire Club. Mark and Jay talk during a successful shift at Silver. Bishop gives a drunken birthday girl Clarice a ride home at the end of her party.

2010: Crystal makes a post about the end of the school year and writes about her plans for the year ahead. Cammie and Laurie do some powers experimentation and find that Laurie's pheramones have the opposite effect than intended, which almost gets Laurie into trouble; Laurie emails Hank with her results.

2011: Aftershocks: The New York Times Online reports that Caroline Alito, accused of killing up to 22 people in NYC, was found dead in her cell. Yvette makes a journal post asking if anyone has read the New York Times Online article about Alito. Doug e-mails Vanessa about the account numbers Jean-Paul found in Alito's apartment and connections he's uncovered from them.

2012: The Dawn of Liberation: The Professor makes an entry welcoming everyone back, and then explains how they'd explained away their disappearance. Vanessa finally gets some much needed sleep, but there's something different about her and Callisto's arrangement that evening. Meggan brings Korvus some food, then they just end up seeking comfort in closeness to one another. Angelo makes a journal entry simply stating that he is alive. Clarice makes a journal entry about maybe falling asleep in the bath and missing the first week of summer term. Angel tells Sooraya some bad news once they've returned home. Angelo and Amara spend time together at his apartment, where neither of them is anything like okay; later, after Amara has retreated back to John's room, Warren comes over and manages to get Angelo to talk a bit. Emma takes Adrienne home with her after the plane lands and provides some much-welcome safety and comfort. Jubilee texts Kurt to remind him that she owes him a dinner if he's up for it. Laurie makes a journal entry wherein she ponders how best to explain her disappearance. After staying with Korvus until the evening, Meggan — concerned about what happened on the astral plane — goes to see Doug. Wanda swings by the mansion to convince Jean to come out with her but the night doesn't get started the way either of them thinks it will.

2013: Catseye posts to look for volunteers for the Woodstock Sanctuary on June 29. Maddie comforts Sue after she loses the chess tournament.

2014: Lorna posts about National Donut Day.

2015: Alison texts Roxy about just finishing the first season of Dr. Who and asks for the second season. Angel and Kyle hang out. Sue gives Miles some lessons in stealth.

2016: Matt and Sharon off their gymnastic skills to each other during a workout.

2017: Natasha makes a journal entry about Russia being everywhere in America these days. While doing charity work in the city, Sooraya has an interesting encounter with Mimi. Kyle poses a deep philosophical question on tacos versus nachos on his journal.

2018: Operation: Mad Men: In Kevin’s mind he and his team raid a Water Street warehouse, based on the information from Erma’s apartment, and encounter Dottie Underwood, who manages to escape without leaving any information they can use; Wade finds William Weber died in the 1980s but that his son is still alive and he and North apprehend him to discover he lost his entire family during M-Day and that HELIOS is a nuclear warhead buried in New York - information Weber has already provided to the Sapien League; an X-Force team (Amanda, Doug, Artie, Gabriel and Domino) head to the warehouse on Water Street to recover and disarm the nuke; Doug and Domino attempt to disarm the bomb while Amanda, Gabriel and Artie run interference with the Sapien League, but discover it’s embedded in concrete; Amanda manages to convince New York to let her extract the bomb and Doug disarms it; Gabriel calls in SHIELD to take care of the nuclear material while X-Force leaves.

2019: Xavin rightfully calls out the Church of Humanity for preying on the fear of mutants to further their bigotry. Jubilee shares the trailer of an upcoming baseball movie. Fear in the Dark: Dweller!Tandy, Cul, and company are joined by the newest hammer-wielder — Nerkkod.



2022: Jean and Sooraya catch up a little in the medlab. Clan Akkaba - Reality 02: Arrival: Clint posts to the team comms to note that they’ve returned Evan/Genesis to his home reality, and talks about the attempted coup; eXcalibur meets and discusses Namor joining the team full-time. Darcy texts Matt asking him about Alani. Doug teases Garrison about random sportsball stats.

2023: Jubilee makes a post asking if anyone else has been watching the Prince Harry trial. Darcy and Pyotr clean the chicken coop and talk about their childhoods. Shatterstar and Haller have their first psychic shielding training session. April texts Pyotr happy birthday. Haller emails Terry to ask her to find someone else to help her with Danger Room training for Shatterstar.

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