Project Winter Soldier

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Winter Soldier Project (Проект: Зимний Солдат)
First Seen: TBD


With the advent of WWII and HYDRA’s rise to prominence as well as its subsequent fall with Johann Schmidt’s death, minds within the Red Room and, indeed, the Russian government began to shift gears. The super soldier programs of the Western World had, for all intents and purposes, died with Erskine and then Schmidt. However the Soviets, along with the United States, snapped up Nazi and HYDRA scientists after the war. Those scientists were encouraged, within Russia and the Red Room, to continue their research from whatever notes they brought with them. The Red Room’s operatives during this time were sent to infiltrate various intelligence agencies in the West in the hope of finding and recruiting others.

This is how the Red Room came into contact with and ultimately began collaborating with Dr. Arnim Zola. Zola, along with the others high up in the Red Room, subscribed to the idea that one man or woman, one highly skilled individual, in the right place at the right time, could more skillfully and effectively turn the tide of world history than an army. Upon discovering that the Red Room was in possession of Sgt. James Barnes, Zola found he was better equipped and able to continue the work he’d begun in 1942. Thus, the Winter Soldier Project (Проект: Зимний Солдат) was born.

After the success of the Winter Soldier program, further attempts to create specialized covert operatives were nothing more than nebulous, black box programs. The Red Room once again began focusing its training efforts on more generalized (period typical) espionage. Why worry about creating more top tier assassins when they had literally the most effective and most feared ghost in history on ice and at their beck and call?

Those plans became less nebulous after the acquisition of Rebecca Barnes in 1968 during the Tet Offensive. She was the ideal candidate for replicating their earlier success because she was James Barnes’ daughter, which would allow whatever unique quirk of biology that let him survive his conversion to aid in hers. She also already possessed extensive knowledge of covert operations thanks to her CIA training.

The initial attempt to introduce the super soldier serum that James Barnes had survived to Rebecca Barnes’ system failed, nearly killing her. After several bouts of trial and error with lesser subjects, Zola decided that the problem lay not within Rebecca but within the formula itself. It was intended for introduction to a male’s body and male and female physiology differed significantly enough that he would need to further modify the formula so that it would be able to adequately encode itself into Rebecca’s DNA. Additionally, he advised that the Red Room heads modify the training and protocols they’d used on James Barnes so that they would be more effective on a female operative. Professor Grigor Pchelintsov was recruited to the project to assist with the various modifications and, once all of the changes were in place, the new formula was successfully introduced into Rebecca’s system, converting her into a useful operative.


James "Bucky" Buchanan Barnes
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Boyhood friend of Steve Rogers/Captain America, Barnes was believed KIA during a mission in WW II. He later resurfaced as the "property" of the Red Room, who allowed Dr. Armin Zola to experiment on him, eventually resulting in the first successful Winter Soldier.

PB: To be determined

Rebecca Barnes
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Daughter of Bucky, CIA operative Rebecca Barnes was captured after the Tet offensive in 1968 and became the second Winter Soldier. The adaptation of the serum for female DNA led to the creation of the Black Widow project.

PB: To be determined

