Regan Claremont

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Regan Claremont
Portrayed by Natalie Dormer
Known Aliases: Lady Mastermind
Affiliations: Independent
Socked By: Socker required
Introduction: Stage of Illusions

So tell me, where do you all want to spend your last few hours? Locked up in a prison? Lost in the forest somewhere?

A mutant that has the power of illusions, Regan does not know her biological family, or their part in the larger history of the X-Men.


Name: Regan Claremont

Aliases: Lady Mastermind

Affiliation: None

First appearance: Stage of Illusions

Family: William Stryker - Phase 1 (Biological Grandfather – Deceased); Jason Stryker (Biological Father – Deceased); Unknown Adopted Parents


Regan was born on the streets to a homeless single mother. Before her first birthday she was put up for adoption, and brought into a family of an artist and his wife. She led an uneventful childhood, with her family barely scraping by. That all changed during the tragedy at Alkali Lake.

Little did she know that miles away her father was helpless to help her grandfather in his quest to destroy mutant kind. When Jason Styker died in the flood, his daughter who never knew him was in for a shock. When Jason died, his mind sent out a screech of terror that hit his daughter. The shock was enough to manifest Regan’s mutant ability. Not having any connection with telepathy until this time, Regan was frightened, and all she got where three images, Kurt Wagner, Ororo Munroe, and Xavier's academy streaming through her mind.

Confused, Regan spent much of her life traveling. Slowly gaining control of her mutant gift of illusions (like her father's) she's used her ability to live a pretty lavish life in hotels, abandoning her family and their simple life styles in the process. But eventually a break comes in the form of a chance encounter. While walking home through Salem, she recognizes Kurt helping the kids into the center of the performing arts. Thinking that she finally understands her vision, she follows him in.


Sensory Illusion

Regan can cast illusions around her body that can fill a space as large as a small auditorium. The illusions she casts flood the senses of those involved, particularly the senses of sight and touch. The items that she creates, which are anything she can imagine appear to the individual to be very real, as they can see and touch them. The illusion can also give off smell or sound, but Regan is not as adept at controlling these elements, and therefore sometimes seem to be a bit off (for instance a train rushing by wouldn’t sound quite as loud as one would think). Regan can change her form in the illusion, but cannot make herself completely invisible in her illusion, therefore she can be seen by those involved, but may not look like the Regan that people knew. Finally, she cannot change her smell in the illusion, so unless she is well hidden, a feral could potentially sniff her out.


Stage of Illusions


Socked by: None

Previously socked by: Craig

PB: Natalie Dormer

Meta Trivia

  • Regan is a revamped version of the comic cannon character to include previous movie points.
  • Her picture base was chosen through an on-line discussion of players. Rossi came up with Natalie Dormer due to her character on The Tudors
  • Claremont was chosen as her adopted last name as a tribute to the character's creator in the comic cannon.