Everett Thomas

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Everett Thomas
Portrayed by Dule Hill
Codename: Synch
Affiliations: none
Birthdate: April 10, 1987
Journal: Faxman
Player: Available for applications

This character is currently unplayed, but is open for applications. If you are interested in applying for this character, you can contact the mods at x_moderators @ googlegroups . com and you can find the application form here.


Character Journal: x_synch

Real Name: Everett Thomas

Codename: None.

Aliases: Faxman

First Appearance: May 15, 2003

Date of Birth: April 10, 1987

Place of Birth: St Louis, MO

Citizenship: American

Relatives: unnamed parents, Kim (younger sister)

Education: Formerly a student at Xavier's School for Gifted Youngsters

Relationship Status: Single

Occupation: Student

Team Affiliation: None.



Everett had an average childhood, born and raised in St. Louis and living with his parents and younger sister. He went through high school wanting to go to Harvard and study law. When he manifested, his family was supportive of him, however he was unable to control his powers and was sent to Xavier's school in May 2003, shortly after the events of X2.

Living At The X-Mansion

Everett spent just under a year at the mansion. He made friends among the newer arrivals: Jamie Madrox, Rahne Sinclair, Doug Ramsey, and Marie-Ange Colbert. There were some powers-related mishaps, but on the whole, his stay was unremarkable. He returned home in April 2004, having reached a degree of control that made him able to function normally and continue his studies in his preferred school.

Physical Characteristics

Height: Unknown

Weight: Unknown

Eyes: Brown

Hair: Black, but usually has his head shaved

Other Features: A rainbow-shaded aura that extends around his body, which Everett referred to as his 'strobe light'.


Everett can create an aura around himself which allows him to synchronize himself with the mutant powers of anyone in his immediate vicinity. This aura also allows him to sense the presence of other mutants, and with some concentration, deduce the type of power they possess.




Everett had a deep abiding hatred of Muppets.

Marie-Ange Colbert animated one of Everett's cartoon characters, known as Faxman; the construct frequently developed a life of its own and appeared randomly in the mansion.







Player Icon Base: Dule Hill

Meta Trivia

Everett was introduced to X-Project by Lisse. The PB was changed in November 2009 as appropriate images of Robert Brown were few and far between.