Template:Featured Articles/19-2010

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Revision as of 13:10, 14 April 2010 by Rossi (talk | contribs)
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Cloud, or Jane Doe as she is called, had no memory of her childhood, her family or even her real name. On November 1, 2003 she was discovered wandering alone and naked on a highway and confined to a mental institution for the interim. Dr. Leonard Samson discovered her there and decided it was no place for a young mutant and arranged for her to be transferred to Xavier's School for Gifted Youngsters. Jane settled quickly into the school and made many friends. She got involved with the Red X program and assisted in the evacuation of Stonewall Farm. She began a relationship with Bobby Drake, although he was frequently absent at this time. In December 2005 Jane left the school to try and discover more about her identity and fell into a relationship with a man who ultimately ran off with her savings. Jane returned to Xavier's, joining Elpis and Red-X's leadership program and becoming involved with one of the Elpis workers in Tel Aviv. The biggest shock was discovering the truth of her origins and the cause of her amnesia, a program "breeding" mutants for environmental purposes. Still processing this data, Jane left the school in February 2010 to join her boyfriend at the Elpis office in Tel Aviv. There are still many unanswered questions in her life, however, and eventually Jane may return to seek the answers.

This character is currently unplayed, but is open for applications. If you are interested in applying for this character, you can contact the mods at x_moderators @ googlegroups . com and you can find the application form here.