Jeanne-Marie Beaubier

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This character is currently unplayed, but is open for applications. If you are interested in applying for this character, you can contact the mods at x_moderators @ googlegroups . com and you can find the application form here.

A former X-Men and Alpha Flight member, Jeanne-Marie Beaubier lives quietly in a non-disclosed Canadian location, trying to combat her mental problems and rebuild her life.


Character Journal: x_borealis

Real Name: Jeanne-Marie Beaubier

Codename: Aurora


First Appearance: September 11, 2004

Date of Birth: May 26, 1970

Place of Birth: Montreal, Quebec

Citizenship: Canadian

Relatives: Jean-Paul Beaubier (twin brother)

Education: Teaching degree in History and Religion.

Relationship Status: Single


Team Affiliation: Alpha Flight



At the age of two, Jeanne-Marie's parents were accidentally killed. The Martins, cousins of the twins mother and the family that adopted Jean-Paul, were unable to afford to adopt both children and so the twins had to be separated, with Jeanne-Marie going to live at Madame DuPont's School for Girls. It was a reactionary religious school, residing in LaVelle, Quebec. She did not have a particularly enjoyable childhood there; Jeanne-Marie was shy and quiet and often picked on by both fellow students and her teachers. She was so miserable that it got to the point where at the age of thirteen she turned suicidal and attempted to kill herself by throwing herself off the roof of the school.

It was then that her mutant abilities kicked in, allowing her to fly to safety. Living a rather sheltered life, Jeanne-Marie had no idea that it could be a mutation and assumed that it was result of a divine miracle. Tragically, upon explaining what had happened to the Mother Superior, she was severely beaten for "blasphemy". It was this incident that triggered her second personality, her polar opposite, and Aurora was born. Aurora is the dominant personality, a free spirit who is notorious for doing before thinking and even when her actions have negative consequences she has little trouble with dismissing them. When given a tough hand, she merely plays by her own rules; there is very little that affects her the way one would think it should. However, she also manages to be very fragile, and is occasionally set off by minor instances.

Jeanne-Marie is Aurora backwards. She is a straight-laced, strict Catholic and spends weeks debating problems with herself. She comes off as strong to the point of cold but has a hidden fragile side to her, mostly due to the fact that while Aurora and Jeanne-Marie believe they are two different entities, not even living in the same body, she, unlike Aurora, knows something is wrong. Jeanne-Marie actually worries about the long bouts of time that she loses, while Aurora cares little.

Jeanne-Marie repressed Aurora for several years, becoming a prim and proper young woman and earning her teacher's degree in Religion, as well as History. On the day that her application to teach at Madame DuPont's was accepted, however, Aurora decided to make an appearance, stronger than ever, which led her onto the streets of Montreal and danger, where she spent some time learning to make ends meet and getting into trouble.

It wasn't until Aurora was twenty-one that she finally got into some trouble publicly, however. Confronted by muggers, she used her mutant abilities to effectively get rid of them, all in the sight of one Wolverine. Impressed by her obvious skills he invited her to meet Hudson who was currently recruiting for Department H, and later Alpha Flight. It was through Alpha Flight that Aurora was reunited with her brother Jean-Paul.

Alpha Flight

Aurora participated actively in Alpha Flight on and off until 2004. The twins were notorious for constantly fighting and reconciling, but it wasn't until the Christmas of 2003 that the two of them swore never to speak to one another again.

They had decided to spend Christmas together, Aurora bringing their close friend, the man who altered her mutation and her boyfriend, Walter Langkowski, to dinner. Little did either of them know that Langkowski would propose at that dinner. Jean-Paul suddenly found himself thirty-four, alone, and in love with his sister's fiancee with little of what he considered a future and ended up taking it out on his sister. Visibly shaken, he turned cold, even rude. Aurora, hurt and appalled that the man she loved most in life, her brother, could not be happy for her on such a joyous occasion, she confronted him in anger which only managed to start a huge argument, eventually leading to their separation, convinced this was the end of their relationship.

It was this revelation that sent Aurora tailspinning until Jeanne-Marie returned. Finding herself betrothed to a man that turned into a furry beast, a mutant, she only managed to cause another grand screaming match, this time between herself and Langkowski. The engagement broken, her brother long gone, Jeanne-Marie slipped into her suicidal state in which Langkowski, thinking it for the best, sent her to a mental institution. It was here that Jeanne-Marie was once more severely beaten and mistreated, bringing out several alternate personalities before a bruised and battered Aurora gained dominance and decided she needed to find her brother, the only person who could save her.

Living At The X-Mansion

Escaping from the mental institution, Aurora found her way to Xavier's School for Gifted Youngsters, appearing on the doorstep one morning and found by Sam Guthrie. She then proceeded to mistake Hank McCoy for Walter, attacking him in the medlab until Jean-Paul came down to retrieve her. The twins reconciled, and Aurora remained at the school, refusing to leave her brother's side.

Aurora's time at the school was brief and somewhat bemusing for the residents, due to her rather idiosyncratic way of dealing with others. When Jean-Paul returned to Canada, she returned with him.

Further Information

Jeanne-Marie now lives with her brother in Canada.

Physical Characteristics

Height: 5' 11"

Weight: 152 lbs

Eyes: Blue

Hair: Blue-black

Other Features: She has an elven look to her, with dainty features, pointed ears, and smooth, naturally fair skin. Virtually identical to her brother, she also looks to be in her twenties.


Aurora has the ability to direct the kinetic energy in her molecules to propel herself through the air at superhuman speeds, manipulate the atomic motion of other objects upon contact and generate innate radiant energy as dazzling flashes of light when in contact with her brother. Due to an experiment in which Aurora attempted to separate her powers from her twin brother's, currently any physical contact between Jean-Paul and Jeanne-Marie temporarily negates their powers. In addition, the mental link they once shared is currently severed.

While moving at high speeds, Aurora's molecular structure becomes stronger, making her resistant to impact and friction caused by her power. The top limits of her power had not been measured before the experiment went wrong, and currently fluctuate from her normally impeccable control, depending on her mental state - which is often unstable to say the least.




Aurora goes by the nickname 'Rora'.







Player Icon Base: Virginie Ledoyen

Meta Trivia

Formerly played by Aisy