Operation: Dewey Deceptional System

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Operation: Dewey Deceptional System
Dates run: September 28, 2021
Run By: Dex
Read the logs: Dewey Deceptional System

Yes, according to Mister Harkness, one of the pieces has some sort of magical significance. I seem to recall your associates having some interest in those... arts.

X-Force goes on a good old fashioned heist to retrieve a dangerous book from the Hellfire Club during a star-studded gala.


Amanda Sefton, Clea Lake, Darcy Lewis, David North, Doug Ramsey, Emma Frost, Felicia Hardy, Gabriel Cohuelo, Jubilation Lee, Kevin Sydney, Natasha Romanoff, Topaz, Wanda Maximoff

Sebastian Shaw, Scarlett

Nicholas Harkness


September 28, 2021

Plot Summary

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Note: This is a temporary summary only, based on the monthly posts. Edits are required to make it conform to the Wiki narrative standard for plot summaries.

Summary of the events of the plot. Include links to supporting characters, locations, other plots. Remember, only link to something once per page, so no need to link to characters listed as Cast.

Sep 28 - Pictures of attendants of the Hellfire Gala make the news. Operation: Dewey Deceptional System: The Hellfire Club's Hellfire Gala brings X-Force in to the social event of New York to show off a past member's art collection; Jubilee and North work to make sure any cameras won't spot the team's extraction; Clea and Darcy remove the guards from the equation; Marie-Ange and Natasha discuss hopeful plans for the future while they work to open an excessively guarded door; Felicia and Topaz sneak their way to disabling the laser security system; on their retrieval attempt, Gabe and Kevin hit a snag that pulls all of X-Force's carefully placed threads loose; following the attempted theft, Amanda and Wanda are brought before the Black Court and the White Court; prior to the Gala, Marie-Ange and Doug work together to hack history through their forgeries; Topaz is brought into the forgery process by Marie-Ange; Jubilee makes her way down into the depths of the basement with Emma's guidance; Natasha and Topaz combine magic and technology to open a window in the security; using their powers in tandem, Gabe and Wanda make chaos and time just the right frequency for the job; Felicia and North work together to open the safe; before the Gala, Darcy and Kevin work together to plant a forgery; using magic, Amanda and Clea make sure the forged books are just right; with all the pieces in place and under Shaw's eye, X-Force gives the Black Court Nicholas Harkness; Darcy snags Doug for a convenient cover and flirting on both sides; Marie-Ange and Doug set Topaz up with newcomer America Chavez; Terry and Kyle flirt and eat and dance; Darcy and Terry take in the Gala and discuss what money can afford non-passing mutants.

Related Links

Operation: Dasavatharam

External Links

Dewey Deceptional System

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Trivia and Meta


This was Topaz' first heist and Darcy's first mission with X-Force.


Plotrunner: Dex

The gala was, of course, a homage to the Hellfire Gala of the comic books. Everyone loves a party.