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Revision as of 12:59, 14 April 2012

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Operation: Teenage Wasteland
Dates run: January 9-11, 2012
Run By: Frito
Read the logs: Operation: Teenage Wasteland

When Remy was relying on Nico to help him plan an investigation, it had to be a sign of the Mayan Apocalypse. Didn't jaguers come to eat the Earth this year or something? Remy could only hope.

When a minor X-Force asset is accidentally exposed to Kick the affect on his mutation regresses the X-Force folks back a few years, so to speak.


Amanda Sefton, Carmilla Black, David North, Doug Ramsey, Emma Frost, Jubilation Lee, Marie-Ange Colbert, Nico Minoru, Ororo Munroe, Sarah Morlocke, Remy LeBeau, Sofia Mantega-Barret, Wanda Maximoff, Wade Wilson

Thomas Glorian, Billy Russo, Dr. Stephen Strange


January 9-11, 2012

Plot Summary

Jan 9 - Operation: Teenage Wasteland: An unexpected and unwelcome visitor arrives at the Snow Valley offices, completely disrupting a staff meeting and generally making a giant nuisance of himself; Wade e-mails Marie-Ange about the recent visitor at Snow Valley; Amanda posts on the Snow Valley journal about Glorian being stashed in a safehouse.

Operation: Teenage Wasteland: Remy wakes up in bed with his wife, who doesn't know who he is; Doug wakes up almost naked, in bed with a woman who he knows, but doesn't know him; Remy goes looking for the other members of X-Force, the first stop being Cammie; Remy finally finds someone who doesn't think they're sixteen; Remy checks in on Sarah, who is also affected, and she's really really not happy with Remy; Marie-Ange and Amanda wake up amnesic and confused, and so does Wade; Wanda wakes up with one Doctor Stephen Strange, who has no better luck trying to find out what went wrong; Nico arrives and sort of explains X-Force to the three not-quite-teens, and gets them moving to the office; On her way out the fire escape, Wanda encounters Christophe Nord, and they both encounter Remy; Dr. Stephen Strange finds himself in Alberta, Canada; Emma wakes up with a stabbing pain in her head before Remy finds her; Remy posts to x_journal announcing there's an urgent situation and that X-Force will be under radio silence for the next several days, and that Wade is with them; Remy and Nico drag all of X-Force to the offices and they attempt to figure out exactly what the hell is going on; Remy tries to find Glorian, trying to get access to the systems, and Doug finds out he has an extensive stash of porn; Remy finds himself counseling Wanda as she struggles to come to terms with what's going on; While waiting for something to happen, Amanda and Marie-Ange catch up on two entirely different lives; When Remy stops by what is/will be Marie-Ange's office, she has questions for him; Doug and Wade decide that hiding from the girls is the better part of valor; Doug goes seeking out Marie-Ange as one of the few people he remembers that remembers him, and finds out something he was truly not expecting.

Jan 11 - Operation: Teenage Wasteland: Wanda, Jubilee, Ororo and Amanda pick up some street-level gossip and discuss it over tacos; Marie-Ange posts to Snow Valley's journal saying if anyone has any updates on Glorian's location that they should share it there; Remy checks in on the very quiet Sofia to see if she's ready for this; After Wade and David do some unsuccessful scouting of hospitals and police stations for any word of Glorian, they shop, and Wade returns to Snow Valley with a present for Marie-Ange, and to show off his new pants; David and Wade find one of David's guns and Wade ends up getting shot; Remy's plan to find Thomas Glorian and restore X-Force back to what they call normal begins with a break-in; Sofia and Marie-Ange do their best to be mice that roar, or, in this case, mice that block off alleys and create hurricane winds, but they're just a little better at their powers than they expected; Doug and North and Nico... start a commotion; While the boys + Nico are wrecking fuses and making a lot of sound and noise, Wanda and Amanda get their hands in Russo's gang's pants; Ororo, Remy and Sarah break into the building where Russo has Glorian stashed. Remy and Ororo come in through the window, Sarah comes in through the door... and then Russo goes out through the window, several stories up; Once Glorian is out of the building, Wade is tasked with getting him from the building to the office safely; Glorian has been brought to the office, and now it's Emma's job - untrained, sixteen year old Emma Frost - to fix everything.

Jan 12 - Operation: Teenage Wasteland: Wade takes a drugged up Marie-Ange back to the Brownstone. Remy makes an entry on Snow Valley's journal to announce he's taking the rest of the week off after everything that went down.

Related Links

Love Potion Number Nine


When It All Goes Wrong Again

External Links

Operation: Teenage Wasteland

x_journal post

x_snowvalley posts

Trivia and Meta


As a result of this plot, Remy had The Talk with Nico about remaining with X-Force, impressed by her level-headedness.

As the eldest of the group, Wade and David bonded over bad 70's fashion in a thrift store. David also accidentally shot Wade.


Plotrunner: Frito

This plot was based on this news story which Rossi found and shared with Frito.