April 2019

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March 2019 *** May 2019
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Betsy Braddock's sleepwalking became more disturbing as she attempted to break into Natasha Romanoff's suite. Scott Summers suggested to Sooraya Qadir that she take some leadership training, following December's mission. Topaz continued her work in Avalon, immune to the dimension's 'creep factor'. Rogue, Logan, Garrison Kane and Adrienne Frost went on a double-date and made the group decision that they would not be getting married to each other at any time.

Following a lunch meeting between Marie-Ange Colbert and Kevin Sydney, the X-Force intern had her first field mission, going with Kevin to Madripoor and going undercover to take down a mutant prostitution ring. At the end of the job, Kevin told Clea that she would have to decide if this was the life she wanted; the next day, she met with Marie-Ange to make things official.

And for those who had come across them before, the appearance of the Church of Humanity flyers in Salem Center was an unpleasant reminder, and Angelo Espinosa opted to remove and burn as many of them as he could.


Apr 1 -

Apr 2 - Maya posts looking for people to play Pokemon Go with. Later she texts Kyle about discovering Vines video streaming.

Apr 3 - Betsy sleep-breaks into Nat's room.

Apr 4 -

Apr 5 -

Apr 6 - Darcy posts about forgetting her own birthday, and cake.

Apr 7 - Clarice posts music.

Apr 8 -

Apr 9 -

Apr 10 - Scott approaches Sooraya about events on the last X-Men mission and suggests she take leadership training. Adrienne, Garrison, Logan and Rogue go on a double date, they decide marriage isn’t for them.

Apr 11 -

Apr 12 - Kyle posts to his journal telling Doug about information he received from twitter about the sex of the day (cicada buzzes).

Apr 13 - Topaz wonders why more people don’t want to join her in Avalon; the consensus, because it’s creepy.

Apr 14 - Maya posts that she absolutely loves Division 2, pointing out that she’s the queen of headshots. Jubilee posts a video she’s really enjoying to share it with the mansion. Miles and Bobby end up in their room when things get hot and heavy.

Apr 15 - Jean-Paul asks if anyone would be interested in modeling for his class. Hope shares the sad news of the Notre Dame cathedral fire. Bobbi posts her regret of not seeing the cathedral in high school. Kevin and Marie-Ange sit down to a lunch talk concerning their plans for the future of X-Force, including the possibility of getting Clea in the field.

Apr 16 - Maya shares the cover of book she would rather have read than the sex ed books of the American education system.

Apr 17 - Amanda and Marie-Ange discover Topaz asleep on their couch.

Apr 18 -

Apr 19 -

Apr 20 - Case File: Take Me to Church: Flyers for the coming Church of Humanity appear in the area. Angelo brings the flyers to the attention of the group, opting to collect and burn them.

Apr 21 -

Apr 22 -

Apr 23 -

Apr 24 -

Apr 25 - Gabriel wonders if there are any good churches anywhere.

Apr 26 - Escort Duty: Kevin takes Clea on her first undercover mission where she plans and undertakes a honeypot trap. Darcy hates the day.

Apr 27 - Escort Duty: Clea streams the whole mission to the police, who bust the operation; Kevin then lets Clea know this was a test, and she has to make a decision.

Apr 28 -

Apr 29 - Clea lets Marie-Ange know she wants to stay with X-Force as a full member.

Apr 30 -


Escort Duty

Case File: Take Me to Church

External Links

April 2019