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Moa whitequeen.png
Moment of Awesome - Emma Frost/The White Queen: Concerned about strangeness impacting the resident psis, Arthur Centino interviews Emma and gets a shameful confession.

Arthur's polite smile broke into an answering grin as Emma spoke. "I have to say, your accent is superb — clothing for our thoughts." He lengthened his own vowels at the end, drawing his voice closer to Emma's own. "You've got more upper crust, there, though? Boardroom aristocracy. Hint of Boston at the edges. Fabulous indeed."

The blond man waved that off, getting back to business. His eyes shone with good humor. "My goal here is to learn what's normal for you before jumping into what might have been different lately. Sounds like you're describing what Haller would call," and he reflexively switched accents again to something closer to Jim's holmesian logic, "standard telepathic projection and manipulation." He put a hand to his chin in thought. "So let's get to it. Has anything been different within the last three months? Flares, expected growth, not coming as easily as normal?"

"Standard telepathic projection and manipulation in the way Cartier makes standard jewellery, yes," replied Emma, smiling. "None of the more exotic flavourings like technopathy or psychometry. As for changes. . . None that I've noticed particularly. I haven't been in the Mansion much, I admit, and from your email it sounds like you think that's where any changes might manifest? I mean," Emma leaned back in her chair, "I did unexpectedly turn into organic diamond during a spectacularly traumatic event, so I'm willing to consider more deeply if you have parameters to work within?"

He nodded over his notes, but extended a hand. "Psychometry here," and he gave his fingers a wiggle, "I just discovered I had it last year, but it's a good example — I've been putting my own memories onto objects without knowing it. There are at least ten others experiencing power issues — just the psis — but the common part does seem to be being at or around the Mansion." Arthur tried to give an honest smile. "There's no clear through-line or objective yet. When's the last time you were at the Mansion?"

Emma shrugged. “I’ve flitted in and out; a few hours here or there over the last few weeks.” She frowned suddenly, tapped a diamond fingernail on the desk. “When you’re talking differences in powers. . . would you be talking about a shift in my telepathy? Or is there any suggestion of suddenly using an. . . associated power.” She shook her head slightly and sighed. “Let me be terribly blunt about the whole thing; is there a possibility I could be suffering from telekinesis?”

This got his interest. Arthur raised both eyebrows and leaned in just a little. "Please, tell me more about 'suffering from telekinesis.' I've never had to worry about it."

Emma made a moue. “It’s so. . . tacky,” she sighed. “All these telepaths going round and developing telekinesis. Like lifting things with your mind isn’t just turning your brain into a brute force machine. Telekinesis isn’t elegant, Arthur.” She sighed again, this one deep and positively heart-rending. “I assumed one of the others was pranking me.”

"If it helps," he offered with an extended hand, not close enough to touch, "Everyone else is likely too preoccupied to have noticed. TK does seem," and there was the slow consideration of carefully chosen words here, "common paired with telepathy. Are we talking big things," and the man spread his arms to helpfully mime lifting a heavy object, "or smaller?" His gesture tightened, as if he was trying to indicate the shape of a racketball.

“Pieces of paper,” replied Emma. “Small items falling over behind me, that kind of thing. The kind of thing that might be a sudden unexpected gust of wind, or dust, or a sudden unexpected burst of TK, all of which are available to residents here. Ugh,” said Emma, somehow managing to make the word sound impossibly elegant. “Adrienne once told me she saw a few of my bedside trinkets floating beside me when she came in to wake me up. The thing is, Mr Centino,” said Emma, almost but not quite accusatory, “I absolutely refuse to be telekinetic. My mind is a scalpel, not a bulldozer. If I need to lift heavy objects, I have my own methods.” And for a moment, her skin rippled into diamond form and then back again.

Today in XProject:

September 28

2003: Alison talks to Jamie and discovers he's been having nightmares and can't use his power since the hurricane.

2004: Nathan and Haroun continue with their series of training scenarios, this time sans powers. After an initial freak-out, Cecilia finds herself enjoying Kurt’s company. Kitty helps Jamie keep calm after Wanda announces her identity. Alex has a freak-out of his own when he sees Amanda cast a couple of spells, but they manage to bond over mutual hatred of Selene. Alison enjoys a game of tag with Miles, a calm Jamie (or four) deliver another riddle to Moira. Devil In My Mind: A severely injured Remy finds himself back in the infirmary, thanks to Betsy, Madelyn and the FBI.

2005: Forge tells Moira about his plans to give Jono his body back. Rahne argues with Illyana on the journals. Kyle questions his sexuality. Kylun offers to read to the comatose Tommy. Betsy asks an associate to look into some of the memories stirred up by Butterfly Effect. Moira gives Forge Jono's medical notes to work on. Illyana is less than impressed by Warren's return.

2006: X-Men Mission: Alcatraz: Storm finds out that a telekinetic terrorist has taken over Alcatraz with a nuclear weapon; when they get to San Francisco, Cable realizes that they're going to need help and calls in Remy; on the island, Remy and Kurt work together to get Remy inside without the CIA knowing; the team splits to hit the cell block and go after the nuke; things get hairy.

2007: New Orleans Is Sinking: Over lunch to discuss her dreams, Marie-Ange is shot by an assassin trying to kill Remy; Ororo tells Remy of the storm rising off the coast of New Orleans; Angelo informs the staff of what happened to Marie-Ange; Remy rallies the Snow Valley team to find out what Belladonna is planning. Carmen Animi Vermium: Monet is making cookies with Jan and obviously isn't all there.

2008: Krypteia: Angelo declares his intention to never lead another field trip; Scott and Cain discuss the issue of child soldiers and the death of the boy before SHIELD arrives to take the body; Scott and Jean comfort each other. Samson reports on the challenge course trip. Somewhere More Familiar: Amanda emails Jane with the results of her research into the woman who recognised her and a road trip with Monet is planned. Yvette emails Tatiana to check on her; Amanda texts Angelo.

2009: The Professor posts to the journal community to inform everyone of the whereabouts of the departed mansionites. Kurt posts informing everyone he is taking over the literature class and asking for suggestions for the reading list. Remy emails Doug to ask him to create false identities for North, whom he believes may be in danger due to his Eastern European background following the fallout with Zakharov and the dangers that may still be present.


2011: Tabitha shares The Men of the Stacks with everyone. The Problématique: Bishop emails Adrienne about going to Boston.

2012: Wade texts Marie-Ange about sharing some Thai. Sonatorrek: Emma emails Adrienne about Kane's mind. JPC emails Marie-Ange to ask if she is okay. What Am I Doing Here?: Sam, accompanied by Kurt, Tabitha, Jubilee and Lorna, flies home, where they are welcomed by his mother; late at night, Jubilee sneaks into Kurt's bed and they accidentally wake up Sam. Rachel meets Korvus for the first time and is deeply unnerved by the experience.


2014: Rachel emails Wade asking if he knows who Julian is and what his deal might be. Cecilia emails Jean and Clarice about going to Africa to assist with the Ebola outbreak there; Cecilia texts Wade to let him know her plans. Higher Than Hope: Amanda posts to x_snowvalley to let them know her location spells haven’t located Laurie and Hope yet.

2015: Adrienne makes a journal entry modestly declaring herself the master of fantasy baseball. Angel has a plan to start a mutant friendly newspaper, Wade agrees to help finance her. Clint texts Angel to let he know he made it safely to the city. Dial My Number: A story breaks in the news about a Philadelphian member of the House of Representatives having a mutant, Darcy Lewis, on their staff; Quentin responds on his journal and several mansionites chip in; Jean texts Kitty about the breaking news story; Alison also posts to her journal exasperated at Fox News.


2017: Psi War: Haller checks in on Quentin. Clint texts Natasha, and lets her know he’s on his way back.

2018: Professor Xavier emails Scott about a new resident named Betsy Braddock. Angelo runs into Alani in the kitchen and they talk about the Mutant Underground.


2020: Wanda is also in pain and disgruntled her wine is gone.

2021: Pictures of attendants of the Hellfire Gala make the news. Operation: Dewey Deceptional System: The Hellfire Club's Hellfire Gala brings X-Force in to the social event of New York to show off a past member's art collection and one magic book in particular; Jubilee and North work to make sure any cameras won't spot the team's extraction; Clea and Darcy remove the guards from the equation; Marie-Ange and Natasha discuss hopeful plans for the future while they work to open an excessively guarded door; Felicia and Topaz sneak their way to disabling the laser security system; on their retrieval attempt, Gabe and Kevin hit a snag that pulls all of X-Force's carefully placed threads loose; following the attempted theft, Amanda and Wanda are brought before the Black Court and the White Court; prior to the Gala, Marie-Ange and Doug work together to hack history through their forgeries; Topaz is brought into the forgery process by Marie-Ange; Jubilee makes her way down into the depths of the basement with Emma's guidance; Natasha and Topaz combine magic and technology to open a window in the security; using their powers in tandem, Gabe and Wanda make chaos and time just the right frequency for the job; Felicia and North work together to open the safe; before the Gala, Darcy and Kevin work together to plant a forgery; using magic, Amanda and Clea make sure the forged books are just right; with all the pieces in place and under Shaw's eye, X-Force gives the Black Court Nicholas Harkness; Darcy snags Doug for a convenient cover and flirting on both sides; Marie-Ange and Doug set Topaz up with newcomer America Chavez; Terry and Kyle flirt and eat and dance; Darcy and Terry take in the Gala and discuss what money can afford non-passing mutants.



XProject Announcements and News:


Coming Soon to X-Project!

  • Shakespeare Syndrome: An outbreak of speaking Truth causes a stir at the mansion.

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