Xavier's School for Gifted Youngsters

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Professor Charles Xavier

Scott Summers (headmaster), Ororo Munroe (headmistress)

Kurt Wagner - Dance, German

Sam Guthrie - Flight

Cain Marko - American History

Nathan Daysrping - International Relations, Languages

Lorna Dane - Philosophy, Cooking

Bobby Drake - Mathematics

David Haller - School Counsellor (on stress leave)

Marie D'Ancato - Residential Advisor

Danielle Moonstar - Residential Advisor, School Secretary

Dr. Amelia Voght - School Doctor

Note: Any subjects not specifically covered by a PC are assumed to be taught by one of the NPC teachers hired by Charles for that purpose.



Angelica Jones

Yvette Petrovic

Karolina Dean

Sooraya Qadir



Laurie Collins


Kyle Gibney

Julio Richter

Illyana Rasputin


Marius Laverne

Jennie Stavros

Crystal Amaquelin

Tommy Jones

Amara Aquilla

Resident Graduates/ College Students

Teresa Cassidy


Sam Guthrie

Paige Guthrie

Bobby Drake

Marie D'Ancato

Angelo Espinosa

Rahne Sinclair

Shiro Yoshida

Medusa Amaquelin


Xavier's has a large floating population of regular students who don't have journals but are sometimes referred to in logs etc. This includes the Stepford Cuckoos, brought to the school as the result of an X-Men mission, Talia Lewis who was rescued from Mistra and Eliane Courchesne, brought to the school from France, as well as Artie Maddicks, Leong and Nga, younger siblings of Xi'an Coy Manh and Leyu Yoshida, younger sister of Shiro Yoshida.

See the [X-Project website] for a list of unplayed student (and teacher) characters.


Living Quarters - Staff

The staff quarters are situated on the third floor of the mansion. They have suites comprising of two bedrooms, a kitchenette, bathroom and a living area. Some of the staff share a suite, others prefer their space.

Living Quarters - Graduates/Senior Students

Students over the age of eighteen are able to move into a two-bedroom suite, modelled along the lines of the staff quarters. The suite comprises of two bedrooms, kitchenette, bathroom and living area.

Living Quarters - Students

Students under the age of eighteen live on the second floor, in the student suites. These are three double bedrooms (two per room) clustered around a common area, kitchenette and bathroom.


The infirmary and medlab are situated in the basement, along with the Danger Room, Hanger and Situation Room (see the X-Men).

The Box

The Grounds

The Boathouse



Powers Training

All students are enrolled in required and regular powers training on a weekly basis, with rotating teachers. While not every member of the staff can tutor every student directly in their power, a number of them have experience with mutations other than their own: Scott, for example, wouldn't be able to teach Kyle anything about optic blasts (as Kyle doesn't have them) but having worked so extensively with Hank for so long, he would have some useful tips for someone with a physical mutation.

In terms of making reference to these classes in logs or in posts/emails, we'd just ask you to clear references with teachers and their activities to the players of those characters first; we think that offers the right combination of spontaneity and flexibility, while making sure that no one is said to be teaching if they're in Mongolia or some such thing. (None of this should or is meant to prevent individual tutoring, should you believe your student character needs/would like some.)

As we stated in the last announcement on this, there's certainly no requirement that any of this be logged, but it needs to be understood by everyone that it IS going on.