Doug Ramsey

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Doug Ramsey, formerly a student at Xavier's, currently works as the entirety of the Snow Valley Memorial Center's IT department. His mutant powers are based around pattern recognition. In addition to granting him comprehension of both the written and spoken word of every language ever created by human beings (and in one notable exception, a language that had not been invented yet), he can also crack codes and interpret body language.


Character Journal: x_cypher

Real Name: Douglas Aaron Ramsey

Codename: Cypher

Aliases: Lexicon, Aron Hugaldrson

First Appearance: August 25, 2004

Date of Birth: May 7, 1987

Place of Birth: Denver, Colorado

Citizenship: American

Relatives: Ramsey Family: John Ramsey (father), Mary Ramsey (mother), Katie and Jennifer Ramsey (younger sisters)

Education: Graduate of Xavier's School for Gifted Youngsters, class of 2005. Currently pursuing correspondence college courses.

Relationship Status: Single

Occupation: Doug is the sole member of the IT department for Snow Valley Memorial Center.

Team Affiliation: X-Force



Life At The Mansion

X-Force and the Snow Valley Center

Physical Characteristics

Height: 5'9"

Weight: 170 lbs.

Eyes: blue

Hair: blond

Other Features: Doug's left ear is pierced, and he wears a small silver or gold stud in it. He has one notable scar, on his chest right above his heart from the events in Asgard.


Doug began his stay at the mansion not convinced that he even had a mutant power. He was merely a guy with a bit of a talent for languages and hacking. That lasted until he discovered that he could practically read his roommate Jamie's body language. He tested his theory by refreshing his journal page in different languages that he had never studied in his life, and found that he could read them all.

Since that time, Doug has discovered that his power extends to pattern recognition. This means that he can comprehend the written or spoken word of any language that he sees or hears, including the future language Askani. He can also "read" body language and decipher codes. His instinctive mastery of languages also includes computer languages, part of what makes him such an excellent programmer.


Doug always has his PDA with him.


Doug enjoys what has been termed as "waging savage war on his taste buds", that is, he has an obsession with spicy food. He and Amanda frequently go for curry nights after work.

He, Jamie Madrox, and Guido Carosella knew each other previously from an Alison Blaire fan site.

He was one of the lead singers for the student band People Covered In Fish.



Love Potion Number Nine



One To The Chest



X-Men Mission: The Perfect Nanny


Operation: Opening Salvo

Operation: Don't Leave Me With The Germans

Race Around The World

Operation: Body Snatchers

Libri Veritatum

Operation: Flesh Mechanic

Dogs of War

Operation: Xorn


Player: Twiller

E-mail: TwillerEmail.jpg

AIM: tknophobia

Player Icon Base: Ryan Phillipe

Meta Trivia

Doug Ramsey basically began as the X-Project version of his player, as he was nervous that he wouldn't be any good at this whole LJ RPG thing.