Template:Selected anniversaries/November 13

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November 13


2003: Crimson Dawn: Care of Betsy is legally transferred from Nathaniel Essex to Hank.

2004: Alison is released from medlab, at least during the day. Jubilee tells Manuel she won't sleep with him any more. Jay and Nathan argue about Nathan's telepathy. Sarah leaves and her friends hold a 'wake' in the basement after her departure. Hand Me Down: Jamie undergoes the psychic procedure to deal with Skippy's memories. Moira proposes a practical way for her and Madelyn to deal with the emotional fallout from X-Men Mission: Firefountain

2005: Stoker and Stalkers: Vlad gets impatient and makes Kitty come to him; Jamie and Lockheed intervene as Vlad is sucking on her blood and Kitty is brought to Moira for medical attention; Vlad is taken to the police, who arrest him for several murders; in light of what happened, Jamie asks for permission to become an X-Man trainee. Nathan and Jean talk about the Askani problem.

2006: The Gates: The Elpis team get to see the UN Security Council's response to Smichov; Forge and Nathan discuss what happened and doing all you can; Haller and Rahne discuss things over deer-butchering. Domino surprises Angelo by being on the couch and meets Sooraya. Pietro hands himself over to Val Cooper and is placed under house arrest pending his production of evidence against Magneto. Garrison meets the Snow Valley crew and is suitably bemused. Terry and Bobby discuss Thanksgiving plans. Crystal and Medusa send fruit baskets to Pietro and Garrison to welcome them to the mansion.

2007: Logan asks Farouk to get him some cigars the next time he makes an order.

2008: Kyle gives Laurie one email to apologise. Forge and Laurie commiserate with each other on making mistakes. Morgan says goodbye to Garrison. Zanne asks Clarice about local tattoo artists.

2009: Kyle tells everyone through his journal about water being found on the moon. Angel makes a bewildering post about driving and pickups; it turns out she and Crystal are going to the airport to pick up Sooraya, returning to the school from Afghanistan.

2010: Fianchetto: Tabitha contacts Doug trying to find out more about the Black Court of the Hellfire Club. There Will Be Peace: Julian gets a visit from a security consultant, who asks about his parents but doesn't reveal why.

2011: Wade makes a journal entry questioning people's complex coffee orders, and that he's left roasted pumpkin seeds in the kitchen. Korvus and Wade go looking for a '67 Impala to restore. Matt tries to have a conversation with Korvus again, and it goes badly, again. Sons of Liberty: Kane and Abigail Brand follow up on the list of names and discover all of them have left town, with signs of a serious struggle at the last house, belonging to an elderly man called Mace; Jean and Kyle visit Bradley again and get information on the extended SuperSoldier program, which all the men on the list were part of.

2012: Korvus posts about celebrating Diwali.

2013: Jubilee posts about having to go to a meeting in Bangkok on the weekend.

2014: Julian texts Angel asking if she wants to go out. Namor posts about the snow. Clint texts Gabriel asking him to join him in snow watching. Namor texts Clint about the fight between Julian and Tandy. Tandy accidentally sends Julian a text meant for Adrienne, then really texts Adrienne about going to Connecticut to hide.


2015: Clea is excited about the Homecoming Dance that night. Miles posts a photo to Instagram of himself and Bobby at the dance. North gets retribution for that one time Felicia stole all of North's clothes and sent them to her tailor.

2016: Maya asks Wade if they can go camping. Laurie posts about it being Match Day for med students.


2018: Jubilee posts about food. Laurie posts about volunteering in a soup kitchen during Thanksgiving.

2019: Topaz wonders about the wisdom of the Chicago Library transcribing spellbooks. Clea posts a link to a new band, heavily featuring hammers and spaceships.

2020: Gabriel reflects on how the mansion never ceases to surprise him. Time Stand Still: Alex meets Franklin early in the morning in the kitchen and helps him achieve mac and cheese and cartoons; Kurt meets Talia and it’s not actually weird at all; Cypher calls for volunteers for the ambush in Avalon; Changeling draws the Other Topaz to Avalon and the trap is executed; Wolverine, Facade and Sombra cut a path through Other Topaz’s shadow creatures on one side, while Ronin, Blink and Pyro do the same on the other side; Echo, Skin and Sentinel take care of the third side and the Frosts - the White Queen, Fourteen and Ruby and Garnet - psychically prevent her from draining emotions for power; finally, Tarot, Dust, Marvel Girl, Psylocke and Topaz overload Evil!Topaz, allowing Daytripper to come in and kill her.

2021: Gabe runs into Jean at a bar where she reveals she has quit Claremont. Operation: Wideawake: Amanda emails Marie-Ange about receiving a tip about another Sentinel project and an asset inside who needs extracting before the Brotherhood turn up; Marie-Ange alerts the team they have a job. Arise, X-Man: Laurie takes Nate to a movie to test his powers and uses an unorthodox technique to calm him down when he panics.
