Template:Selected anniversaries/June 12

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June 12 - Maya Lincoln-Lopez's birthday


2015: Warren texts a joke to Matt. Scott runs Amanda through a basic combat program in the Danger Room to test her form.

2016: Nica tries to get the Gen Xers who fled the party to regroup. The morning after, Miles has to flee Becky's father. Clea texts Stephen about said party. Darcy posts about the Tony Awards. Topaz gets Maya cookies and a jacket for her birthday.

2017: Kyle bring Laurie food to make sure she stays fed in the lab and an offer to help build a new team from the ground up. Hank posts to his journal asking who stole his latest experiment, replacing it with a bottle of mustard. Tandy posts complaining about how busy summer courses make her. Stephen and Clea go to the movies on a date, both of them are a little weird.

2018: Miles’ dad gets him a job with his construction crew which is easy for Miles leading him to wonder about when to tell his father about his other identity. Ev sends Wanda a text to check in on her. Rogue posts to let people know she loves Canada because of the wide open spaces.

2019: It’s Maya’s birthday and her dad sent her a birthday cake.




2023: Haller signs for a package for Alani and when he delivers it, he gets pecked by a chicken; Alani emails Kyle and Sooraya, mortified at Audrey Henburn attacking Haller. Darcy shares a YouTube link to a performance artist.



2003: Kitty's classes with Nathaniel Essex begin.


2005: Charlie goes home. Nathan tells Amanda about finding his father. Meggan frightens Kurt when she demonstrates her ability to synch to energy sources. Dani's dislike of Billy becomes obvious and plans are made to wean him onto formula. Alison spends the day recording Guido's band.


2007: Laurie shaves Angelo's head whilst he's asleep and gets punished by Dani for it. Dani has a frybread making spree. Julio shaves Kyle's cat to look like a lion and goes to Jean for treatment of his scratches. Jennie and Kyle tell Shiro about joining the team. Scott announces the new trainees - Jennie, Kyle, Marius, Forge and Janet. Clarice requests team uniform designs for the new trainees. Ororo and Nathan continue their climbing trip. Pietro returns to the mansion. New Renaissance Man: Jean emails Betsy about an emergency hair dying job. Clarice and Jono catch up. Paige announces her return on the journals. Laurie and Marius discuss being medlab volunteers. Sound of Silence: On Attilan, Crystal and Maximus Boltagon discuss her time at the school.

2008: Callisto meets Farouk and is unimpressed at the Morlocks being considered a sociology experiment. X-Men Mission: Keep The Faith: The torture continues; the X-Men escape and call in, but are pursued and barely survive the encounter before the X-Men arrive; Forge is taken to hospital; Terry blames herself and won't listen to Scott; Scott lets the school know what happened; Adrienne tries to comfort her roommate with mixed success. Kevin emails Nathan to make sure he hasn't told Kevin's secrets and curtails meditation sessions with Laurie. Sarah and Callisto finally meet again after being reunited and Sarah is less than happy about the situation.

2009: Wanda visits Jake early in the morning to give him his gift from Japan, and discovers they bought each other the same tentacle toy. Face The Blood: Yvette, Dori and Inez help rescue a child from a mine, but Yvette steps on another and is blown up; Forge and Crystal have a conflict of opinions on how to deal with wars and the ways people do things; Dr. Marcel asks Clarice to teleport her to the hospital in Kosovo, and to bring help from the mansion; Laurie tries to use her powers to counter Yvette's, but fails; Jean and Forge talk with Dr. Marcel and realise that an inhibitor is the only way to go; Forge lets the school know what happened; Inez and Angel talk about what happened; Laurie checks on Forge as he makes the inhibitor; Laurie checks on Kevin and tries to feed him; Laurie checks on Fred, and tries to comfort him. Jean-Paul posts about playing laser tag with Johnny.

2010: Meggan goes to tell Kurt about her new powers trick so he doesn't get worried about her.

2011: My Long Forgotten Son: Crystal chases down Artie and Nico; Callisto and Garrison go after Dori and Molly; Sarah Morlocks pursues Klara and Megan; Kurt and Warren find Meggan; Kurt, Garrison, Sarah Morlock, and Callisto confront Annalee; the kids are brought back home.

2012: Matt takes Molly into the city (without permission or a chaperone), using the trip as cover for some other things. Meggan realizes Molly is missing from the mansion and e-mails Scott to alert him about the missing student. Scott manages to track Matt and Molly to a toy store in the city and asks Wade to swing by and pick them up. Wade asks Marie-Ange for help in picking up the wayward students. Having picked the kids up Wade texts Scott to let him know that Wanda was driving them back to the mansion. Angel comes across Lorna watching Disney movies in their suite and the two of them start chatting. Later Catseye finds Angel pouting in the kitchen and the two of them make summer plans. Wade and Maddie make plans to spring a surprise on Doug. Vanessa turns up at the mansion to spend another night with Laurie and runs into Garrison who is more morose than she expected. Artie and Korvus realize they need to move out and start packing. One slightly demented soldier reacts to another slightly demented soldier nearly killing himself by threatening to finish the job. Having made use of Marie-Ange's shower and bath products, Maddie begins to talk with her host. As a result, the world will never, ever be the same again. Laurie runs into Matt and apologises for blowing up at him on the journals.

2013: Topaz asks about summer solstice celebrations; Wade emails Fred about where the colour coded grills are for the subsequent summer solstice BBQ.

2014: Maddie posts excited about the World Cup and conflicted about Brazil. Adrienne posts about a pool for the World Cup. Dori posts disgusted about Ubisoft not animating women. Matt and Clint meet in the rec room and catch up. Hope emails the volunteers for the Red X fundraiser looking for information. Matt posts about backing a movement for Braille dice up to D20. Cecilia texts Wade informing him that he has to drive up the bidding for the Red X fundraiser.