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Bayville Charter High
Bayville High.png
First Seen: February 2015


Bayville Charter High, Salem Center, is a charter high school of a particularly high reputation of academic excellence. Due to the reduced numbers of students and the need for young mutants to learn to cope in the 'normal' world, Xavier's School for Gifted Youngsters now acts as a boarding residence for students, who now attend Bayville Charter.

Bayville Charter attempts to be inclusive, but with increasing fear of mutants following the M-Day event and the accompanying insurance issues, it does not openly accept mutants. Xavier's students, in order to maintain the mansion as a sanctuary, are encouraged to hide their powers where possible, and use image inducers outside of the mansion's grounds. It is not a satisfactory arrangement, but one that is necessary for the time being, at least.

The school caters from 9th Grade to 12th Grade (Freshman, Sophomore, Junior, Senior) and usually has been 300-350 students attending. College preparation classes are available, as well as a Science and Technology Entry Program.


Sports Teams

Being a small school, it offers only a few types of competitive sports - basketball for both girls and boys, soccer for boys, cheerleading for girls and volleyball for both girls and boys.

Other Clubs

Transport from Xavier's to Bayville is provided by the mansion, by way of a mini-bus, but students are also allowed to make their own way there, provided they do so responsibly.

Current Students (2015-2016 School Year)


Illyana Rasputin


Amadeus Cho

Clea Lake

Sebastian Druid

Stephen Strange

Tabitha Smith


Amara Aquilla

Alison Blaire

Miles Morales

Monica Rambeau


Bobby Drake

Xavin Majesdane


Rahne Sinclair




Not from the States? Here's an explanation of American school grades!

(for school year 2014-2015, beginning in September)

New York State graduation requirements.

The structure of Bayville is based on Rochester Academy, a charter school in upstate New York, which was found by Nat.

Got questions about being a student? Check out the FAQ!

Introduced by: The Mods