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Bayville Charter High
Bayville High.png
First Seen: February 2015


Bayville Charter High, Salem Center, is a charter high school of a particularly high reputation of academic excellence. Due to the reduced numbers of students and the need for young mutants to learn to cope in the 'normal' world, Xavier's School for Gifted Youngsters now acts as a boarding residence for students, who now attend Bayville Charter.

Bayville Charter attempts to be inclusive, but with increasing fear of mutants following the M-Day event and the accompanying insurance issues, it does not openly accept mutants. Xavier's students, in order to maintain the mansion as a sanctuary, are encouraged to hide their powers where possible, and use image inducers outside of the mansion's grounds. It is not a satisfactory arrangement, but one that is necessary for the time being, at least.

The school caters from 9th Grade to 12th Grade (Freshman, Sophomore, Junior, Senior) and usually has been 300-350 students attending. College preparation classes (CRP) are available, as well as a Science and Technology Entry Program (STEP) and double credit classes (college level credits at the same time as high school).


The school day consists of 4 classes in the morning, then lunch, then 4 classes in the afternoon.

Taken from the Rochester Academy Program of Studies, 2015-2016, and the New York State Diploma Requirements.


The following classes are required in order to graduate. The number of required credits is over the 4 years of schooling for a total of 22 credits.

English (4 credits in total required):

  • Common Core English/Language Arts I (9th grade)
  • Common Core English/Language Arts II (10th grade)
  • Common Core English/Language Arts III (11th grade)
  • English/Language Arts IV (12th grade)

Social Studies (4 credits total required):

  • US history (1 credit)
  • Participation in Government (.5 credit)
  • Economics (.5 credit)
  • Global History I and II (2 credits)

Science (3 credits in total required):

  • Life Science (1 credit)
  • Physical Science (1 credit)
  • Physical or Life Science (1 credit)

9th grade: Earth Science, Living Environment, Chemistry, Physics

10th-12th Grade:

Biology Chemistry Physics Other
AP Biology

Conceptual Biology

Particular Topics in Biology

AP Chemistry

Conceptual Chemistry

Particular Topics in Chemistry

Conceptual Physics

Particular Topics in Physics

Scientific Research and Design


Mathematics (3 credits in total required):

  • Algebra I Common Core (9th grade)
  • Geometry Common Core (10th grade)
  • Algebra II (11th grade)

Languages Other Than English (1 credit in total required):

Spanish Turkish
Spanish I

Spanish II

Turkish I

Turkish II

Turkish Language and Culture

Visual Art, Music, Dance and/or Theater (1 credit in total required):

Creative Art Music
Creative Art—Comprehensive

Creative Art—Drawing/Painting

Creative Art—Drawing

Creative Art—Painting

Graphic Design

Music Theory

Music Appreciation

Music Performance





Physical Education (2 credits in total required):

  • Physical Education
  • Fitness/Conditioning Activities

Health (0.5 credits in total required):

  • Health
  • Nutrition

Technology (0.5 credits in total required):

Computer Technology Dept.
Computing Systems

Desktop Publishing

Computer and Information Technology

Computer Applications

Business Computer Applications

Web Page Design

Computer Graphics

Computer Technology

Electives (3 credits in total required)

  • see below


English Dept. Social Studies Dept. Mathematics Dept.
AP English Language and Composition

AP English Literature and Composition

English/Composition (freshmen and sophomores)

English/Composition (juniors and seniors)

Creative Writing

Research/Technical Writing


English Morphology and Grammar

English—Test Preparation

Forensic Speech—Debate

Public Speaking

AP World History

AP U.S. History

AP U.S. Government and Politics


AP Psychology

Contemporary U.S. Issues

Particular Topics in U.S. History

World Geography

Particular Topics in Geography

Modern World History

Particular Topics in World History


Transition Algebra

Particular Topics in Algebra

Informal Geometry

Principles of Algebra and Geometry

Particular Topics in Geometry

Other electives such as Dance or languages other than Spanish or Turkish, are available through the Xavier Institute.

Sports Teams

Being a small school, it offers only a few types of competitive sports - basketball for both girls and boys, soccer for boys, cheerleading for girls and volleyball for both girls and boys.

Other Clubs

Academic Clubs Student Clubs
National Honor Society

Odyssey Of The Mind

Congressional Award

Science Olympiad

Poetry Slam

Math Counts Team

Step Dance

Drama Club

Student Council

Yearbook Committee

Service Club

Cooking Club

Prom Committee

Senior Trip Committee

High School Chorus


Transport from Xavier's to Bayville is provided by the mansion, by way of a mini-bus, but students are also allowed to make their own way there, provided they do so responsibly.

Current Students (2015-2016 School Year)


Illyana Rasputin


Amadeus Cho

Clea Lake

Sebastian Druid

Stephen Strange

Tabitha Smith


Amara Aquilla

Alison Blaire

Miles Morales

Monica Rambeau


Bobby Drake

Xavin Majesdane


Rahne Sinclair




Not from the States? Here's an explanation of American school grades!

(for school year 2014-2015, beginning in September)

New York State graduation requirements.

The structure of Bayville is based on Rochester Academy, a charter school in upstate New York, which was found by Nat.

Got questions about being a student? Check out the FAQ!

Introduced by: The Mods