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Dates run: April 4, 2024
Run By: Dex
Read the logs: TILT

Quote from the plot

Arcade is back, and looking to prove something to his uncle when he abducts a group of the new residents for a Murderworld run.


Ashley Crawford, Ben Hammil, Ben Russell, Clea Lake, Emily Bright, Hope Summers, Inez Temple, Jessie Drake, Jono Starsmore, Julio Richter, Madin, Melody Guthrie, Paige Guthrie, Rogue, Sharon Smith

Arcade, Miss Coriander


April 4, 2024

Plot Summary

Summary of the events of the plot. Include links to supporting characters, locations, other plots. Remember, only link to something once per page, so no need to link to characters listed as Cast.

Related Links

Voodoo Child

So You Want To Be A Superhero

Ready or Not

External Links


xp_communication posts

xp_teams posts

xp_journal posts

Trivia and Meta


The targeting of the younger members of the mansion was in direct contravention to the rules Jacob Lowenstein gave his nephew when he handed over the title of Arcade. It remains to be seen how Uncle Jacob reacts to this.


Plotrunner: Dex

This plot was the return of Dex' "new character introduction to plots" plots, where he wrote and ran a plot for all new characters who had joined the game within the last year. Previous examples include Zan Zar Zameen, Prayer on the 26th of July and So You Want To Be A Superhero.