Template:Selected anniversaries/October 27

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October 27 - Jean Grey's birthday

2003: Pete offers his experience to the school and officially joins the staff.

2004: Day In The City: Scott is retrieved. Shiro goes to the infirmary for testing for possible radiation sickness. Angelo and Amanda make 'full disclosure' posts to their journals about their backgrounds; Amanda's post prompts Jubilee to tell Pete about the deal with Patches over the scars. Alison and Manuel have their first training session. X-Men Mission: Wildchild: Kyle Gibney, sole survivor of six Mistra conditioning candidates, is brought to the mansion.

2005: Lorna confesses on the journals about what she did as Malice and Manuel is the only one to hold her responsible; Alex refuses to believe Lorna was anything but mind-controlled and innocent of wrong-doing; Nathan and Lorna discuss their shared experiences in being directed by others. Stoker and Stalkers: Jamie and Kitty's plans to attend a college Halloween party are overheard by Vlad and he makes his own plans. Charles notifies Scott and Ororo of an absence for several days.

2006: Terp Attack: Marie visits Clarice at her dorms and they plan to go to Homecoming. Lorna announces Halloween pumpkin carving. Jennie and Angel paint Marius' mouths with lipstick; Jennie emails Forge asking for an explanation of the bone-marrow transplant from Monet that will save his life. Laurie catches the 'flu. Marius thanks the staff for stopping him in Monaco and he and Jennie announce their disappearance over the summer was due to an elopement. X-Force returns from Russia, jetlagged, bruised and with the flu. Angel brings Laurie soup.

2007: Thirteen Days: Terry and Scott's turn for training, as they face the challenges of restraining destructive powers in a space-station environment; Laurie and Amanda discuss the harsh realities of the situation; Scott gives the team the night off before they go up in the morning; Angelo has dinner with Nathan and then Amanda comes to the mansion for a last night; Scott and Jean celebrate her birthday, despite the cicumstances; Monet talks to Gail Collins about the frustrations of being an invalid.

2008: Day Zero: Emma realises she can't defeat Pestilence/Ignatova through her victims; Team Delta - Sam, Dani, Marius, Kurt, Tabitha and Jane perform their search and rescue; Team Foxtrot - Garrison, Morgan, Wanda and Bishop meet up with Fred Duncan and Sofia to provide support to those law enforcement and emergency services personnel who remained; Team Charlie - Jan, Amanda, Forge, Sarah, Julio and Callisto find the tunnels aren't the same as they used to be; Team Beta - Alex, Terry, Shiro, Cain, Crystal and Marie launch their attack on the Citadel; Team Alpha - Scott, Kyle, Zanne, Adrienne go after the neutron bomb SHIELD was using as a failsafe and 'lost'; Team Echo - Clarice, Nathan, Jay, Ororo, Angelo, Monet and Jean encounter War and Apocalypse in Central Park and have to walk away to avoid being beaten into the ground and cutting off communications; Apocalypse invites any mutants to come to Manhattan and his 'mutant homeland'; in the tunnels, Callisto and Amanda talk about the disconnection both of them are feeling with the changes to their city; Garrison and Sofia fight through a mob attempting to get into the Pershing Armoury while Wanda, Bishop and Morgan do the same from the other side; Karolina and a group of other mutants are displaced from their shelter and try to escape New York before Karolina finally has enough and flies home; Emma comes to Doug with a plan and shuts down all his distractions in order to make him a match for Pestilence; Betsy, blinded by the explosion, wanders New York and her own memories; Farouk uses Cerebro to pass on information among the various teams; Duncan and Team Foxtrot decides to move on with the National Guard and law enforcement agents to try and shake Apocalypse's hold on New York from the south, including what seems to be some kind of cult controlling humans; Team Alpha holes up for the night, unable to search for the bomb in the dark; Bravo battles Death, and with the appearance of Jennie, manages to almost take her down, revealing her identity as Alison Blaire; Laurie encounters Post and her father reappears to save her, only to be gravely injured; in the tunnels, Team Charlie discovers they're not alone as they encounter Ignatova's meat spores and have to flee for their lives; at Silver, Mark and Marie-Ange talk and she reveals her precognition has come back under the pressure of Caliban's psychic manipulations; Mark confronts Jean-Phillipe about his betrayal and they wind up having sex; Karolina makes it back to the mansion and is met by Haller and Callie.