Operation: Behold A Red Horse

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Behold a Red Horse
Plot beholdredhorse.png
Dates run: October 16-17, 2023
Run By: Dex
Read the logs: Behold a Red Horse

Part 2 of the Horseman Arc.

“There was nothing there, Topaz. Nothing left to bring back."

In a disturbing mirror to the Kenyan mission, a resort town in Spain erupts into random violence and X-Force goes to find out why.


Kevin Sydney, Felicia Hardy, Amanda Sefton, Jubilation Lee, Artie Maddicks, Wanda Maximoff, Emma Frost, Topaz, Darcy Lewis, Doug Ramsey, Gabriel Cohuelo, Sarah Rushman, Marie-Ange Colbert, Jessica Jones

Sonya Falsworth


October 16-17, 2023

Plot Summary

When the media reported on a sudden and unexplained outbreak of violence in the Spanish city of Jaca, Kevin called X-Force in to investigate, seeing a disturbing mirror to the mission in Kenya. Before communications were lost, there were reports of a man in red armor being seen and so the investigation took two parts: one team on the ground in Spain, to gather intelligence there and one team remaining in New York to sift through the information.

With Kevin having been directed to Sonya Falsworth, the head of SIS in Britain, managed to get limited access to Jaca. Amanda and Jubilee got access to the city itself, while Topaz and Emma stayed behind the barrier police had set up. Inside the city, Amanda and Jubilee encountered a nightmarish scenario, with gangs of ordinary citizens, armed with whatever they could lay hands on, met and beat each other to death with the survivors combining into a new group seeking out another gang to attack. From the moment they entered the city, Amanda was unusually irritable - this became full-blown rage when, having discovered some footage of the onset of the event on a cellphone, she and Jubilee had to take their own personal escape routes. For Amanda, this meant merging with a city that had lost its mind to blind rage and violence and when she emerged at the pre-arranged meeting place, she attacked Jubilee, first verbally and then physically, breaking her team-mate's nose. Jubilee managed to subdue her and evacuate her out. Meanwhile, Emma and Topaz discovered the impacted citizens no longer had functioning minds, only rage and the urge to attack and destroy. This was the same as Kenya and the empath and the telepath reluctantly agreed there was nothing that could be done to save the citizens impacted.

Back in New York, Felicia and Artie used their skills to pinpoint the identity of the armoured man from a myriad of cell phone footage, a missing Marine by the name of Abraham Kieros. Posing as a JAG officer and her assistant, Kevin and Marie-Ange went to the military hospital listed as Kieros' last known whereabouts to ask about their missing patient, who was had been paralysed from the neck down. They discovered he had disappeared while being transported to his parents' house following his discharge from the Marines due to his injury.

Jessica assisted Wanda in identifying the symbol seen on the armour worn by Kieros in the footage, finding a connection with Clan Akkaba, while Gabriel and Sarah worked their respective contacts to see if any of them was connected with the attack. Doug and Darcy hacked into systems for information and discovered Spain had requested the Avengers assist; with the Avengers on the ground in Jaca, Kevin called everyone back to X-Force headquarters to make their various reports. The conclusion was that the incident was connected to Kenya and that Clan Akkaba was behind both events. But for what reason, they didn't know.

In the aftermath, Kevin warned the mansion as a whole that anti-mutant feeling was on the rise following the Jaca incident. And Amanda apologised to Jubilee, after spending a couple of days sedated and in a straightjacket, until the effects of Jaka wore off.

Related Links

Behold A White Horse

X-Men Mission: Behold A Black Horse

Behold A Pale Horse

External Links

Behold a Red Horse

xp_communications and media posts

xp_teams posts

xp_journal post

Trivia and Meta


The altercation between Jubilee and Amanda in Jaca aired various grievances and gave them the chance to talk things through like adults.


Plotrunner: Dex