Julian Keller

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Julian Keller
File:Julian Profile pic.jpg
Portrayed by Thomas Sturridge
Codename: None
Affiliations: X-Men
Birthdate: October 29, 1991
Journal: In It For The Green
Player: Ryan

Son of a wealthy California family, Julian was rejected by them and his friends when he refused to hide his mutant gifts. Xavier's offered him a place as an alternative to military school. Now, reunited with his family fortune, the young man searches for meaning in a world which hates and fears what he is.


Character Journal: In It For The Green

Real Name: Julian Keller

Codename: LazyBones

Aliases: Jules, Scion

First Appearance: December 5, 2008

Date of Birth: October 29, 1991

Place of Birth: Beverly Hills, CA

Citizenship: United States of America

Relatives: William Keller (father), Elizabeth Keller (mother), James Keller (younger brother)

Education: Incomplete High School

Relationship Status: Single. Formerly dated Angelica Jones, Nico Minoru.

Occupation: Dilettante

Team Affiliation: X-Men Trainee



Julian Keller is the first born son of the self-made billionaire William Keller and his trophy wife Elizabeth Keller. In his early life, Julian was doted upon by his father and as soon as he could walk William began to groom him to be his heir. When his younger brother, James, was born, Julian was four. The two became inseparable for the rest of their young life. Growing up in Beverly Hills, Julian and James had every advantage afforded to them from private schools to foreign language tutors. By the time he started school, Julian could understand Spanish, Russian, Japanese and French- though he never had a tongue for them and had a hard time pronouncing even rudimentary phrases.


Family life was good for Julian until he turned thirteen and his powers manifested. He awoke in the early hours of the morning, and after an intense nightmare, to find himself floating a few feet from his ceiling, his bed ten feet below him. He fell and broke his bed, fortunately he was physically unharmed. He began to be able to move things with his mind and immediately told his parents. While not members of any mutant hate groups, William and Elizabeth didn’t have any particular care for mutants and advised their son to keep his abilities quiet. Ever the dutiful son, Julian obeyed, but his powers were still very active while he slept, moving things around the house and, on one occasion, blocking his parents in their room. As he grew older Julian’s telekinetic abilities grew with him, things around the neighborhood started to move around in the middle of the night, once, all the cars in a neighbors garage were turned upside-down. The community suspected vandals at first, until someone saw their car flip over first hand and claimed a green glow surrounded her vehicle when it flipped. Julian turned from favored son to black sheep in the blink of an eye and Elizabeth’s reaction was to send him to a counselor to curb his rebelliousness- regardless of the fact Julian had no control over the nocturnal incidents.

The counselor enlisted him in a mutant support group aimed at helping those with parents who didn’t accept them. Julian began to learn about the struggles of others like him and started to understand he wasn’t alone. When he was fifteen William and Elizabeth enrolled him in a public high school, since they had attended one themselves. The handsome, young and rich Keller had no trouble making friends, but kept his abilities secret. He joined the basketball and swim teams, threw parties and became very well known at his school. During his sophomore year, Julian quickly discovered one of the school’s favorite pastimes: Pick on the Rodent.

Doreen Green was a freshman at the time and the only known mutant in school and a feral. Because of this, the school would pick on her; stuffing her into lockers, throwing spitballs and calling her names throughout the day. Whenever others weren’t looking, Julian would do what he could to help Doreen, had he been caught he would have been branded with a target as well.

The Lords of Justice

During this time, he continued his counseling in secret. The summer before his Junior year of high school, Julian met Dean Alwin, an astral projector who recruited him into what was supposed to be a superhero team. Wanting to do something positive with his abilities, Keller was quickly indoctrinated into the group. With the help of one of the set’s members, Simon Gutierrez, he began to secretly practice his abilities; unfortunately years of repression had stunted them. As he continued to practice, the nocturnal events started to curb off, no longer affecting the entire neighborhood. Julian’s training progressed and he soon found himself able to lift weights over thirty pounds with his mind.

Soon he was actively taking down crack houses and meth labs around the city. Simon and Julian made an excellent pair both providing the necessary muscle in the missions given to them by the charismatic leader of the team Gordon McPhearson. For the entire summer Julian and Simon would swoop in on a target and sufficiently disarm them before Gordon and the rest of the team moved in to clean-up, which the duo didn’t stay for. But at summer’s end, there was no difference between the flow of drugs in the city and it finally dawned on Julian during the group’s final mission that they were actually the bad guys.

McPhearson had recruited impressionable teenagers and given their abilities boosts with his power. He had been using them to consolidate his hold on drug traffic in Los Angeles County. No longer satisfied with the pretense of heroism, Gordon sent the group to rob an armored car at a bank. Once it dawned on Julian that they were attacking security guards, he quickly stopped the group from completing their mission. Unfortunately, the police happened to show up and everyone scattered. Making a rash choice, Julian held the cops off while Simon escaped, only to be arrested himself. In an attempt to escape, he pinned an officer against the brick wall of the bank, breaking both of his arms in the process.

In custody, the Keller’s discovered their son’s activities and were furious. The family lawyer made a plea deal that required Julian to give up information on all the members of the Lords of Justice drug syndicate (in addition to a generous donation to the precinct by William to keep the media’s attention elsewhere). The only member of the gang Julian didn’t give up was Simon, who he didn’t see again during his time in Los Angeles. Once home Elizabeth Keller, usually the soft touch of the family, grounded her son until school started.

Just after the start of his Junior year, Julian decided that he could no longer live “in-the-closet” and came out as a mutant at school. Julian lost his friends and support networks, including those in the support group who had a strict confidentiality agreement. The only person who didn’t hate him at home was James- who was being groomed to take over the company in his place and wasn’t able to show the support he wanted to. At school, Doreen Green and Julian became friends and he made it clear that anyone picking on her would have to answer to him.

Unfortunately, he only lasted another two weeks at the school before he was expelled under false accusations of fighting. Before William could enroll Julian in a school out in the middle of the Nevada desert, he received a phone call from someone named Charles Xavier and was quickly sold on his private academy in upstate New York.

Living At The X-Mansion

Julian arrived at the mansion a day earlier than scheduled at the start of December. He quickly made friends with many of the other kids and had no objections to the school aside from the weather. Karolina Dean and he formed a special bond, since they were both from Los Angeles. In his first week, she taught him how to make hot chocolate, a skill he’d spend the next two months perfecting. Having arrived too late to enroll in new classes, he finished out the semester with similar classes to those he’d been taking back out West- finding them harder than any he’d ever taken before.

Being the only boy enrolled in his class, Julian quickly became the object of many a school-girl crush. Most notably were the crushes by Inez Temple and Angelica Jones. Enjoying the attention, Keller shamelessly flirted with both of them, finally kissing Angelica on New Years Eve- though it would be months before they officially began to date. At the same time Inez had opened up to him and when she found out he’d kissed Jones, began to avoid Julian. In a more platonic way, he made connections with Catseye and Noriko Kikuchi- as well as the other members of the New Mutants team, most notably with Callie Betto, who serves as an anchor to his inflated ego and a reality check.

Almost a week after his arrival, Julian began powers training with his mentor Nathan Morrow. Wanting to spare the younger telekinetic the pain he’d experienced during his youth, Nathan began to teach Keller how to use his abilities responsibly and effectively. His training continued through Nathan’s absence the next semester as he practiced independently in the weight rooms and in the quarry.

So You Want To Be A Superhero?

During the time after his brief incarceration in California, Julian developed an addiction to online Flash games. One site in particular offered better graphics and game play than any other: Screwtop Games. After moving to New York, he was still able to keep up his addiction and eventually won the monthly prize giveaway, a full day with as many friends as he wanted at Laser Haven. Of course it was too good to be true and the group found themselves locked in Arcade’s Murderworld, themed around reality-television shows.

After a harrowing ordeal Julian was made an offer by the villain himself, to fund the winners of the competition as a corporate team of superheroes. The first to decline the offer, Keller smashed the monitor that Arcade had been speaking to them from. Shortly there-after, the winners discovered that everyone whom they thought had died was actually just being held in power resistant cages.

After returning home, Julian asked Angelica out and the two made their relationship more public. Unfortunately, this started the short-lived feud between Keller and Inez Temple- which was partially resolved when he apologized for being an ass and told Temple about his criminal past. Meanwhile, the new couple literally took off on their first date, as the young and handsome rich-boy chartered a private jet to fly them over New York City while they enjoyed a four-course meal onboard. The fallout from this date was two fold, firstly that Angel and Julian reached an understanding that such extravagancies weren’t expected. The second was a letter from home stating that he would be disowned if he ever made any more excessive purchases.

The long term fall out for Julian began the first week after the trip to Laser Haven. Things began to be moved around the mansion at night and it didn’t take long for Julian to be singled out as the culprit for these nocturnal pranks. Though it has subsided over time, there is usually something changed around the mansion every morning- usually something small like a painting flipped over. Keller has also taken steps to occupy his ‘gremlins’ (as he calls them) by putting a number of unsolvable Rubik’s Cubes in his room by the door- they tend to try and solve them before any other mischief can happen. Julian has an agreement with Kyle Gibney that the young telekinetic will take care of any damage he creates, and the older feral will let him know if he’s stumbled on anything.

A Midsummer’s Nightmare

When the Professor announced that the school would be working with a local public school in their spring production of “A Midsummer Night’s Dream,” Julian wasn’t immediately thrilled. However, he, like most of his fellow New Mutants, found themselves trying out. To his surprise, Julian received the part of Demetrius and discovered- to his further astonishment- that he really enjoyed acting.

Strange things started happening around the set after one of the chaperones cursed the production by saying Macbeth during rehearsal. Julian fell prey to a number of these accidents, including having his script switched and costume hidden. In the end the New Mutants saved the day by catching a local student who had the mutant ability to turn himself invisible. Just prior to opening night, Angelica and Julian attempted to trigger Julian’s ability to fly by having him jump off the room. During this unsuccessful test, the couple made their relationship official.

Half-way through the production, Julian received a midnight surprise in the form of Fred Dukes, his roommate. After a bit of a rocky start the pair discovered a mutual passion for video games and bonded over frequent bouts in Street Fighter Four fueled by Red Bull.

Red X: Dangerous Load

While biweekly training sessions with Nathan were going well enough, Keller found himself in the precarious position of using his powers on a scale he wasn't entirely comfortable with. A train derailment caused a propane spill and Nathan and Julian were called upon to serve as barriers as John and Angelica burned off the excess spill. Though he was simply serving as a back-up for Nathan, Julian attained a new level of comfort with his powers in the wake of managing the explosion.

Pas De Trois

Over the months leading up to prom, Angelica and Julian found great comfort and familiarity with each others company. The couple was so comfortable with their relationship that when Manuel De La Rocha called in a favor, Angelica didn't see a single possible problem with it. Manuel owed a favor to the Stepford girls and intended to use his influence to send Esme Stepford to the prom with Julian. Angelica agreed to this and all the arrangements were made- the only thing that was unforeseen was Esme's attraction to Julian.

On prom night, Esme and Julian were out on the balcony overlooking the north lawn when she suddenly made her move. When Julian rejected her, not wanting to hurt Angelica, Esme used telepathy to get what she wanted: a kiss. Of course, as fate would have it, Angelica walked out onto the balcony just as the two were kissing and assumed the worst. Though Julian chased after her, she took off to the sky and never looked back. It would be another month before Julian discovered the truth behind the night and even after that, there was nothing to be salvaged of his romantic relationship with Angelica, though they agreed to be friends.

Mutation Sternutation

Not long after the fateful night of prom, Julian found himself at an art exhibit with Callie Betto and Jean-Phillip Colbert, as well as a smattering of other mansion residents. Little did he know that while there, he was exposed to a power-swapping virus that left him with their electrokinetic chaperon's abilities. Of course, he wouldn't discover this until after Callie found herself with Rouge's abilities and put Julian into a comatose state for the better part of a day.

With the help of Nori and Doctor Grey-Summers, Julian learned how to use his new abilities, but was very grateful when his telekinesis returned.

Reefer Madness

During a routine field trip to observe a controlled burn of a state park, Julian found himself on the wrong side of a literal fire wall along with his fellow New Mutant team mates. When the fire burned through a marijuana farm, the team suddenly found themselves rescuing the hippies whom were growing it and experiencing a major high.

To help the hippies get the money they would need to pay off the crop (to their mafia investors) Julian quickly volunteered to be part of a team that would count cards at a local Indian casino.

Malibu Madess

On a brilliant July day, William Keller showed up at the mansion with an offer for Julian. Spend less than $500 in the next month and he'd be allowed to return home with his new friends at the end of the summer for a couple weeks. The senior Keller didn't think his son had it in him to accomplish the task, but was quickly proven wrong as Julian spent as little as possible over the next four weeks.

On their way out to the beach house in Malibu that his family owned, with a majority of the New Mutants in tow, the team ran afoul of a rather overzealous TSA agent, who detained them for the better part of an hour. Then, upon their arrival, a discovery was made- the Keller’s had left town for the duration of the group's stay to avoid seeing Julian. The news came as quite a shock to Julian, who sulked most of the rest of the trip. After seeing Nicholas Gleason with his former flame Angelica Jones, Julian found himself seeking comfort in the arms of Inez Temple.

Nearly a week later, Julian's criminal past caught up with him, in the form of an attack on the beach house by his former Lords of Justice teammate Simon Gutierrez. The fight was brief but ended up destroying the beach house and costing the Keller’s an exorbitant amount in repairs and insurance premiums. Relocated to the West Coast Annex, the New Mutants learned about Julian's past for the first time.

Carry On

Going to stay on Doreen Green's grandfather's farm for New Years was supposed to be a relaxing trip back to the West Coast for four New Mutants, but after discovering that his old team mate from the Lords of Justice- Dean Alwin- was going to die, things became complicated. After saying his goodbyes at the hospital, the four teens found themselves confronted again by Julian's old friend, Simon. After tracking him to a drug deal, the teens barely escaped with their lives and agreed to keep their activities that day a secret- though Pixie would later break the silence.

A Growing Rivalry

A routine training activity with his rival Nicholas Gleason turned ugly, when Gleason slashed Keller across the hindquarters in a feral rage. Despite numerous attempts to apologize, Julian and Nick hadn't seen eye to eye since their performances in Doctor Jeckyl and Mister Hyde, performed in town, where Nick also nearly lost control and ate one of the New Mutants.

A month-or-so later, the pair were matched up in a training exercise designed to teach Nick how to dodge things while in his wolf form. After Julian mocked the boy repeatedly and smashed several eggs over his head, Nick entered a feral rage and scratched Julian across the buttocks, leaving a permanent scar from the incident.

Noise & Confusion

Xm julian.png

Not long after the training accident, or attack depending on who you asked, Valentines Day came around and Julian and Nico found themselves at a local cafe. While there several of their friends came by and were in the process of leaving after a rather public display of affection by Nico when a Moped crashed through the storefront window.

The X-Men trainees and Nico sprung into action as Simon Gutierrez once again made a move to kill Julian and anyone who happened to get in the way. The group of super-powered teenagers took the boosted adversary down easily and for their efforts found themselves arrested by the Salem Center Police Department. An unconscious Simon was taken off to a nearby hospital where he eventually woke up and broke out; sparking a small scale manhunt.

Since the SCPD's motives in the hunt were questionable, the X-Men intervened and made efforts to find the boy first. Julian was paired with Monet and the two managed to find and subdue Simon who then told them, in great detail, the reason why he was trying to kill Julian: an old mutual acquaintance had his mother hostage.

Going to War

Not long after the destruction incurred by Simon in Salem Center, an unfamiliar face returned to wreak havoc on the X-Men's lives by possessing one of Julian's classmates. Selene needed to be taken down and in his first unofficial mission, Keller saw action when he fought the god-witch while protecting Emma Frost and the others involved in the ritual from her wrath. The price he paid for this was, in his own estimation after the fact, worth it. Selene grew iron vines up his legs and under his skin until she was dispatched- which kept him off his feet for sometime.

A month or so later, his next mission was to the land of India where an actual war was about to begin. Spurred into action, Julian was hesitant to leave his New Mutant peers behind at the refugee camp- particularly Nico- as he went with the X-Men to fight the good fight. Confronted with a massive tank battalion, Julian helped Husk and Lorna destroy as many of the destructive vehicles as he could. Eventually, the strain of using his powers continuously and under extreme conditions got to him and Julian blacked out, nearly clobbering himself with Paige in the process. Comatose for some time after this, Julian found himself waking up back in New York with Nico at his side and a new surprise, the ability to see lines-of-force.

R&R, D&D

After a great deal of rest, Julian was convinced by his girlfriend to join her in one of Dori’s games of Dungeons and Dragons. While enjoyable, the game took an interesting turn when Nico accidentally activated the Staff of One, transporting the group into the game world. The only way out was to find the staff, and the only clue to where it was involved a dragon. The team had to work together to survive, and in the end, Nick Gleason gave his life protecting Julian- despite their differences. Fortunately, upon exiting the game, they discovered that Nick was fine, effectively ended the animosity between Keller and Gleason.

Childhood’s End

Not long after, Julian, as part of the senior class, graduated from high school. The commencement ceremony was held off campus, his family conspicuously absent from the attendees. Mid-ceremony, the Purifiers, assisted by the Reavers, attacked. During the battle, Donald Blake, the Reaver leader, closed in for the kill on Julian- but the swift intervention of Nick Gleason saved him, at the cost of his new friend’s life. Enraged, Julian smashed the cybernetic components in Blake’s arms, literally disarming his foe before trying to save Nick. But when Keller turned back to his fallen comrade, the body was gone and the battle was over. That summer, a dark humor settled over the mansion, Julian was among the effected by Nick’s death, blaming himself for it. Little occurred in his life for months, his relationship with Nico brought him a little comfort, but he was effectively neutered in any emotional capacity. It was at this time that Julian was connected to a new mentor, Jean Grey-Summers, who took a more no-nonsense approach to her tutelage than Nathan had. Julian eventually recovered from his depression, with the help of his new training regiment and the fact he and Nico began to sleep together regularly.

There Will Be Peace

Over Thanksgiving Break of 2010, Warren announced a ski-trip to Colorado. Following several recent events, mysterious letters and interviews by government agents, Julian discerned the fact his family was in trouble and a resident of the Vault had the information he needed to save them- so he went. Ditching his friends the first day, Julian accessed Simon Gutierrez to discover that Gordon had kidnapped his family to lure him home. That night, Julian left for home- keeping the reason for his journey a secret- bringing- under the insistence of Jean- Angelica Jones. Before departing, Julian told Nico and Doreen what was going on, the two insisting on joining him. Keller put his foot down, thinking the two of them to listen as he departed in a Jeep southward. Upon their arrival at the Keller’s Malibu Beach House, Julian was surprised to discover that Nico and Dori had teleported out to the property to help- which scrambled the response of the X-Men, who were now underway. Gordon showed up in the middle of an argument between the four of them- informing Julian he needed to do a series of jobs for him to get back his family members. When Jean and Jan arrived, the crime lord was long gone. After a thorough chew-out by Jean, a plan was formed for rescuing the Keller’s. The next day, Julian met with Gordon to request resources, but was promptly declined. Unbeknownst to the criminal, Jan hitched a ride back to the villains mansion-com-bunker to discover the locations of the family. Later that day, Nico and Dori were escorted back to New York, but disappeared along the way, which Julian presumed was another attack by Gordon. Before the deadline for the jobs passed, the X-Men divided and rescued the family members, with Julian helping the charge against Gordon. The criminal mastermind was captured , but not without incident. During the final confrontation, McPhearson tried to overload Julian’s powers in an attempt to escape. Lacking control of his abilities, Julian began to involuntarily rip apart the mansion around them. Jean acted quickly, entering his mind and discovering an entity inside that seemed to have control of Julian’s powers. The only solution was to vent the excess energy skyward, destroying the manse and making the rest of the team dig Julian and Jean out. After the battle, the Keller’s were reunited and finally gave their son the acceptance he had long wanted from them. In the chaos of the resolution though, came the revelation that Gordon had nothing to do with the disappearance of Nico and Dori. The X-Men sprung into action, discovering them in a cave complex in the middle of no-where. Julian went with the assault team, still not fully over his injuries sustained in the Los Angeles raid. The teens, along with Ariel, were discovered with Nico’s parents, who were attempting a summoning ritual to protect themselves from Arcana Minoru, who showed up and possessed Nico anyway- though Julian was unconscious at that point. After the rescue, Nico’s mutation triggered, putting a strain on the young couple’s relationship since they were unable to engage in physical intimacy. They agreed to stay together though, Julian admitting that he loved her for the first time. Jean also had a resolution for Julian- in order to stay on the team as a trainee, he was to be grounded indefinitely, asking permission to leave the mansion grounds.

Returns & Farewells

After the start of the new year, Julian was finally able to return home to L.A. to see his family, but a runway accident at the airport led to an interesting discovery. One of the paramedics looked strikingly like Nick Gleason! Excited, he broke out of a cop car and made his way across the tarmac to give the stranger a hug- though it did turn out to be his lost friend. He and Kurt slowly brought Nick-suffering from amnesia- back to the mansion, in an attempt to jog his memory. A few months after, Julian and Nico were getting frisky in his bedroom when they decided to go for it. This resulted in Julian’s chi getting siphoned off and him being knocked out for half-a-day. Soon after, the couple broke up, at Nico’s behest, sending Julian into a depression spiral. His solution, go get drunk and laid, as he emailed Jean while she was away from the mansion and headed out to the Hellfire Club.

Physical Characteristics

Height: 5'10"

Weight: 170 lbs

Eyes: Blue

Hair: Black

Other Features: Dimpled chin, heroically-square jaw line, four concentric scars on his right buttock and upper-rear-thigh


Telekinesis, with a green energy signature: Julian’s first manifestation occurred during a nightmare when he was thirteen years old. At the behest of his parents he suppressed his powers and they ended up manifesting as nocturnal outbursts- these outbursts still occur during particularly intense dreams and during times of great stress. When Keller finally did start to develop/train his abilities he concentrated on heavy objects, ignoring the fact that fine motor control was just as difficult. Currently he is able to lift up to three-dozen objects that weigh thirty pounds- or up to a ton of singular weight- the heavier the objects the fewer of them he is able to lift. At one point, Julian tried to float a basketball across the court, only to pop the ball- this discouraged him from experimenting with light weight objects. When confronted by the police, Keller attempted to pin one officer to the wall, only to end up breaking both of the man’s arms- in short he lacks gentleness or finesse. He has been practicing levitation on himself, though the results have been poor. With proper training and instruction, this could be developed to flight.

Julian can create telekinetic shields and bubbles that are as durable as the armor on a light tank. These shields are the only thing he is able to do when they are engaged and can only fit three or four people at their maximum. Keller’s active range has been tried to fifty feet without showing signs of over exertion- during nocturnal episodes, there were reports of incidents from up to a half-a-mile away. When he uses his abilities in excess, his eyes begin to glow green. After the adrenaline rush has passed in one of these incidents, he’s likely to pass out and sleep for a day or two. Keller possess quick reflexes and has shown a clever acumen at solving problems with his abilities instead of with his hands. Given that, if presented with a problem that powers can’t solve, Julian is likely to be temporarily stunned or at least slowed down. Keller has a significant amount of potential, but it will take a significant amount of training to develop.

More recently and after the tutelage of Nathan Marrow, Julian found himself more able to handle small and delicate objects, training with eggs to work on his fine motor control.


Emerald Pendant (typically under the shirt), Teddy Bear (from his younger brother), Basket of unsolvable Rubik’s Cubes

Julian is the proud owner of an acid green Mercedes-Benz SLR McLaren


  • Julian enjoys the beach and is a competent surfer, though he generally doesn't like to talk about it.
  • A competitive swimmer, Julian took second place in the regional 100 Meter Free-Style back in California.
  • Growing up in the Southwest, Julian has an intense dislike for cold weather.
  • For their first date, Julian took Angelica to dinner…on board a chartered jet that was flying around New York City.



So You Want To Be A Superhero

Midsummer's Nightmare

Red X Mission: Dangerous Load

Pas de Trois

Mutation Sternutation

Reefer Madness

Malibu Madness


Carry On

Stage of Illusions

Call of the Wild

Noise and Confusion

Santayana Effect


Lakshmibai Raj

Dungeons and Derangements

A Betrayal of Heart

There Will Be Peace

The Gift


I'll Be Home



Player: Ryan

E-mail: 150px

AIM: greenscionjk

Player Icon Base: Thomas Sturridge

Meta Trivia

The name Scion was chosen for Julian instead of Hellion (616-Continuity), since Emma Frost is not the Co-Headmistress of the school. Scion was Keller's codename during "The House of M" storyline.