Template:Selected anniversaries/June 14

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June 14 - Flag Day


2015: Laurie posts about how annoying the need for sleep is. Jubilee posts asking the new residents to ask her questions to get to know her. Felicia posts about going for brunch with her mother. Wanda and Illyana meet and Wanda finds out that Illyana knew a previous version of Wanda (and killed her) while in Limbo. Gabriel and Namor meet and Gabriel decides to take Namor off the mansion grounds to go buy clothes. Molly posts a picture of herself and Wade in front of the Ghostbusters car. Namor introduces himself on the journals and asks where to find nude photos on an iPad. Matt posts about insomnia. Jean texts Cecilia asking if she saw Namor’s post.

2016: Amanda texts John to see if he’s still in the country.

2017: Laurie posts stating that The Great British Bakeoff is better than Masterchef. Rahne posts letting people know that Peter Sallis, of Wallace and Gromit, had died. Wanda posts asking Miles to stop popping up to ask her to say ‘Ugh’. Reed texts Sue asking if she’s disappointed in him for taking so long to hack the government database and promising to do better next time.

2018: Jean-Paul texts Topaz to assure her he’s still alive.

2019: Fear in the Dark: A mysterious letter arrives at the X-Force office; following a lead from that letter, Amanda, Marie-Ange, Doug, and Wanda head to the Empire State Building, while back at the mansion’s labs something unexpected happens; as the Dweller is packing up the spare hammer for transport, she encounters the X-Men; Skirn amuses herself by distracting those in the mansion; there’s a final attempt to stop the heist, but Dweller, Skirn and Cul manage to exit via a portal heading to X-Force's office in the city where the the Dweller's staff is stored and take down Kevin, Artie, and Clea to get it; Sharon F.makes a post asking what the hell just happened; Clea sends a text to Steve asking if he’s okay; Amanda shares some information about the Dweller; Darcy informs her fellow scientists that they’re going to need to sit down and have a talk about occupational safety in the lab.


2021: Doug posts assuring everyone that Batman can, in fact, find that particular spot, following a social media uproar.

2022: Scott asks for people’s suggestions for Danger Room modules based on video games or movies. Jubilee and April tackle the parkour course, and their combined lack of chill makes an appearance.


2024: Kevin S. has a deep cover assignment for Darcy; in exchange she asks him to meet her Gran.



2004: Moira and Nate return from their vacation. There are presents. Doug volunteers to help with Nate's summer language classes. Domino, Amanda and Manuel each deal in their own way with what happened at the club. Pete goes to Uganda to help a friend.

2005: Little Girl Lost: Remy bluffs his way into the mortuary where Patches' body is and makes some unpleasant connections with Wisdom. Betsy joins the Intel team. Nathan and Moira's baby exhibits telekinesis in the womb. Lorna is affected by sunspots.

2006: Ghost of a Chance: Marie-Ange has an encounter with Quentin Quire; the mansion's inhabitants begin to see odd things.

2007: New Renaissance Man: Jean and Scott spy on Robert Haverford and Daniel Lyman and discover they are going to the Temple of the Moon. Ororo and Nathan climb El Capitan, camping halfway up, and Nathan has an Askani nightmare. Amanda mourns the loss of her leather jacket.

2008: Jennie announces she's going on vacation to the Caribbean for a month. Kevin and Jay talk about the state of things. Adrienne visits Nathan and gets zapped by Nathan's memory crystal and winds up in medlab. X-Men Mission: Keep The Faith: Crystal visits Forge in medlab; Jan apologises to Kyle for zapping him. Jay and Yvette have a tense discussion about love and belief and Kevin.

2009: Face The Blood: Julian e-mails Doreen asking for news on Yvette; Jay texts Forge for news, Yvette has visitors, Dori and then Catseye, but it's obvious her condition is worsening without the transplant; Julian emails Dori for details and to comfort her. Cammie goes out bar hopping and gets into a fight; injured, Cammie turns up at Jake's apartment for a patch job; back at the mansion, she goes to Jean for better treatment; in the morning, Cammie finds Kurt by her bedside and discovers she has effectively been adopted; Jean lets everyone know what happened to Cammie. Jean-Paul returns to find Jake in his bed and takes him to meet the new car; Jean-Paul drops in to visit Cammie. Cammie posts to her journal, asking for suggestions for things to do with her future. Marie-Ange and North talk over their powers and swap stories. Jean asks Cammie to stay in med lab for one more night, and they talk about mentioning Jake needs field medicine training to Emma. Jake stays with Jean-Paul for the night, fluff happens.

2010: Doug posts about a cop in Canada who knows several languages and uses it in his job. Bobby posts about the graduation moving to Salem Center due to recent weather. Homeward Bound: Amara meets her birth parents, and just as it looks like there is a breakthough, things turn ugly when they realise she's a mutant.

2011: Laurie emails Kyle about Artie's fight on the journals.

2012: Scott posts a notice informing everyone that after a meeting with Prof Xavier Matt has been restricted to the mansion grounds for the immediate future, this however leads to a clash between Artie and Kurt. Matt and Korvus discuss Korvus taking over as RA, and make plans to hang out once Matt's punishment is over. Jubilee and Kurt spend some time in her apartment and a challenge is issued. After Strange unsuccessfully tries to gently wake Wanda, she talks about what their next steps will be in their search for Agatha, it's not what he expects. Layla finds a loitering Nico who decides to check up on her "protege" while she has the chance.

2013: Jean is packing for a trip and asks Scott where her curling iron has gotten to.

2014: Jean and Ororo attend a flower show looking for a rare orchid. Molly gets into trouble while out with Cecilia and Haller, and Namor shows up to help her - or possibly make things worse. Cecilia posts about having a go at a punching bag until it's time to drink. Haller and Molly talk about what happened in Salem Center. Haller speaks to Namor about his self-control issues. Haller posts to the staff comm letting everyone know about what happened in Salem Center with Molly and Namor. He also emails Wade, Emma, and Scott about the issues that arose. Haller texts Lorna wishing he was grounded instead of having to attend mandatory counseling. Rachel texts Molly about going to a hat emporium, and learns what she's been doing. Emma takes Clint and Sue out to dinner to celebrate their success in the robotic competition.