Template:Selected anniversaries/June 15

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June 15


2015: Hope A. texts Topaz regarding the “new” Namor; Tabitha texts Xavin about the same thing.


2017: Sooraya emails XFI asking them to look into the location of Ray Miller and Kaori Tanaka who have vanished from the Mutant Underground; concerned about the missing people in the Underground and frustrated by the police's non-response, Sooraya turns to Garrison for some advice; Sooraya and Quentin go looking for the missing mutants and manage to find them, but not how they’d hope, they call in Garrison to help deal with the police; arriving back at the mansion Sooraya tries to stay strong but has a breakdown as the images keep playing over her head causing Angel to call in Charles; Quentin posts to XFI letting them know what they found and seeking revenge.

2018: Amanda emails her brother as they compare their lives recently and talk about their mutual ward. Kyle decides to jump on a table to sing along with Hamilton and ends up working on powerpoints and pizza with Topaz.

2019: Bobby makes a post about ice hockey and mentions having to work all weekend. Doug and Marie-Ange have a conversation about prophecy, obligations, the blood curse and some other random things. Fear in the Dark: Doug makes an infodump post to all the teams after looking through the footage of the attack on the mansion.

2020: Felicia makes an Instagram post to celebrate peony season.


2022: Clint accidentally sends a text to the All Teams Emergency comm about Cold War sexting. Alison makes a discovery about UV light and certain types of candy.





2004: Marauders (plot): A stranger comes to Sarah and tells her who was responsible for the Morlock Massacre - the Marauders. She emails certain friends about the situation. Amanda and Manuel arrive in Spain and meet his father.

2005: Alison sends a new song to her producer and it is released anonymously.

2006: Sofia Mantega-Barret arrives at Snow Valley. Jamie and Kitty propose to one another.

2007: New Renaissance Man: Jean and Scott ambush Robert Haverford and Daniel Lyman and turn them over to the police for artefact theft; later, they discuss matters. Laurie continues her 'enforced servitude' posts. Clarice has free time. Haller and Jono talk about being 'normal'. Marie goes to Amanda's apartment and surprises her with beer, pizza and gossip. The second day climbing El Capitan, Ororo and Nathan save a climber in trouble.

2008: Creations Beautiful and Wondrous: Monet announces their departure for Kyrgyzstan. Jay wishes his father happy Father's Day. Julio goes to stay with his father for a month.

2009: Face The Blood: Emma and Logan go to the military prison for a last ditch attempt at convincing Yvette's biological father to donate his kidneys; Kevin runs into Dori and distracts himself by taking care of her; Forge announces Yvette has gone in for transplant surgery; Lil emails Jean-Paul and Johnny for distraction while they wait for news; Laurie and Catseye discuss the possibility of Yvette dying; Catseye yells at Dori for blaming herself; Kevin takes Catseye out during the wait; Angel announces the surgery was successful; Yvette wakes up to find Logan sitting by her bedside; Forge asks Kevin to help watch over Yvette and protect the inhibitor. Johnny visits Lil and they talk about her return to Canada. Mnemovore: Nathan approaches Jean-Paul about an Elpis trip. Jane mother hens her injured roomie, Cammie. Amara helps Cammie with her GED planning.

2010: Meggan posts congratulating the graduates and talking about her newfound aquatic transformation abilities. Amanda posts to apologise for not being at graduation due to an England trip. A Betrayal of Heart: The Class of 2010 arrives at Salem Center and gets ready for their graduation ceremony; backstage people are congratulated and talk about what comes next; when the power seems to go out just before commencement, Hank, Bobby, Kyle and Angelo set things right, ensuring a smooth start; meanwhile, Nick is checking on his sister, making sure the sudden blackout didn't unsettle her in any way, she reassures him that she's fine but ducks out to the restroom a little too quickly for his comfort; despite delays, the graduation finally starts and Charles Xavier gives a rousing speech, only to be knocked out by a dart; as people rush to help him, the Purifiers and the Reavers appear; Angelo, Jan and Hank protect the unconscious professor, Hank attempting to talk some sense into Natalie Gleason who appears to have betrayed them all; Angel attempts to protect the crowd of people, and is confronted by the leader of the Purifiers, Matthew Risman; Crystal moves to get involved but is stopped by her bodyguard, and the two leave; Tabitha and Bobby confront a particularly ill tempered Reaver; Yvette tries to protect her mother and gets more than she bargained for in more ways than one, as does Kyle; Laurie is assisted in her fight by a mysterious mutant; Julian and Nick are confronted by Donald Pierce, and Kurt turns up to help but they lose track of Nick in the ensuing fight.

2011: Jubilee says that her hair will be purple this week. Wanda invites those available to the pub for dinner. Jean mentions the luau themed graduation after party. Amanda congratulates Nico on graduating.

2012: Laurie posts to the journals about how scared she's always feeling now. Doreen e-mails Kurt asking him to not drive Artie away. Nico and Clarice make plans to go shopping. Wade asks if Laurie would like a Frenchilada. David and Sarah V. meet on the mansion grounds and talk about the stars and Star Wars. Layla stops by the medbay with food for David and they talk about what happened in Genosha, she then stops by the garage to replace her skateboard's wheels and ends up chatting to Scott when the conversation turns to singing beavers before he offers to give her a life to the city. Sarah e-mails Layla with plans to have a Star Wars marathon with David before she finds out that he's leaving. Adrienne arrives at the Bowen household and after clashing with Melissa decides to bring Tandy back to the mansion. Matt posts to the journals claiming his trip was worth the punishment leading Laurie to conclude that he hasn't learnt his lesson yet. Kurt posts an apology for his behavior with Artie and Clarice offers to help him get away. Tandy arrives at the mansion, gets a new nickname and tour by Layla. Eamon arrives at the mansion as a surprise for Laurie. Doreen complains that the TSA patted down her tail. Vanessa leaves Adrienne in her bed to go sleep in Callisto's; Adrienne tries to get to the bottom of Vanessa's sleeping habits, but is easily distracted. Before Artie moves out, Matt talks to him and they make plans to hang with Korvus later in the summer.

2013: John posts about the state of relationships in general - and possibly his own in particular, although he admits nothing. Hotel California: Jean has an odd encounter with an old man at the hotel she is staying at.

2014: Adrienne wipes out during a morning motorcycle race with North, and Cecilia patches her up in the med lab while Adrienne tries to set Cecilia and North up. Cecilia lets the medical staff know about Adrienne's injuries. Cecilia emails Haller informing him he's not allowed to stay holed up inside for the next six months, and then emails Jean and Clarice to makes sure they have her back for the upcoming date.