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{{Retired Character}}
{{Needs Update}}
{{Unplayed Character}}
''This page is about the [[:Category: Phase 2|Phase 2]] incarnation of the character. For other uses, see [[Kitty Pryde (disambiguation)]].''
| name    = Kitty Pryde
| name    = Kitty Pryde
| image  = kitty.jpg
| image  = kp001.png
| pb = [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Natalie_Wood Natalie Wood]
| pb = [http://www.imdb.com/name/nm1046097/ Rachel McAdams]
| codename = Shadowcat
| codename = Shadowcat
| teams  = [[West Coast Annex]]
| teams  = [[eXcalibur]]
| birthdate = June 16, 1988
| birthdate = February 1, 1984
| journal = [http://x_kitten.livejournal.com x_kitten]
| journal = [https://xp-shadowcat.dreamwidth.org/profile xp_shadowcat]
| player = Retired Character
| player = Available for applications
Kitty was a student at the Mansion years ago who left in an attempt to find her own life. She found out, however, that some things you can never escape.
One of the school's earlier students, Kitty Pryde was the resident genius and protogee of [[Dr. Nathaniel Essex]] until his departure. She and fiancee [[Jamie Madrox]] left for the [[West Coast Annex]] in [[August 2006]].
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== '''Details''' ==
== '''Details''' ==
'''Character Journal:''' [http://x_kitten.livejournal.com x_kitten]
'''Character Journal:''' [https://xp-shadowcat.dreamwidth.org/profile Shadowcat]
'''Real Name''': Katherine Anne Pryde
'''Real Name''': Kathrine Pryde
'''Codename''': Shadowcat is her modern codename (she switched over around age 16). As a kid, she went by Ariel, then Sprite and finally settled down with Shadowcat.
'''Aliases''': Kitty, Shadowcat (this was one of the names she used online)
'''Aliases''': Kitty or Kate
'''First Appearance''': [http://x-kitten.livejournal.com/488.html May 8th, 2003]
'''First Appearance''': [https://xp-logs.dreamwidth.org/3659391.html March 18, 2015]
'''Retired''': [http://x-kitten.livejournal.com/23373.html July 27th, 2006]
'''Date of Birth''': February 1, 1984
'''Date of Birth''': June 16th, 1988
'''Place of Birth''': Illinois
'''Place of Birth''': Chicago, Illinois
'''Pronouns''': She/her/hers
'''Citizenship''':  American
'''Citizenship''':  American
'''Relatives''': Issac Pryde (father), Sarah Pryde (mother)
* Grant Bell (on-again, off-again partner, deceased)
* Carmen Pryde (father, deceased)
* Theresa (Terri) Seric [Pryde] (mother, divorced her father and remarried)
* Luke Seric, stepfather
* Kate (Katarine) Abendheimer Shapiro (maternal great-grandmother, deceased)
* Samuel Prydeman (paternal great-grandfather, deceased)
* Chava Rosanoff (paternal great-aunt, deceased)
* Nina Shapiro (aunt)
* Kenneth Shapiro (cousin)  
'''Education''': High School diploma. One year in a bachelor's program at NYU. Currently working on a combined bachelor/master's degree at Caltech.
Note that Kitty doesn’t currently get along with any of her family members and with the exception of her mother and the occasional phone call, hasn’t spoken with them in years.
'''Relationship Status''': Engaged to [[Jamie Madrox]]
BA in arts administration from the University of Illinois in Chicago. Informally, Kitty is a complete nerd (and former child prodigy who began taking college courses in her preteen years) and has taken a number of online courses and self-taught herself a fair amount about the computing field.  As an intelligent woman who has a job with long periods of inactivity and a computer at hand, she has also amassed a decent wealth of knowledge on completely random topics. (Though not all of the information she has gained is altogether all that accurate.)
'''Occupation''': Student
'''Relationship Status''':  
Dating Scott Summers.
Kitty’s currently unemployed with a small savings account and life insurance payouts left to her by her ex-lover. She quit her last job after [[M-Day|the events of New Year’s Eve]].  Kitty had worked as a collections manager for the Birling Family Trust’s personal art and artifacts holdings for the past 7 years in Clyde Hill, Washington.
'''Team Affiliation''': [[eXcalibur]]
Katherine - better known as Kitty - Pryde was born and raised in Chicago. Her parents, Issac and Sarah Pryde, at times had a strained relationship, but while Kitty lived at home, they worked on providing the perfect traditional family image. An only child, Kitty was given everything a young girl 'needs', including dance lessons. From an early age, however, she exhibited the mathematical and computer genius that later led her to be known as a computer programmer of some skill even in her teens.
== '''Biography''' ==
When Kitty manifested as a mutant at around age twelve, the political atmosphere regarding mutant was tense. Senator Kelly was attempting to have the [[Mutant Registration Act]] passed and the personal details of mutants, including Kitty, had somehow been leaked to him and were being used to fear monger. Concerned for their daughter's safety, the Pryde's accepted [[Charles Xavier| Charles Xavier's]] offer for Kitty to attend [[Xavier's School for Gifted Youngsters]], with Kitty arriving at the school in 2000.
=== '''Childhood''' ===
===Living At The X-Mansion===
Kitty started life as a relatively normal girl in Deerfield, Illinois. She was the beloved only child of Carmen and Terri Pryde, parents who were somewhat aggressive about pushing her toward becoming a high achiever. Her father was a banker, her mother a housewife and so the family had both time and money to throw at Kitty and her pursuits. She began ballet at three, piano at five and always had more things going on than most kids her age.
Kitty found she enjoyed the school, fitting in well with the other students and making several close friendships that would remain throughout her life - in particular with [[Piotr Rasputin|Piotr Rasputin's]] little sister, [[Illyana Rasputin|Illyana]], who at the time was just a young child. The events of [[X2]], the death of [[Jean Grey]], the defection of her friend [[John Allerdyce]] to the [[Brotherhood of Mutants]] and the Great Mutant Headache caused by the headmaster she loved and trusted shook the young girl to her core and caused her to become quieter and more withdrawn than she had been and to lose control of her phasing. This changed with the arrival of [[Jamie Madrox]] in [[May 2003]]. Both punished for a prank played on [[Warren Worthington]], they began a relationship that would continue through to their college years and beyond.
It didn’t start to affect Kitty until she was about thirteen. Thirteen was the year that her parents’ relationship seemed to become tense for reasons that she didn’t understand. Her own body began to change and it seemed that she was always fighting with her mother over grades, dance, wanting boyfriends… and then the headaches began. They started with a throbbing, then her vision began to blur and when Kitty was next aware, she was always somewhere else. In another room or even another floor. And then Kitty began to remember things—falling through floors, walking through walls…. She started to think that she was crazy and the acting up became even worse, to the point where Terri and Carmen began to threaten to send her to her aunt Nina’s or to a boarding school in Chicago.  The only comfort that she had was her books and her dance class. She confided in her teacher, Stevie Hunter, but in no one else’s.
While Kitty appeared to be - and was - a sweet young girl, she also had a streak of stubborness and independence. [[Dr. Nathaniel Essex]], drawn by her intelligence and occasionally wilful nature, took her on as his protegee, giving her extra training and involving her in his projects, most notably [[Crimson Dawn| curing]] [[Betsy Braddock| Betsy Braddock's]] blindness. Her drive to learn put her into conflict with the other staff on occasion, concerned about her disregading of ethics in the face of scientific discovery, and especially after the initial surgery on Betsy, her willingness to obey Essex's directions. Her skills at hacking and decryption, however, were frequently employed by staff, with her being given assignments on the [[Sentinels]], the [[Friends of Humanity]] and later the disappearance of [[Emma Frost]]. She was joined in these tasks by [[Doug Ramsey]], a kind of friendly competition going on between the two young computer geniuses.
Then her family received an offer from Xavier’s School. To her parents, it seemed like a godsend. To Kitty, it sounded like hell.
===Crimson Dawn===
=== '''Living At The X-Mansion''' ===
Following the failure of the initial surgery on Betsy which plunged the telepath into a coma and resulted in his expulsion from the school, Essex recruited Kitty and several of the other students to abduct his patient and arrange for her to go to Fort Dix for an additional procedure he was sure would save her life. Jamie assisted, despite personal misgivings, and when the operation was discovered after the fact, all of the students involved were grounded and given strict talks on the ethics of kidnapping and drugging teachers, no matter what the cause. Kitty took the punishment in her stride, as Betsy's recovery proved to her that she'd done the right thing. She was less sanguine about losing her mentor, as Essex bade her farewell and moved on.
Around the same time, Kitty was becoming more aware, despite their attempts to hide it, that her parents' marriage wasn't doing well. Conflicting messages received from them both when she asked for a new laptop to replace the one she'd inadvertantly destroyed [[British Invasion| phasing through it]] revealed that they were no longer living together and shortly after this she receieved the news that they were divorcing. Much less able to deal with emotional upheaval, especially in the wake of the mansion invasion and the [[Love Potion Number Nine| disastrous love potion incident]], Kitty reluctantly took on the offered services of [[Dr. Leonard Samson]] when he arrived and began counselling.  
The Prydes packed her off on a flight to some small town in New York that she’d never even heard of. To her surprise, it would be her salvation.
===Skippy, the Endless Summer and Lockheed===
Kitty spent the next five years at Xavier’s School, training and on occasion, fighting alongside other mutants with her abilities. She left the school in the fall of 2002, deciding that it was time for her to lead a normal life. In truth, although she didn’t tell the others, her decision was spurred more by the separation of her parents. Kitty hoped that by going to college back home, she might somehow heal the rifts between them.
After Jamie was nearly killed the previous September during [[Hurricane Isabel| hurricane relief]], a dupe managed autonomy and was recruited by [[Mystique]] and [[Magneto]]. Half-crazed and desperate to be the "true" Jamie, "[[Skippy (plot)| Skippy]]" tried to convince Kitty to come away with him, and when that failed, sent some of his own dupes to kidnap [[Artie Maddicks]] and [[Miles Blaire]], knocked out and lured away the staff, and faced Jamie in a battle for control. With Kitty’s help, Jamie reabsorbed Skippy, and a number of students rescued the kids. Kitty was Jamie's rock in the aftermath, providing him with support and standing by him and Illyana, who had revealed teleportation powers in the battle.
==='''Beginnings of Adulthood'''===
The news from her mother, shortly after, however, almost pushed Kitty into rebellion. Instructed to spend the whole summer vacation in Chicago with her parents, she wrote countless letters and emails to Jamie and her friends, counting down the days until her return. The [[Asgard (plot)| disappearance]] of most of the student body, including her best friend and boyfriend, caused even more frustration as there was little she could do but wait for word. It was [[Alison Blaire| Alison's]] meddling in the end that enabled her to come back 'home' to the school, where Jamie gave her a souvenier of his time in [[Asgard (plot)|Asgard]], a large gem won from a dragon in a punning contest.
She began a program in Arts Administration at the University of Illinois. It didn’t stop her parents’ eventual divorce. Her father moved up to Chicago and Kitty, siding with him, moved into the small home he bought near her school. She completed her bachelor’s and began looking for jobs at local theaters and museums. By this time, she realized that a career in dance was impossible, given her private fears that she would somehow “out” her mutation but she wanted to stay connected.
Life continued as normal, with Kitty proving her ability to befriend everyone by her continued friendship with the unpopular [[Manuel de la Rocha]] and rooming with Illyana, who many found secretive and suspicious after [[Limbo (plot)| kidnapping and aging]]. That friendship came under serious strain when the Asgard 'gem' hatched, revealing itself to be a dragon's egg. Kitty immediately fell in love with the small purple creature, naming him [[Lockheed]], but Illyana reacted badly to the idea of sharing a room with a dragon, even a baby one, and for the first time, the two best friends weren't on speaking terms. This changed when Illyana was [[S'ym (plot)|attacked and injured]] by [[S'ym]], a demon from 'her' realm of [[Limbo]] - for the first time, Illyana told Kitty the truth of what had happened to her when she was abducted, including her killing of "Cat", an alternate-dimension version of Kitty.  
Kitty started managing a local community theater and moved into a small studio. Her life was uneventful and, she thought, exactly what she wanted. But sometimes, when she stared at the news, she knew that she wasn’t truly fulfilled.
===College, Upgrade and Vlad===
She thought of trying to go back to New York in 2008 but was stopped by her father’s death. Settling his estate—and the acrimony between her and her mother (helped along by Terri’s remarriage)—exhausted her emotionally and to some extent, financially as Carmen had been deep in debt. A friend recommended her to [[Rue Birling]], an eccentric wealthy heiress who collected oddities and managed a large fortune for her family’s trust. When Rue offered Kitty a job handling the family’s private collections of art and artifacts, Kitty took it gratefully, using the excuse to move to the west coast and dive into a job that would let her bury herself in work that didn’t matter. Old, dusty objects felt good after months of dealing with people and lawyers (and yes, she does think of them separately).
Acceptance into New York University was a dream come for Kitty, despite her mother's disapproval of her choice of location and boyfriend. The arrival of a third 'genius', [[Forge]], to the school caused Kitty some esteem issues - unlike the other two, her intelligence wasn't enhanced by her mutation and she could see herself falling behind. However she more than proved herself, assisting in the programming work involved in [[Upgrade|recontructing]] [[Haroun al-Rashid| Haroun's]] cybernetics when they were damaged in an [[X-Men]] mission. Kitty also began considering the team, talking to [[Ororo Munroe]] about it in the wake of another [[Reavers (plot)|mansion invasion]] in which she acquitted herself well and a fire at the local [[CoffeeQuake|coffee shop]] in which she sustained smoke inhalation rescuing the owner. She also continued to improve her control of her powers, learning to 'air walk'.
The Birlings, however, were unusual in themselves. Some of the objects she found in their archives had interesting histories behind them, gotten in illicit ways or with mysterious stories attached. From time to time, Rue would send her on a hunt for one thing or another. Kitty tried not to think too much about the legalities of her dealings because, after years of the “normal” life she had craved, this was an adventure and one that she loved.
Things took a turn for the disturbing, however, as long-time friend and fellow geek girl [[Paige Guthrie|Paige's]] mental state became [[Stigmata|disordered]] and she wouldn't talk about it. Concerned, she and [[Jubilation Lee]] formed [[SOG]] - Suitemates of Guthries - as a type of 'support group' for friends of the three Guthrie siblings to talk about their worries. The plan backfired horribly when [[Catseye]] told the Guthries about it and Paige took it as another reason for her increasining paranoia. Manuel, too, was having a hard time of it and leaning heavily on his friend Kitty, and once school started, she found she was under far more pressure than she could reasonably manage. Stubornly, however, she kept her stress to herself and when she was targeted by a mutant [[Stoker and Stalkers| who thought he was Dracula]], she brushed off the fatigue, sleep walking and irritation as just another stress symptom. It wasn't until the would-be vampire Vlad grew impatient and coaxed her outside with Jamie and Lockheed following that the truth was revealed - in the wake of protecting his girlfriend, Jamie decided to join the X-Men.
=== '''A Love Lost''' ===
===Moving On===
When she wasn’t out hunting mysteries, Kitty spent most of her time in libraries and lectures. It was at a talk on Jane Austen that she met her future partner, a disaffected bookstore manager named Grant Bell. Kitty was never good at dating (though she knew how to flirt) and when Grant asked her out, she said yes primarily because she was surprised. They stayed together as a couple over the next five years, on-again and off-again. The off was mainly because of Kitty’s refusal to commit, the on because, at the heart of things, she was lonely. She still yearned for the family that she’d had as a child but also for the family that she’d gained at the age of 13 when her own family began quietly falling apart.
With her father now an alcoholic and her mother too controlling, Kitty relied more on her relationship with Jamie to provide her with stability. In the wake of the Vlad incident, she increased her self-defence and psionic shielding lessons and continued to do various jobs for others, [[Operation: Don't Leave Me With The Germans| including]] the newly created [[X-Force]], which several of her old classmates had joined. However, with Alison, Haroun and Miles departing for the [[West Coast Annex]] and Forge doing most of the work she had used to, she started feeling restless. In [[June 2006]] she and Jamie both proposed to each other and in [[August 2006]] she received an offer to Caltech. Encouraged by Jamie to take the position, the pair (and Lockheed) relocated in July, with Jamie continuing his X-Men training at the Annex.
Things might have kept on as they were had Grant not been hit by a car and killed on New Year’s Eve, 2014. He was a stupid casualty of [[M-Day|the catastrophic event of that night]] the disintegration of a mutant behind the wheel of another car caused the accident. Even though Kitty had kept her secret to herself, fearing always that she would bring harm to Grant, he had still died at a mutant’s hands. That was when she decided she’d had enough of a normal life. It was time to go back to [[The Mansion|the mansion]].
=== '''Coming Home''' ===
Kitty came back to the mansion unexpectedly changed. Though she found herself picking up the threads of old friendships with Jean and Scott, new alliances emerged. After she ran into Clint Barton at a bar, Kitty was swiftly pulled into an underworld of seedy Russians and later, [[Namor|submariners]].  
She has also found herself joining the X-Men in several missions as she tries to sort out what her future holds at the mansion.
== '''Physical Characteristics''' ==
== '''Physical Characteristics''' ==
'''Height''': 5'4"
'''Height''': 5'6"
'''Weight''': 112 lbs
'''Weight''': 119 lbs
'''Eyes''': Hazel
'''Hair''': Brown
'''Other Features''':         
Kitty is fairly average in appearance. She’s never really stood out as much more than a pretty “girl next door” type. She does have extremely muscular legs (and incredibly ugly feet and toes) from years spent en pointe in ballet classes. She does still dance in the privacy of her bedroom though now, she has no aspirations of becoming a world-class ballerina. (She wishes she’d become a ninja instead, the way things are going.)
She prefers to dress comfortably in baggy sweaters and jeans (though she hides a dress and heels at the back of her closet to remind her that she’s still a girl). Her eyesight has faltered a little as she’s gotten older and she now wears glasses and squints when doing computer work.  There are two pieces of jewelry that she wears—one is a Star of David necklace passed down (so family history has it) from her namesake and great-great grandmother. The other is a simple silver band that she wears on her right thumb.
'''Eyes''': Brown
'''Hair''': Curly brown
== '''Powers''' ==
== '''Powers''' ==
Kitty's mutant abilities allow her to shift the molecules of her body out of phase with other matter, allowing her to pass through solid objects without harm or obstruction. While in a 'phased' state, Kitty's biological functions slow down, namely the consumption of oxygen, since while phased she would otherwise be unable to breathe. While the limits of her phasing abilities are unknown, the longest Kitty has remained in a phased state has been close to fifteen minutes with no ill effects.
Kitty possesses “phasing,” the ability to pass through solid matter and objects by passing her atoms through the spaces between the atoms of the object through which she was moving. She and the object through which she was passing can temporarily merge without interacting. Each is unharmed when she finishes passing through.
While her powers place her out-of-phase with matter, Kitty interacts with energy in an unusual way. Her eyes can still perceive and react to light, allowing her to remain visible and see while phased. An aspect to her powers that is both drawback and potentially-useful perk is that she tends to disrupt electronic circuitry if she passes through it while phased. Doing so does not harm Kitty, but tends to cause short-circuits in any technological device she passes through.
When attacked, she can phase to allow oncoming projectiles or energy blasts to pass through her harmlessly. She can disrupt electrical equipment by passing through it with variable effects, none of them good for the equipment. (For instance, passing through a computer is likely to destroy the information on it.) She can phase through other material objects, including people, but cannot selectively make just one part of her body tangible.
By concentrating on her ability, Kitty can exert a small amount of force on matter in a gaseous state, allowing her to move about by pushing off the air itself. By doing so, she can effectively stand on air, or climb/descend without the need of stairs.
Using her ability, Kitty can “walk” on air or water. She is intangible, however, when she does so and to become tangible would put her at some physical risk. She can also phase her clothing along with herself though she does need to concentrate somewhat to do so.
While Kitty can phase other people or objects as well as herself, an upper bound to the mass that she can phase has not been measured.
She can stay phased as long as she is concentrating on what she is doing (5-10 minutes is the longest she feels safe doing this but it can actually be more like a 15-20 minute timeframe if she's feeling very zen). She does not need to breathe while phased. So far as items that she can't pass through, she wouldn't be able to pass through something like an energy beam or magnetic force field.
She can phase things that she's carrying of relatively small mass already (otherwise, she'd be phasing naked all the time and well...). Relatively small mass indicates something probably in the vicinity of that easily carried, say 20-30 pounds. However, the object remains intangible with her. She can't, for instance, phase a gun and shoot someone with it at the same time.  
== '''Equipment''' ==
== '''Equipment''' ==
Her trusty Alienware laptop
Huge collection of retro games and consoles in a storage unit in Illinois, along with other odds and ends
== '''Trivia''' ==
== '''Trivia''' ==
* Kitty and Jean have been good friends for years due to a chance meeting at [[The Mansion|the mansion]] as teenagers.
* Kitty has no alcohol tolerance and gets drunk very easily.
=='''External Links'''==
[https://xp-communication.dreamwidth.org/tag/c:+kitty+pryde xp_communication posts]
[https://xp-journal.dreamwidth.org/tag/c:+kitty+pryde xp_journal posts]
Kitty had a TA at NYU by the name of Peter Parker. He is a normal human.
[https://xp-logs.dreamwidth.org/tag/c:+kitty+pryde xp_logs posts]
== '''Plots''' ==
== '''Plots''' ==
[[Crimson Dawn]]
[[It’s Greek To Me]]
[[Hurricane Isabel]]
[[Cruelty is Bitter Bane]]
[[December 2015|Roadside Assistance]]
[[British Invasion]]
[[Love Potion Number Nine]]
[[The Plaguebearers]]
[[Limbo (plot)]]
[[Skippy (plot)]]
[[X-Men Mission: Repent Harlequin, Said the Tick-Tock Man]]
[[Hand Me Down]]
[[Happy Campers]]
[[Proteus (plot)]]
[[X-Men Mission: Agents of SHIELD]]
[[Reavers (plot)]]
[[A Fistful of Nanites]]
[[Potomac Calls to Chesapeake]]
[[Butterfly Effect]]
[[Stoker and Stalkers]]
[[Reality 01: Proof of Concept]]
[[Operation: Don't Leave Me With The Germans]]
[[Behold A White Horse]]
== Meta ==
== Meta ==
'''Player''': Available for applications
'''Pronouns''': She/her/hers
'''Player Icon Base''':  [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Natalie_Wood Natalie Wood]
'''Player Icon Base''':  [http://www.imdb.com/name/nm1046097/ Rachel McAdams]
'''Meta Trivia'''
'''Meta Trivia'''
Kitty, played by [[Cora]], was one of the very first characters in the game. She was retired with Jamie in [[August 2006]].
In Phase 1, Kitty, played by [[Cora]], was one of the very first characters in the game. She was retired with Jamie in [[August 2006]].
Gwen entered the game during Phase 2 in [[February 2015]].
[[Category: 2003]]
[[Category: 2015]]
[[Category: Excalibur]]

Latest revision as of 16:03, 21 May 2024

This page hasn't been updated for at least six months and may be lacking in-game information. If you edit the page, remove this notice. Thank you!

This character is currently unplayed, but is open for applications. If you are interested in applying for this character, you can contact the mods at x_moderators @ googlegroups . com and you can find the application form here.

This page is about the Phase 2 incarnation of the character. For other uses, see Kitty Pryde (disambiguation).

Kitty Pryde
Portrayed by Rachel McAdams
Codename: Shadowcat
Affiliations: eXcalibur
Birthdate: February 1, 1984
Journal: xp_shadowcat
Player: Available for applications

Kitty was a student at the Mansion years ago who left in an attempt to find her own life. She found out, however, that some things you can never escape.


Character Journal: Shadowcat

Real Name: Katherine Anne Pryde

Codename: Shadowcat is her modern codename (she switched over around age 16). As a kid, she went by Ariel, then Sprite and finally settled down with Shadowcat.

Aliases: Kitty or Kate

First Appearance: March 18, 2015

Date of Birth: February 1, 1984

Place of Birth: Illinois

Pronouns: She/her/hers

Citizenship: American


  • Grant Bell (on-again, off-again partner, deceased)
  • Carmen Pryde (father, deceased)
  • Theresa (Terri) Seric [Pryde] (mother, divorced her father and remarried)
  • Luke Seric, stepfather
  • Kate (Katarine) Abendheimer Shapiro (maternal great-grandmother, deceased)
  • Samuel Prydeman (paternal great-grandfather, deceased)
  • Chava Rosanoff (paternal great-aunt, deceased)
  • Nina Shapiro (aunt)
  • Kenneth Shapiro (cousin)

Note that Kitty doesn’t currently get along with any of her family members and with the exception of her mother and the occasional phone call, hasn’t spoken with them in years.

Education: BA in arts administration from the University of Illinois in Chicago. Informally, Kitty is a complete nerd (and former child prodigy who began taking college courses in her preteen years) and has taken a number of online courses and self-taught herself a fair amount about the computing field. As an intelligent woman who has a job with long periods of inactivity and a computer at hand, she has also amassed a decent wealth of knowledge on completely random topics. (Though not all of the information she has gained is altogether all that accurate.)

Relationship Status: Dating Scott Summers.

Occupation: Kitty’s currently unemployed with a small savings account and life insurance payouts left to her by her ex-lover. She quit her last job after the events of New Year’s Eve. Kitty had worked as a collections manager for the Birling Family Trust’s personal art and artifacts holdings for the past 7 years in Clyde Hill, Washington.

Team Affiliation: eXcalibur



Kitty started life as a relatively normal girl in Deerfield, Illinois. She was the beloved only child of Carmen and Terri Pryde, parents who were somewhat aggressive about pushing her toward becoming a high achiever. Her father was a banker, her mother a housewife and so the family had both time and money to throw at Kitty and her pursuits. She began ballet at three, piano at five and always had more things going on than most kids her age.

It didn’t start to affect Kitty until she was about thirteen. Thirteen was the year that her parents’ relationship seemed to become tense for reasons that she didn’t understand. Her own body began to change and it seemed that she was always fighting with her mother over grades, dance, wanting boyfriends… and then the headaches began. They started with a throbbing, then her vision began to blur and when Kitty was next aware, she was always somewhere else. In another room or even another floor. And then Kitty began to remember things—falling through floors, walking through walls…. She started to think that she was crazy and the acting up became even worse, to the point where Terri and Carmen began to threaten to send her to her aunt Nina’s or to a boarding school in Chicago. The only comfort that she had was her books and her dance class. She confided in her teacher, Stevie Hunter, but in no one else’s.

Then her family received an offer from Xavier’s School. To her parents, it seemed like a godsend. To Kitty, it sounded like hell.

Living At The X-Mansion

The Prydes packed her off on a flight to some small town in New York that she’d never even heard of. To her surprise, it would be her salvation.

Kitty spent the next five years at Xavier’s School, training and on occasion, fighting alongside other mutants with her abilities. She left the school in the fall of 2002, deciding that it was time for her to lead a normal life. In truth, although she didn’t tell the others, her decision was spurred more by the separation of her parents. Kitty hoped that by going to college back home, she might somehow heal the rifts between them.

Beginnings of Adulthood

She began a program in Arts Administration at the University of Illinois. It didn’t stop her parents’ eventual divorce. Her father moved up to Chicago and Kitty, siding with him, moved into the small home he bought near her school. She completed her bachelor’s and began looking for jobs at local theaters and museums. By this time, she realized that a career in dance was impossible, given her private fears that she would somehow “out” her mutation but she wanted to stay connected.

Kitty started managing a local community theater and moved into a small studio. Her life was uneventful and, she thought, exactly what she wanted. But sometimes, when she stared at the news, she knew that she wasn’t truly fulfilled.

She thought of trying to go back to New York in 2008 but was stopped by her father’s death. Settling his estate—and the acrimony between her and her mother (helped along by Terri’s remarriage)—exhausted her emotionally and to some extent, financially as Carmen had been deep in debt. A friend recommended her to Rue Birling, an eccentric wealthy heiress who collected oddities and managed a large fortune for her family’s trust. When Rue offered Kitty a job handling the family’s private collections of art and artifacts, Kitty took it gratefully, using the excuse to move to the west coast and dive into a job that would let her bury herself in work that didn’t matter. Old, dusty objects felt good after months of dealing with people and lawyers (and yes, she does think of them separately).

The Birlings, however, were unusual in themselves. Some of the objects she found in their archives had interesting histories behind them, gotten in illicit ways or with mysterious stories attached. From time to time, Rue would send her on a hunt for one thing or another. Kitty tried not to think too much about the legalities of her dealings because, after years of the “normal” life she had craved, this was an adventure and one that she loved.

A Love Lost

When she wasn’t out hunting mysteries, Kitty spent most of her time in libraries and lectures. It was at a talk on Jane Austen that she met her future partner, a disaffected bookstore manager named Grant Bell. Kitty was never good at dating (though she knew how to flirt) and when Grant asked her out, she said yes primarily because she was surprised. They stayed together as a couple over the next five years, on-again and off-again. The off was mainly because of Kitty’s refusal to commit, the on because, at the heart of things, she was lonely. She still yearned for the family that she’d had as a child but also for the family that she’d gained at the age of 13 when her own family began quietly falling apart.

Things might have kept on as they were had Grant not been hit by a car and killed on New Year’s Eve, 2014. He was a stupid casualty of the catastrophic event of that night — the disintegration of a mutant behind the wheel of another car caused the accident. Even though Kitty had kept her secret to herself, fearing always that she would bring harm to Grant, he had still died at a mutant’s hands. That was when she decided she’d had enough of a normal life. It was time to go back to the mansion.

Coming Home

Kitty came back to the mansion unexpectedly changed. Though she found herself picking up the threads of old friendships with Jean and Scott, new alliances emerged. After she ran into Clint Barton at a bar, Kitty was swiftly pulled into an underworld of seedy Russians and later, submariners.

She has also found herself joining the X-Men in several missions as she tries to sort out what her future holds at the mansion.

Physical Characteristics

Height: 5'6"

Weight: 119 lbs

Eyes: Hazel

Hair: Brown

Other Features: Kitty is fairly average in appearance. She’s never really stood out as much more than a pretty “girl next door” type. She does have extremely muscular legs (and incredibly ugly feet and toes) from years spent en pointe in ballet classes. She does still dance in the privacy of her bedroom though now, she has no aspirations of becoming a world-class ballerina. (She wishes she’d become a ninja instead, the way things are going.)

She prefers to dress comfortably in baggy sweaters and jeans (though she hides a dress and heels at the back of her closet to remind her that she’s still a girl). Her eyesight has faltered a little as she’s gotten older and she now wears glasses and squints when doing computer work. There are two pieces of jewelry that she wears—one is a Star of David necklace passed down (so family history has it) from her namesake and great-great grandmother. The other is a simple silver band that she wears on her right thumb.


Kitty possesses “phasing,” the ability to pass through solid matter and objects by passing her atoms through the spaces between the atoms of the object through which she was moving. She and the object through which she was passing can temporarily merge without interacting. Each is unharmed when she finishes passing through.

When attacked, she can phase to allow oncoming projectiles or energy blasts to pass through her harmlessly. She can disrupt electrical equipment by passing through it with variable effects, none of them good for the equipment. (For instance, passing through a computer is likely to destroy the information on it.) She can phase through other material objects, including people, but cannot selectively make just one part of her body tangible.

Using her ability, Kitty can “walk” on air or water. She is intangible, however, when she does so and to become tangible would put her at some physical risk. She can also phase her clothing along with herself though she does need to concentrate somewhat to do so.

She can stay phased as long as she is concentrating on what she is doing (5-10 minutes is the longest she feels safe doing this but it can actually be more like a 15-20 minute timeframe if she's feeling very zen). She does not need to breathe while phased. So far as items that she can't pass through, she wouldn't be able to pass through something like an energy beam or magnetic force field.

She can phase things that she's carrying of relatively small mass already (otherwise, she'd be phasing naked all the time and well...). Relatively small mass indicates something probably in the vicinity of that easily carried, say 20-30 pounds. However, the object remains intangible with her. She can't, for instance, phase a gun and shoot someone with it at the same time.


Her trusty Alienware laptop

Huge collection of retro games and consoles in a storage unit in Illinois, along with other odds and ends


  • Kitty and Jean have been good friends for years due to a chance meeting at the mansion as teenagers.
  • Kitty has no alcohol tolerance and gets drunk very easily.

External Links

xp_communication posts

xp_journal posts

xp_logs posts



It’s Greek To Me

Cruelty is Bitter Bane

Roadside Assistance


The Plaguebearers


X-Men Mission: Repent Harlequin, Said the Tick-Tock Man

Happy Campers


X-Men Mission: Agents of SHIELD

A Fistful of Nanites

Potomac Calls to Chesapeake


Reality 01: Proof of Concept


Behold A White Horse


Player: Available for applications

Pronouns: She/her/hers


Player Icon Base: Rachel McAdams

Meta Trivia

In Phase 1, Kitty, played by Cora, was one of the very first characters in the game. She was retired with Jamie in August 2006.

Gwen entered the game during Phase 2 in February 2015.