Destine Clan

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The Destine Clan
Portrayed by Various
Known Aliases: Adam, Albert, Dominic, Grace, Jasmine
Affiliations: Independent
Socked By: Various
Introduction: Operation: A Hammer To Fall

Remnants of the dark magician Rack's coven, the Destines lived more or less quiet lives until 2011, until a chance encounter set off a years long feud with Topaz and her father. As of August 2019. Adam, Albert, Dominic, and Grace are dead. Jasmine is now an X-Force contact within the magical community in England.

First Appearance

October 2012


Adam Destine - deceased
The leader. Adam is a fear-inducing man who doesn't hesitate to strike back when he sees himself or his family being wronged. Practices urban magic. Was responsible, along with Albert, for killing Alice Ashdown after her husband killed their brother. He was killed by Topaz in July 2019, bringing an end at last to the feud.

PB: Andrew Leeds, socked by Dex

Grace Destine - deceased
Grace is a surprisingly gentle young woman, making her association with the other Destines something of a surprise. She's fiercely loyal to the family, however, and won't hesitate to attack anyone who threatens them. Draws magic from her amulet. Died in 2018 due to a combination of poorly used blood magic and Wanda Maximoff's powers.

PB: Gina Carano, socked by Zoila

Albert Destine - deceased
Like Grace, Albert draws his magic from an amulet. He was present when Luca Ashdown killed his brother, and worked with Adam to kill Alice. Killed in 2018 by Taboo when he tried to use the Destines to bring his wife back from the dead.

PB: Jim Parrack, socked by AJ

Jasmine Destine
The healer in the family. Jasmine is the youngest of the clan, and tends to stay in the background during fights, as her magic doesn't lend itself well to offense. She draws her power off the earth. She's currently on the run after calling the mansion to help them rescue Topaz, essentially betraying her siblings.

PB: Elizabeth Olsen, socked by Eva

Dominic Destine - deceased
Dominic uses magic to create illusions, drawing mostly on his own life energy. It was he who tracked Luca down after Nathaniel was killed, and he spent a few weeks surveying Luca, Alice, and Topaz in order to find out more about them and their schedule before Adam and Albert went in. He was killed by a combination of Albert and Topaz in the midst of the third fight between Taboo and Topaz and the Destines.

Socked by Rei

  • Nathaniel Destine - Killed by Luca Ashdown in 2011. His death was the start of the war between Luca and the Destines (this was unknown at the time).


Phase 1

Following the disbandment of Rack's coven, the Destines went underground for a time before resurfacing and making a name for themselves among the magical community. They were heavy handed in their tactics - Adam especially - and didn't mind resorting to killing if it meant getting what they wanted.

In 2011, Nathaniel and Albert were out for the night, and came across an older man. They decided to mug him for fun, not realizing that he was also a magic user, like them. The mugging resulted in Nathaniel's death, but Albert managed to escape back to the family and inform them what had happened. They tracked down the would-be victim - Luca Ashdown - and killed his wife in retaliation for Nathaniel's death.

In October 2012, Luca and Topaz - after over a year of meticulous planning - struck back against the Destines, intent on killing Adam first and then taking the rest down. The original plan failed, and this led to a series of attacks in which Dominic was eventually killed when Topaz manipulated one of Albert's spells to hit Dominic instead of Luca.

Following the final attack the remaining Destines - Adam, Albert, Grace, and Jasmine - disappeared before they could be apprehended, and the house they'd been living in was leveled. Their whereabouts are currently unknown. They continue, however, to be a point of contention despite their absence - in June 2013, Taboo attempted to sell Topaz in order to garner information on where they were hiding.

Phase 2

The Destines came back to haunt Topaz in February 2018, after being hired by someone on the Winding Way to kidnap her. They went along eagerly, hoping it would earn them more favor and power, and to get a chance at finishing the fight Taboo had started years earlier.

It turned out to be a trick, however, when the Way double-crossed them and delivered them to Taboo in order to be used as sacrifices to bring his wife back from the dead. Albert was killed, but a rescue party from the mansion broke into the scene before anyone else could be hurt, and the Destines broke free. Amanda forced Grace to take her brother and sister to retreat before Adam could kill Taboo and go after Topaz, and the family disappeared again, another sibling short.

The remaining siblings tried to get their revenge in July 2018 by attacking the mansion, targeting and cursing individuals and nearly killing Amanda to lure Topaz out. She turned herself over to protect the mansion, and Adam and Grace had a couple of days of fun torturing her before Jasmine had a crisis of conscience and sold them out to the mansion. Grace was killed in the ensuing fight, Adam's eye was taken out by Marie-Ange Colbert, and Jasmine disappeared to avoid her brother's wrath.

August 2019 brought the long fight to an end when Adam got in over his head, making a deal with a demon that he couldn't pay up on - Topaz' soul in return for power. Marie-Ange saw something coming, allowing Amanda to protect Topaz ahead of time, and the demon killed Adam.

Cut to 2023. Jasmine is now a contact working for X-Force, when she is abducted by a mutant health clinic run by one John Sublime. Concerned about what she might give up in terms of information on the team, X-Force affected a rescue and wiped any data that was given. Jasmine was relocated back to England, where she was set up with some magical contacts by Topaz.


Phase 1

Operation: A Hammer To Fall

Phase 2

Family Reunion

Sins of the Father

An Eye for an Eye

Operation: Siege Perilous (Adam - fictional universe version)

Operation: Bat Country (Jasmine)


Socked by: Dex (Adam), AJ (Albert), Eva (Jasmine), Zoila (Grace), Rei (Dominic)

The Destines are (very loosely) based on the characters from Marvel's The ClanDestine comic series.