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Players, policies, all that fun stuff...


Your friendly X-Project mods. You can contact them as a group here.

Alicia, Avital, Rossi

Current Players

Meet the people behind the characters! Contact details, characters played (both former and current) and other fun stuff.

Aisy, Alasdair, Alicia, Amanda, Amy, Andrea, Avital, Azzy, Ben, Bounce, Cassidy, Cora, Da'mien, Dex, Doqz, Emily, Erin, Frito, Indiana J,

Jazz, Kate, Lauren, Maureen, Nando, Nichole, Nute, Persephone Kore, Rossi, Sarah (player), Seraph, Shai, Sil, Tapestry, Twiller


The rules of the game. It is strongly recommended that you read the Policy section before considering applying.

The section is currently being updated and some policies may be subject to change at a future date. Any questions? email the mods.

Game Resources

Fanfiction, Fanart and Memes

Fiction and Art: Drabbles, AU fic, art, and more!

Memes: Memes are sometimes hugely helpful in character development off-screen or prompting logging ideas, or just plain cracktastic fun. Check out the meme tag on XPP.


Glossary: Where all those odd little in-game terms, definitions and groups go.


A handy list of all character birthdays and anniversaries, at a glance.


Got a question? Maybe you'll find the answers here.


Wallpapers, banners, etc. If there's a download available, you'll find it here.

Player Resources


IC and OOC Livejournal communities relevant to the game, and their explanations/guidelines.

Played By

PBs, or "played by" faces for PCs and NPCs alike.

Add Friends

For easy updating of your IC friendslist, go to the handy Add Friends section and follow the instructions.

Friendslist Comparison

Found by Frito. This link allows you to compare your character friendslist against xp_friends, the reading comm. Enter "xp_friends" in the "Your LJ Username" section and then click on your character journals to check you have everyone friended.


Looking for a socker for an NPC or Villain? Curious about who socks whom? Try our Sockers directory.

Plot Themes

The most common themes used for plots in X-Project.

Wiki Meta

Current Players Only

XPWiki:Policy, Useful Links, Wishlist and Current events. Everything you need to keep abreast of the XPWiki Project. The Example Pages category is a list of pro-formas for the various pages required - it is imperative for the sake of continuity of style that you use these to upload any new information pertaining to Characters, NPCs, Villains or Plots.


This category has the following 8 subcategories, out of 8 total.

Pages in category "Meta"

The following 2 pages are in this category, out of 2 total.